Hi. This is a commercial site, but they have some fun resources if you’re learning French. On the left side of the screen, scroll down to Language and there is a "word of the day" and various games and quizzes that you can use without buying anything. You can subscribe to the word of the day and they e-mail a different word to you each day. Once you learn all the words, just unsubscribe. I made my own little dictionary when I first tried it, just copied and pasted into a word processing document.
Have fun.
7 Comments On Want to learn French?
It is a good place to learn the foreign language!Thank a lot!
Thanks for the site!
Sans-voix, the Language Forum
Hé à tout le monde!
Je suis un Allemand et je viens dapprendre le français. Mais jai des problèmes avec des formes de temps en français. Quelquun peut mexpliquer, comment on forme le future antérieur ? SVP racontez en français non-idiomatique, parce que je suis encore en apprentissage.
Jattends une réponse à ma demande, parce que je suis intéressé par lapprentissage le français.
Ou nous pourrons rester en contacte &
Quoique je ne sache pas écrire français, je ne suis pas bête, parce que je sais parler allemand.
Dani: suis-je bête parce que je ne sais pas parler allemand?
FORUM: That site (Transparent Language) is constructed by the folks that sell "how to" DVDs/CD ROM on languages. I picked up their French version from COMP USA for about $35. It is really outstanding. It can be as structured or unstructured as you would want to make it. An interactive video approach to learning and reading French. (Although based upon SalB’s posts in another thread, I may not be making the progress that I thought I was.) One aspect of the package is a Screen Saver which gives you a new word to learn/use each time the screen saver kicks in.
A Montjoli: Non je ne cela avais pas affirmé. Mais je ne sais pas français correctement! Mais peux-tu m’aider? J’ai posé une question et j’attends une réponse!
hi guys i need information abt learning french language … any one knows from where i can get those DR paul Pimslar lectures(audio lectures + pdf format ) abt learning french …like if any one want to get German audio lectures then go http://www.dw-world.de
> german courses & select lavel > download
if any one know then plz plz reply this form …..