hi, i have been to france twice, and i loved it both times. my favorite part was paris. i would like to talk to someone who speaks french fluently so i can try to master the language. i am going to go back to france hopefully this winter, and i need to brush up on my french. someone please answer me. tmank you.
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89 Comments On i want to speak french
I’m a french teacher in the côte d’azur, managing a group of families who welcome foreigners who want to learn or improve french. If you’re interested, go to my website http://www.France-homestays.net and tell me what you think.. Hope to hear from you soon..
hi Isabelle, thank you so much for the website. it’s so cool, and really helpful. i may use it as a means to go to france. i love the site! Merci Beaucoups!!! -Jacinta
By the way my real name is Jacinta my nickname is jinx
I am a brown-eyed, brown-haired girl. I am 17 years old.
And i seach a english penpal to improve my english.
If you want to speak with me, reply me!
@+ Aurélie.
Hi Isabelle,
je suis une élève de terminale S en France,
avec notre professeure d’anglais, nous sommes également à la recherche de correspondants, non pour se rencontrer (du moins avec le lycée) car ayant notre bac à la fin de l’année, cela ne nous est pas autorisé; mais pour améliorer notre anglais.
Pouvez-vous m’indiquer svp les organismes que vous pourriez trouver, ou pourquoi pas nous faire partager vos contacts anglais, américains…
A l’avance je vous en remercie beaucoup.
Si vous voulez me contacter par mail, voici mon adresse via internet: aurelie2d3@msn.com
hi i speak english if anyones needs help with english send me an email at sabrina_carr2003@yahoo.com
Hey, Aurelie! How are you? I am actually hoping to improve my French because the langauge is so beautiful. I am almost 18 with blonde hair and blue eyes. If you want to email me my addy is YeahYeahOK04@msn.com. I hope to here from you.
Hi isabelle,
My name is kadija i live in boston actually i speak, whrite and read fluently fench (je vous comprend tres tres bien…)my first suggestion if you want learn english is to watch TV but in english language even if you don’t understand in the beginning you will get in few day believe this what i did then go to school or speak with people who speaks english . Good luck my email adress is boucha2999@yahoo.com
je suis une etudiante de francais et j’ai besoin d’aide avec pronunciation.
Well, I stay in California, and am not sure where you are located. But, I do love learning french the only thing is being a first year student, and studying in the american sysytem a mere few times a week it makes it nearly impossible to learn french Mon dieu!
email me if you’d like
hi aurelie,
i am a light brown haired girl, i am 18 years old. i would love to be your pen pal. you can email me @ fuzzyslippers85@hotmail.com i can’t wait to hear from you.
i speak french
Yo Im in french class in my high school so let me test out my french here real quick.
Je m’appelle Joey. J’ai quinze ans. Je suis de San Diego.
Oh now tell me is that pretty good or what?
Does anyone read this? Can you help w/ my French???
hello Isabell i’m a student of Ho chi Minh Vill in Vietnam. You know that ??? Thank for your website and I think I’ll recieve on you some news…Good luck to You.
high im from America and i want to learn french so ill help you with your emglish if you help me ith my french cuz i want to a forieng exchange student. so yeah e-mail me or sumthin
voodoo_childofthe_korn@hotmail.com thanx nycol
hi aurilie… if u’re interested… I’m strong in english and i sure want 2 learn some french from u… so mail me.. at stuck_inyou@hotmail.com
High i’m wanting to be a forigen exchange student to france and my concler said i need to learn french. I am from America and need help with my french so if you could help me that would be groovy. thnk you for your time.
please write me back
High i’m wanting to be a forigen exchange student to france and my concler said i need to learn french. I am from America and need help with my french so if you could help me that would be groovy. thnk you for your time.
please write me back
hey mudd, looks like you need to learn english first before you can go on to another language LOL
Hello all,
I am Teenager in u.s.a and joinned this website because over the past.. month or so. I’ve had some unual intrest in France. I was wandering if anyone knew any good websites with good Info and/or a place that gave the basic alpahbet?
hey aurelie so you said you wanted a pen pal well im like so the person for you email me sometime "k" my name is Reign (pronounced like "rain"
my addy is pinkglitter_fairy69@hotmail.com
plzzz wright back
ur so mean i see how it iz thatz just the way i spell sorry to bust ur bubble sparky. lol
Hey everybody. I’m a young teenager who loves to speak french. ‘m not very good at it and would love to learn more about it. I can teach people how to speak english if need be. Derty
Hi, Thanks for your idia. Now could u tell me how to learn frencse or english fast??? may e-mail : thomasaquine@yahoo.fr
Hi there
I live in the suburbs of Paris. I would like to improve my english, so if you want i could help you…if you’re ok to help me 🙂
hey mikeymoause ill help you with ur english. can u halp me with me french plz? that would be groovy a if u want to help reply to this and ill help u to k. l8z
hi my name is zineb. as i see that u need help in french. i speak fluently french. i wasn’t born there but i been there couple of time. my native languahe is french, but i speak other languages as well. if u want to u can e-mail me at zineb98@hotmail.com if u wanna practice your french u can feel free to e-mail me.
