And the words of comrade Iossif Vissarionovitch echo in my head : 2,000 dead is a tragedy. 2,000,000 dead is statistics.
Read MoreCongratulations.
And the words of comrade Iossif Vissarionovitch echo in my head : 2,000 dead is a tragedy. 2,000,000 dead is statistics.
Read MoreDear friends,
This is my friends address.(1997)
Jocelyne Rabin,
24 rue Hippolyte de la Morvonnais,
35400 Saint Malo.
If any friends knew Jocelyne Rabin’s new email ID or postel address please inform me. giririg@yahoo.co.in
Read MoreBonjour!
I invite you all to visit Sans-voix, my new language forum and community. http://www.sans-voix.com
You can interact with people from around the world in our new forum and chatroom. It is for people interested in learning languages. You can ask questions on grammar or simply chat with other people. We currently have people from France, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, USA, UK, Spain, etc., speaking a variety of languages!
We are also in the process of developing a resource section that will help you in your quest to learn vocabulary and grammar. Feel free to visit us. Our members are nice!
Read MoreHello,
I need some help on locating a house to rent for 2 weeks in Nice in the spring. I haven’t had any luck so far-
What are some ideas on trading places (homes) for this vacation?
A statement purportedly from the captors of two French journalists in Iraq gave France 48 hours Monday to accept three new conditions – agreeing to a recent truce offer by Osama bin Laden, paying a $5 million ransom and pledging not to get involved in Iraq.
The Islamic Army of Iraq has decided to make “the following demands to release the two French hostages,” said a statement posted on an Islamic Web site. The statement, whose authenticity could not be confirmed, listed the demands as “accepting a truce between them and Sheik Osama bin Laden, paying a $5 million ransom and pledging not to engage militarily and commercially in Iraq.”
Read MoreFrance Telecom employees protested government plans to privatize the group, with management characterizing the mobilization as modest and unions describing it as robust resistance.
Company officials said 18.3 percent of the workforce heeded calls for a 24-hour strike, while the SUD-PTT union spoke of a figure of 25 percent and said the response was “significant.”
Another union, the CGT, said between 30 and 70 percent of the workforce was on strike, with turnout varying among branches.
The strike call followed an announcement by the government September 1 that it would reduce its stake in France Telecom to below 50 percent.
Read MoreCheck the NY Times today. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/06/arts/design/06prim.html?pagewanted=2&th
There is an article on the new Musée de Quai Branley, Chirac’s museum of primitive art. It won’t open until 2006 but the article is very interesting.
Islamic militants in Iraq have handed over two French hostages to another guerrilla group opposed to their kidnap and murder, the editor of one of the reporters held captive said Thursday.
As hopes rose that Georges Malbrunot and Christian Chesnot could be released as soon as Friday, the Muslim day of prayer, French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier told reporters he understood the pair were “alive and getting good treatment.”
Le Figaro editor Jean de Belot said on France Info radio: “The latest information is that Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot have been handed over by the Islamic Army in Iraq to an Iraqi Sunni guerrilla group… an opposition that we know for a few days now has been in favor of the release of the hostages.”
Read MoreHi everyone,
Check out these web sites to find pen pals. They have really worked for me.
Well good luck,
p.s. Let me know how you guys and gals make out.
Bonjour! Moi, je m’appelle Antoine-Louis! Je suis americain! Je suis de l’Alabama! I am looking for a 16 year old male French penpal! I love the French culture and I would love to learn your language! If you want to be my penpal, e-mail me at lewis_williams91@hotmail.com! Au revoir!
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