I was very surprise the other day because I find a lot of site against french and France and i was trying to find the same in the other side but nothing
Me I fight against your government but I don’t blame all the american for an economic problem, i boycott mac donalds and coca cola for the symbol of the capitalism (it dosn’t mean that i am communist)and also because i don’t want to have healthy problems like a lot of american kids (or older) have
and i wanted to say also that french people react but they react on everything they are not so patriotic, they are proud of their wine, their food but they don’t follow a stupid president
and for the war i think that the media manipulate a lot the mind of the people, me i was against but i didn’t read just the french newspaper i also read the ny times to see how the journalist give the information and i think that my point of view is really mine and not given by a journalist
I saw also some tv program like j leno , and if you see everyday some media that manipulate your spirit like that you think that you made your own opinion but it’s not true
But I m really tired of these dialogue that i read and if you don’t want to buy french don’t do it but when we are waisting time in talking your GI get killed and if your president was a little smart he would wait a little and find another way to put sadam out because they can’t find any weapon yet even if they find some plan of an eventual idea of weapon and the irak people don’t accept the american organisation so it was not the best idea
for me bush is responsible of these death, and i feel very sad for these guy that didn’t want that and believed in their president, he full them just because he was attacked in his proudness
so i believe that american people are not like their president and i hope you will make the good choice for the next election
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62 Comments On I boycott american products for my health
I just want you to know that not every American is a Texas idiot. My wife and I visit France on a regular basis and we return home healthier and happier. We love the French Culture and French life style and wished that Americans weren’t so fat, arrogant, greedy and self-centered. I promise you that both my wife and I will do everything in our power to ensure that Bush is not elected to another term as president. The best way for you and the French people to help make the world a safer place is to resist Bush at every turn. America has a lot to thank France for. Your country helped us break away from England and helped end slavery in America. Some of us will never forget this and will always look upon France as one of our greatest allies.
<snip> Anyway, George W . Bush is a great president and I hope he gets re – elected . His is a hell of alot better than Bill Clinton , who was probley the worst president in American History . Bush is right to start war with Iraq . At least when we invade a country we do it for good reason , not just for money . American citizens are paying to free Iraq . Thank God that most American’s have sense to see how good our President is and those who don’s need smacked up side the head . Mcdonald’s is good . It also provided jobs for people . Where would they work if there were on Mcdonald? I live in a small town and there is 5 Mcdonals and so there is a hell of a lot in this country . Think about that . Most American’s would’nt bitch about that . All you people who disagree with our president you need you head examed by someone who is not a democratic little ! People like the French for example need to shut – up about our president and our food . Cause they don’t know what in the hell their talking about ! You guys invaded a part of Africa and stay there for money . We invaded Iraq for our safty and yours . Also to free the people who live there .
you know u are right, i am an Arkansan idiot. I happen to support our president and think he is doing a hell of a job conidering what this country has gone through. He has been an amazing leader and has done a great job of letting people know that he is to an American. You love France so much well then move there and join the other French idiots in keeping their mouth shut about <expletive> that is none of their business.
My my my…. angel_313 stutters (3 identical posts – how intelligent) and it takes dare_you two attempts at being pissed off.
These are the types of creatons I have to deal with here in America Marge. That’s alright…..instead of moving to France like dare_you suggests………I’m going to remain right here in America and keep spitting in the faces of morons like this. Unlike the Fench these people have no concept of what war is like. They see a few buildings knocked down and wet their panties and cry like babies.
Face is angel_313 and dare_you…..there will be more terrorist attacks against America as long as America keeps acting the way you do. I only hope that the next one takes out a few more like you. George Bush isn’t going to eliminate terrorism. Nobody ever has and no one ever will. I live in Oklahoma and worry more about right wing whackos like you blowing up one of our buildings.
Have you ever been to France? Have you ever served your country? I thought not. Now go and stuff your faces with a few quarter pounders and clog up your blood stream…….the sooner you die from a stroke….the better.
Those two are one of a kind, "special breed" I should say
. They dont understand USA is not a democratic country at all. I value your opinion LesinOKC it seems like you know the truth you are the kind of american I like and you will always be welcomed here in France, and as for angel and dare you, France is not fucked up at all,
you should visit sometime, I know you would probably not fit in because you are uneducated, not sophisticated, loud, probably backwards conservative, suburban and with a very reactive attitude.
Angel and Dare you:
Just for your information Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, that is said by your "king?", so do not mention that at all.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Cool it down, guys!
Name-calling, expletives don’t have to make their way into your arguments. We have edited/deleted some of the previous posts to take out offensive language.
Keep it clean, keep it interesting, and keep it up!
The Forums Administrator.