Hey I can help you with ur English……
Hi there!
I am also a 17 year old, brown haired, brown eyed girl. I speak English and I would like a French penpal to improve my French.
Keep in mind that in the United States we begin learning foreign languages a lot later than you do, so I’m probably speaking, writing, and reading French at a first or second grade level, but I’d be more than happy to keep in touch with you!
Hi there!
I am also a 17 year old, brown haired, brown eyed girl. I speak English and I would like a French penpal to improve my French.
Keep in mind that in the United States we begin learning foreign languages a lot later than you do, so I’m probably speaking, writing, and reading French at a first or second grade level, but I’d be more than happy to keep in touch with you!
Hi there!
I am also a 17 year old, brown haired, brown eyed girl. I speak English and I would like a French penpal to improve my French.
Keep in mind that in the United States we begin learning foreign languages a lot later than you do, so I’m probably speaking, writing, and reading French at a first or second grade level, but I’d be more than happy to keep in touch with you!
Hi there!
I am also a 17 year old, brown haired, brown eyed girl. I speak English and I would like a French penpal to improve my French.
Keep in mind that in the United States we begin learning foreign languages a lot later than you do, so I’m probably speaking, writing, and reading French at a first or second grade level, but I’d be more than happy to keep in touch with you!
Bonjour Aurelie!
Je m’appelle Renee. Tu peux ecris anglais tres bien. Je peux ecris a toi en anglais ou en francais. Je suis une canadienne, et anglais est ma langue premiere. J’ai les yeux brun, les cheveux brun, et j’ai 18 ans.
Au Revoir!
My name is Renee. You can write english very well. I can try to respond to your emails in french. I want to improve my french and I think this is a good way to do it, but english is my first language and if you want to email me, i can talk to you.
talk to you later.
Hello everyone!
My name is Renee and I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I grew up speaking english, and I would like to improve my french. I would be happy to talk to anyone (french or english) who wants to talk to me, or wants to improve their english, or whatever. I am a brown-eyed, 18 year old girl with brown hair.
My email address is reenie_69@hotmail.com
Hope to talk to you soon!
Je m’appelle Renee. Je suis une canadienne qui de Calgary, L’alberta.
Je suis anglais. Je veux etre parler le tres bien francais. Tu peux parler a moi en anglais, ou en francais. Je peux aider les personnes qui veux parler anglais. Mon francais est mauvais, je suis desole.
Je suis une femme avec les yeux brun, les cheveux brun et j’ai 18 ans.
Hi Isabelle.
You are a french teacher,right? What is the best way to learn french?
I think talking to people on this site will help a lot, but your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I do speak some french ( I took french for 9 years in school) and I want to improve it.
Merci Beaucoup!
Salut Mickey Mouse.
Je m’appelle Renee et je suis une canadienne qui est dans Calgary, L’Alberta. Je peut aider toi avec ton anglais. Est-ce que tu peut aider moi avec mon francais? Je commencer l’etudier le francais dans le 1ieme annee dans l’ecole, et je veux parler le francais tres bien.
Tu peut parler anglais bon. Je suis une femme qui as 18 ans.
Si vous voulez me contacter par mail, voici mon addresse via internet:
reenie_c69@yahoo.ca (merci Aurelie, j’ai utilizer cette information de ton message. merci.)
Au Revoir!
I know i have written lots of messages today, but i just realized that i messed up my emails. my email address is reenie_69@yahoo.ca
( i just switched to yahoo and i’m just so used to writing hotmail instead of yahoo.)
Sorry about that!
Hi Zineb,
my name’s Jacinta, and i would love for you to help me with my french. So, can i email you some time? if you want my email is jinx@hawaii.com. talk to you later. Au Revoir.
Wathz up baby,
I would like to know you more . as you said,in your mail , you said you want someone who can get you out the rubicon of not been able to improve in english.
I promise to be there for you.
