After reading some of the debates, I think we need to answer one question;
What is your definition of a nation? Just the definition,
3After reading some of the debates, I think we need to answer one question;
What is your definition of a nation? Just the definition,
3 Comments On Nation?
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, and I quote:
"na·tion ) n.
1. A relatively large group of people organized under a single, usually independent government; a country.
2. The government of a sovereign state.
3. A people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality:
4.a. A federation or tribe, especially one composed of Native Americans. b. The territory occupied by such a federation or tribe."
Other reference sources may word it differently. You can check the Fact Monster web site at for other dictionaries and definitions.
Une nation est donc une grande solidarité, constituée par le sentiment des sacrifices qu’on a faits et de ceux qu’on est disposé à faire encore. Elle suppose un passé ; elle se résume pourtant dans le présent par un fait tangible : le consentement, le désir clairement exprimé de continuer la vie commune. L’existence d’une nation est (pardonnez-moi cette métaphore) un plébiscite de tous les jours…
Ernest Renan – Qu’est qu’une Nation ? – conférence à la Sorbonne – 1882
crc95, Thank you. My French is not very good. This is my very rough translation. Would you be kind enough to correct it for those posters who do not speak French? Merci.
A nation is therefore a grand solidarity, constituted by the feeling of the sacrifices that one made and of those that one is disposed to make again. It supposes a past; it summarizes however into the present by a tangible fact: the consent, the clearly expressed desire of pursuing a common life. The existence of a nation is (forgive me this metaphor) a plebiscite of all days. [Plebiscite: A vote in which a population exercises the right of national self-determination]