Im a freshman in highschool and i think that President Bush is doing a great job. I think he did the right thing about Iraq. I think he should bring our troops home though. And about McDonald’s… I love it. but if you don’t like it don’t eat there. And you can’t blame anybody for you being fat except yourself. Nobody made you stuff your face. So don’t complain about. I don’t think bad about the French though. I have always wanted to go there and I know I will. Im planning to go to art school in Paris. I wish we could all just get along.
Hey people,
LesInOKC, I will go to Mcdonalds and eat later. Thanks for the suggestion. Mabey I will get a blood clot, have a stroke and die, but I am not old so that can’t happen for awhile. So sorry I’ll be around a long time. French people should feel sorry for me, dare_you, and seinor_2007, because we live with people like you. I agree with dare_you, you really should consider moving to France. If you choose to stay here move to the top of the tallest building just in case a highjacked plane might hit it. I also have never been to France or served my country.
I never said EuropeanUnion2003 that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. And I know that no one can stop terrorism, but they can try. Like George Bush tries. He does the right thing and tries to keep everyone safe. Hopfully that can help prevent something like 9/11 from happening again.
Make sure you get some super sized fries to go with those quarter pounders angel_313. America needs to sell some more XXL red, white and blue jump suits.
Sorry but I refuse to work in a building any taller than a fire trucks ladder unit. Only stupid people do that.
Bush – Like father like son…..four years and he’s done. If we’re lucky Bush will be the next terrorist target.
I have noticed that France and their government actually respect the United States more since President Bush has taken office. I also travel to China (my wife is Chinese) and they take President Bush more seriously than they did President Clinton. They like President Clinton because he was easy to push around. Be patient with Franco American relations because they will improve.
First of all, I wish I was born french, and I really don’t like english, I think french flows better(after all, isn’t english german and french smashed together with latin?), and second, I really really really don’t like Bush. I’m not going to start talking smack about him, but did he ever take history lessons? I’m beginning to see a pattern that has carried on throughout history… Does no one remember what happened to Rome? I know I know, this is different, but how different is it really? We can’t just take away someone’s gov’t and expect them to be okay on their own. Sure, I’m only a senior in high school, and what do I know, but I do know one thing, history has tendancies to repeat itself.
I’m glad everyone is so passionate about their opinions, I just wish they were a little more open minded about others’ opinions. I am really sad to see that the ties between France and the U.S. are getting thin, because France is the best ally I’ve seen in the history books, and I believe them wise to try and stay out of this… First Bush says we need no help from anyone, then he goes back with his tail between his legs to ask for how much money, like 8 billion dollars?! If you ask me, that should be going to fix our own country, not a country that doesn’t want to be fixed…. But that’s just my opinion. And I’m very glad that I can have my opinion, and speak it too, God Bless America, and Viva la France!
I support the French standpoint in connection with the Middle East and do not see the reason of killing innocent arab kids and women with high-tech weapons.The overwhelming majority of the Hungarians share my view. The true story behind the scene is known for everybody.
A guy from Budapest ( Hungary, Central Europe )
To put it simply: Bush and Blair are not "euroconform".
It must be nice to have the freedom to say whatever you want to say, but to put down others for what they believe/or how they believe is the American way .. whether ya’ll are on one side of the issue or the other .. but to claim your an American and want these two to be dead, is foolish. You aren’t any better than they are, your are all idiots.
It’s hilarious to read mindless drivel here like "George Bush is a great president and he is fighting terrorism" This is the kind of cr*p that has overtaken America these days. The numbnuts do not not realize that George Bush and company is using "terrorism" and "patriotism" to push their right wing agenda at full speed. Anyone who questions these guys is un-american.
These morons have a new definition of a patriot, as one who "agrees with the Bush government".
France bashing is another example of this. Notwithstanding of the fact that American government has vetoed more UN resolutions than any other governments in the world.
I support my country,US, but I don’t support what we did in Iraq. I remember Viet Nam,znd this looks a lot like that. Words like "police action" and no one quitr sure how to get out. I agre4ed with the French position from the beginning,and Americans are allowed to do that. I love my country and the basisic beliefs she stands for. I’m alowed to agree to agree to disagree. Now the w3ar is winding down I 58don’t see any reason to keep France out of the loop. Lpuppyshoes@aol.com
I do not agree with George Bush’s politic’s. He is an idiot and an embarassment to represent us as a country. His Presidency is based on greed and providing for his father’s rich friends. I love my country and I adore France. Karen
I am an American.
And if Bush wins this election, I will NOT be American anymore. I will be an orphan on the doorstep of any country who will take me away from the tyranny that America loves to create and then pretend to know nothing about.