My e-mail address is clitonup @canada.com
Lookin’ forward to mailin’ from you.I care about you.
hi im george my french is not that good but im learning it i cant spell very good in frence
oui i can
Allo Aurelie,
COmment ca va? Je m’appelle Catherine,j’a été soutenu dans Guadeloupe..je suis d’un département d’outre-mer de la France dans les caribbeans. J’habite maintenant en Amérique. I notice you speak french really good. Are you french or did you learn it in america? I love france, it is a beautiful country. Well, I hope I can get a response from you or from anyone.
Au revoir,
hi i could help you improve your english and maybe you could teach me some French that would be awsome!Ive been looking for a pen pal and id be cool if you could do that for me. my name is Rini well thats my nick name it means little bunny corrny huh!if you want you can e mail me at TwinbButterfly@aol.com
HAY COULD U HELP ME TO LEARN ENGLISH or french especialy french coz i love this language i’m a 22 male form egypt and if u want me to help u to know some arabic word i’ll be here for u plz e-mail me at
Hello Cat.
My name is Renee. I am 18 years old, and I live in Canada. I can speak english fluently, and I want to improve my french. If you want to email me in either language you can. I am happy to help anyone with english. If you or anyone else want to email me, my address is reenie_c69@yahoo.ca
Hope to talk to you guys soon.
P.s. I will take english or french emails.
hello, i can help u to learn french if u help me to learn english, my english is not too bad, but i would like to improve it.
for this moment i live in UK, so if u want any extra help e-mail me on:
i can teach you french and also i would like to improve my english.
so if you are intresting my e-mail is
et je sais bien qu`on va y`avoir des resultats, a +tard.
good luck.
I am not very good at french but I would like to be and I would absolutly love to help you with your English. I am a blonde hair brown eyed 17 year old girl. Please relpy to me!
Hey……I am interested in talking to you….Please reply as soon as you get this!!!
vous cherchez un ami qui parle trés bien le français,alors je suis en face de toi,j’apprends le français depuis un année,je vis a istanbul en turquie et vous?
ecrivez moi par e-mail adresse s’il vous plait,mon address est ‘courageu84@yahoo.com
you did tres bien with your french I am just lesrnen french to and would like to learn more it’s really good that you know I think I need help with my english to even though I am american to.
my e-mail address is candyalmostlivin2003_2004@yahoo.com
my name is jessica and I am african american and I know very little french I am 15yearsold and would like some one to talkt to in french or english.
give me a holla if you would like to talk
my e-mail address is candyalmostlivin2003_2004@yahoo.com
p.s. please answer
i e-mailed alot of you so make sure you check K.
My name is Shekar. I reside in India. I want to learn french.
My Mail Id is yeshekar@yahoo.com
I would like to learn french
hi !
je suis française, j’ai 22 ans, je vis en région parisienne et je cherche une personne qui pourrait m’apprendre l’anglais (par correspondance)
je comprends l’anglais mais je ne le parle pas
de mon côté je peux vous apprendre ou vous perfectionner en français
à bientôt !
Hello, my name is amy. I hate the french language and I am in school at the moment in a french lesson it is pants! How are you?
i love you
hi,you want to learn and improve your french,i love french more than english,if you want to get in touch with me,write courageu84@yahoo.com
tu as compris? tu seras enchantée,je fais mes etudes au branche de la langue etrangére
write me as soon as possible
vous parlez le français?
je parle trés bien le français,je fait mes études au branche de la langue etrangére,cet été j’etait au secteur du service autour de Besiktash_Ortaköy a Istanbul en Turquie,j’ai travaillé la comme le serveur et j’ai rancontré des tourist du français,j’avait de chance pour cela,j’ai assez perfectionné mon français en parlent aux eux,l’année prochaine,j’entrerai a l’examination d’univercité par anglais,je pense a devenir un interprét et travailler comme éleman d’importation-exportation ou a la douane
et toi? parles me de toi-memme un peu,s’il te plait,pour cela ecris a "courageu84@yahoo.com"
high do any of u little korn lovers want to help another korn lover with her french? if not then sux to be me if so then hey its good to b me. write me
can you be my teacher.
Hi Aurelie.My name is Puneet.Im fairly well in english and can help u Improve urs.
can i also have the website please . amit.jhedu
hohey. salut neige, j`espere que tu va bien, bon en ce moment je vis en engleterre et je connais tres bien l`ile de france.
je peux te donner un coup de pousse pour ameliorer ton anglais. je crois que c`est facile pour toi d`apprendre l`anglais car tu le comprend deja.
comme etant francaise c`est aussi un autre atout que l`anglais soit plus facile pour toi, parceque le francais est ecrit par contre l`anglais est parler.
en plus il y a beaucoup de mots qui se ressemble, il suffit just savoir comment les prononcer.
si tu veux plus de details voici mon e-mail
ne pas hesiter,reponse assurer. a tres bientot.
