I’m looking for a pen pal who doesn’t have to be french. I don’t care what nationality you are. I would just like a guy pen pal because i already have lots of girl pen pals. If you know french thats cool too you know. If your interested answer me or e-mail me @ nicolenickerbockers@hotmail.com.
28 Comments On im looking for a boy pen pal
Iam math teacher wannt ti learn frensh thanks
No affense but i’m looking for someone a little younger that i can talk to about like life and parents and friends. You sound like a great guy though!!!!!!!! How old are you if you don’t mind?
salut. j’appelle BALAJI. je suis un etudiant.je parle francais tres peu.mon age est 17 ans. i like to have more and more friends especially international friends. by the way i’m an indian studying in singapore. i’m doing my bachelor degree in LIFE SCIENCES. waiting for your reply. merci. au revoir
my name is sharaff am in nigerian,and iwil like to no more about
u can be my friend.bye
Hello balaji,
I’m a sophomore in high school. I’m american and i love to study french.My name is nicole and i’m going for a master degree in fashion design obviously once i graduate. E-mail me at nicolenickerbockers@hotmail.com ! okay?
Bye- Au revoir
Hi sharaff!
I am american and i would love to get to know you! You can e-mail me at nicolenickerbockers@hotmail.com! I’m a sophomore in high school what about you?
Au revoir- bye
hi nicole….thnkx for replying. i like to be ur friend. my e-mail and msn id is bajji_123@hotmail.com. take care. c ya. bbye
am 21 years of age am liveing in nigeria guy what to get in tocuh whit u how see chat.
I’m Clinton,.
A Nigerian citizen. Would like to meet you and to know more ’bout you.
My e-MAIL address is: Clitonup@excite.com.
I care ’bout you.
Hii Nicole,
I am from Istanbul Turkey, and saw ur message here then decided to write you. as you see living in Istanbul turkey, speaking english, german and en peu français. if you wanna learn more just send me an email. yilmazdogan@hotmail.com
many kisses from here
Hi Clinton,
I am an America citizen. If you are intrested in being Pen Pals, please answer. From your American friend Jessica
hiya im 21 y old are you looking for a girl friend
my pal is here with me and she looking for a boy friend and she is 21 y old noddy @kylie
I am 13 years old looking for a penpal around my age. If anyone is intrested in being penpals please reply.
I am an American citizen
Hi Nicole!
I am a 30-year-old guy from Central-Europe. If you send me a letter I will happily answer you. You can reach me at pannonius@operamail.com
Un ami
My name is Shauwntaiyvia I am a 16 year old girl from michigan in the USA. I just want someone to be my friend. I don’t know any foreign languages so please don’t write to me in any. But hey all I gotsta Bizounce so holla back lata youngin aiight…Catch ya on the flipside homeskillet…Peace out to your mothers green cakes!!!
*~Luv Alwayz~*
hey im lookin for a pen pal whos a guy im 15 live in america im puerto rican very pretty in my opinion and love to meet new people
Hey PRbabygirl,
I would really want to meet you sometime because i am a from america too!!!peace <3 alwayz Shauwntaiyvia
uh no just kidding but hey i wanna meet u 2 luvr
i’m really hurt
i like your style! it’s a pity that you are to young for me.
BONJOUR! to everyone,
How are you? This summer I have been in London, and next summer i would like to go to paris! Cause I like traveling very much!
And i want to talk to you 
Oh, Je m’appelle Dovile
hope to hear
how old are you if you are older then me i would be glad to talk to you.
hey, boone, well i’m 20. i hope you are younger than me
Hello, Its snowing in Minnesota. If you dont know were that is its a State in America. But anyways, Hello im 17 and i love in the Country of the U.S.A. So if ANY ONE wants to be my pen-pal or they want me to be there i wouldn’t mind at all. My Email is t-tore@37.com so Email me and i will talk. Latter!
Arite Nicole?
Am Mark! Arite at francais and am an irish bloke. lookin for a boy penpal? I’ll be ure mate! dnt c any irish boys chattin u up so thought i beta give it ago! wer bouts u live in america
Arite Nicole?
Am Mark! Arite at francais and am an irish bloke. lookin for a boy penpal? I’ll be ure mate! dnt c any irish boys chattin u up so thought i beta give it ago! wer bouts u live in america
i am looking for pen pal.
there is someone lookig for u.