Hello Everyone!
hi aurelie,
my name is urbano i am from goa in india i am 40 years old i want to visit france by jan,04 by this time i want to learn french if you have any problems in english let me know bye .urbano
hi dear aurelie
i am a high school student,i am 19 years old,study in department of foreign language as english and français(je parle aussi français que l’anglais)this year is the last year in high school,the next year i will be at univercity,probably study in interpreting
how about you? i want to write a letter to you,give me your home address pls? or you can call or write a letter me as well,my address:
Sogutlucesme mah.Turanseckin sok.No:45
phone number:+902126934976
my name is selcuk,last name sahin
my e-mail:courageu84@yahoo.com
bonjour nouvelle amie (hello new friend)
je m’appelle Selcuk,j’ai 19ans,je suis étudient et fait mes études au branche de la langue étrangére comme l’anglais et le français.J’habite a istanbul en turquie,j’aime plus le français que l’anglais,je puis t’aider en français(i can help you in french)
pour cela,for this you must send me a letter,my home address;
Sogutlucesme mah.Turan Seckin sok.No:45 Kucukcekmece/ISTANBUL, post code:34630 phone number:+902126934976
e-mail adress,courageu84@yahoo.com but firstly i am waiting your letter
Hi! My name is Eloise Arnold and I live in Australia and I saw your e-mail looking for an english penpal! Anywayz if your still looking for an penpal e-mail me on elly_welly42@hotmail.com
Luv Elle
Hey there. If your still interested in looking for an english pen pal e-mail me on elly_welly42@hotmail.com
I totally love paris and france and i study french at school.
Luv Elle
hi i could help you improve your english and maybe you could teach me some French that would be awsome!Ive been looking for a pen pal and it be cool if you could do that for me. My name is Eloise but everyone calls me Elle so if your interested e-mail on elly_welly42@hotmail.com
Am tolani kadiri,from Nigeria Please i will be very happy and grateful if you could be able to help me in coming to france to study and work there.
And my email address is tolaswcopy4life@yahoo.com,please try to email so that we can discuse and i could be able to know about how you could help me in coming to france .
Hoping to receive your reply bye, bye
Hello baby, I’m a french student studyin’ in Nigeria, Saw u’r mail and fell I’m capable to let you out the rubiccon of not been able to speak, write and understand french, I’ll like you to mail me at: Clintonup@ hotmail.com
Hopin’ to mailin’ from you.
I’m so intrested in makin’ friend with you. I’m a good lookin’ Nigerian, aged 22.
Mail me at: kaysanoye@yahoo.com
Dear I am an English student who is now learning French. I am 22yrs of age and come from Ghana. Hope to hear from you soon. You can reach me on 233-27-7492532.
Je peux etre votre amie. I am now studying french. abientot. I am also good at English Hope we can communicate. Please contact me via teddy10gh@yahoo.com
Teddy est mon nom. Je peux vous etre mom amie. Hope you will contact me. teddy10gh@yahoo.com
I am an american and I can speak english quite well. I am 16 years old.
hey neige,
i can help you with your english. can you please help me with my french? i have become a little rusty. i am 18 yrs. old, and i live in the US. i would love to help you.
Je m’appelle Lucile. Je habite a americain.
My English name is Wendy. I am 13 years old.And I am in 8th grade.I just start to learn Frech in school. je francais est tres mal. I can teach you English and you can teach me French.My E-mail is mayw91@hotmail.com. Reply to me.
Hi Neige!
Peut-être que je peux vous aider à parler anglais. Je viens d’arriver en France et je voudrais ameliorer mon francais. J’espere que vous serez disponible à converser avec moi…
A bientôt!
English Version:
Hi Neige!
Maybe I can be of help in improving your English. I just arrived in France and I’d like to improve my French as well. Hope you’ll be available to converse with me.
Until next time…
I would be very happy to learn more english before anyother language if i have the opportunity and support from ou
hi.. i am not sure whether i can help u..but i will try my best..i am also lookin for someone to improve my french..seems like we are both on the same boat…so can we become penpal?
hi..i would love to learn french.but can u recommend any site that teaches french for free? thanks ok?
hello, my name is rick and i would like to help you with your english. Maybe u can help me with french. hope to here from you soon.