And let me tell you WHY there is no hope for my opinion to be acceptable on my own home soil. Let me tell you WHY I’m afraid to vote, knowing that I will lose. Here is why:
"<snip> Anyway, George W . Bush is a great president and I hope he gets re – elected . His is a hell of alot better than Bill Clinton , who was probley the worst president in American History . Bush is right to start war with Iraq . At least when we invade a country we do it for good reason , not just for money . American citizens are paying to free Iraq . Thank God that most American’s have sense to see how good our President is and those who don’s need smacked up side the head . Mcdonald’s is good . It also provided jobs for people . Where would they work if there were on Mcdonald? I live in a small town and there is 5 Mcdonals and so there is a hell of a lot in this country . Think about that . Most American’s would’nt bitch about that . All you people who disagree with our president you need you head examed by someone who is not a democratic little ! People like the French for example need to shut – up about our president and our food . Cause they don’t know what in the hell their talking about ! You guys invaded a part of Africa and stay there for money . We invaded Iraq for our safty and yours . Also to free the people who live there . "
First of all, there are TOO MANY of these people in our country.
Second of all, our media creates too many more of them everyday.
People don’t think for themselves. They think for those in power. They think what they are told to think and they do not question.
This kind of allegiance could be found earlier in the 20th century. In Germany. During a few Wars you may have heard about.
Again, I apologize for our foolish President and the havoc he has wrought, and IS wreaking, on the world abroad. And I have to apologize again for the ignorance of my countrymen. I only hope that when allt his TESTOSTERONE has cleared, there is still some hope for a humble American who has lost his ‘inalienable right’ to freedom.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: "Those who would trade interminable liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither."
interminable liberties – Freedom on Planet Earth
little temporary safety – "No more Saddam Hussein, YAY! Daddy will be so happy!"
I hope Bush is elected and I hope that your threat is not idle…that you will leave this country…you need to experience living in other countries, their culture, politics, etc. Then and only then will you be able to voice a mature, informed opinion…I am assuming that you are very young…in your early 20’s…As I stated before…to someone else…when he said only fools revisit the past…you are a prime example of someone who is in dire need of some worldly education…The ME Generation…what a hoot…
ikorrellim: I just found this thread. I can see you have experience in foreign countries. Of course, the South is a foreign country. Donerail
Yes the South is a foreign country to the Yankees…but, I have answered this under another thread…
Don’t ridicule our southern manners. We say Sir and Ma’am. We hold doors open for others. We offer our seats to old folks because such things are expected of civilized people…and, Yes, we know how to speak proper English…We talk this way because we don’t want to sound like you. We don’t care if your don’t understand what we are saying. All other southerners understand what we are saying and that is all that matters…
Ikorellim: If it wasn’t for the gift of sunshine and warm weather, the South would be a ghosttown. As educated folks flock down there to bask in the sun, I look forward to some tax revenue to come up North to help us repair our dangerous, smelly, etc. cities. We can do this by the savings generated from closing all those military posts and bases that populate the pollution laden South. Lite up another Camel and relax. Donerail
actually, we’ve passed a new law…All Yankee’s get a two week pass at the Mason Dixon Line…it is good for two weeks or until your money runs out whichever comes first…I will match my education against yours anyday.
I know that is a fallacy that runs deep in the North…that there are better schools and more educated people. I do believe I know enough Northerner’s and enough about it and the people that inhabit it to know that this is a farce.
Whatever.everyone has a right to their respective opinions…whatever they may be…or on what basis they deemed to believe it…
ikorrellim: On the great subject of education: If I already didn’t know (1) that you’re female; and, (2) that you’re older than Methusala, I would have guessed that you went to The Citadel. Now that that’s ruled out, I’m guessing at a secondary education in a very rural Southern community. From there, the US Military did what it could for you. Am i correct? in any event, I hope you can tune in Sunday when the NE Patriots march down there to give Carolina a very big can of whoopass. Regards, Donerail
We’re all blind.
Have any of you actually been to a third world country? I mean, actually have been there- no hotels, no air conditioning, no faucets. I’ve been to Peru last summer, and it was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen. We all live in the Great USA, where everything is neatly done for us to use. Well let me tell you something- its not like that everywhere. We’re so wrapped up in our little cocoon of our little lives, and we have the stupidity to say that we’re against this war. Honestly, go to Iraq and see the conditions yourself! Generations ago people were going around, parading that they were against World War I and World War II, yeah. Think of how the Holocaust victims and the refugees of Korea would feel about you.
Have any of you heard of the Rape of Nanking? A village in China that recieved no attention during and even after WWII has one of the saddest and horrifying stories buried there. Japanese soldiers brutally mutilated and disfigured their victims, had bayonetting contests to see who could cut off the most Chinese heads first, buried thousands of people alive, soldiers raped children as young as seven and even pregnant women, burned groups of ex-Chinese soldiers alive, and terrorized the streets so that the rivers actually turned red. Anywhere from a quarter of a million to half a million Chinese civilians were killed. This inhumane treatment was allowed to continue for six weeks. SIX WEEKS without hope. Where was the rest of the world? You think those Chinese victims would have been against a war then? Turning your back and ignoring something is as worse as supporting it.
pairaen: I can see where you were moved by your experience in Peru. And Peru is not the most destitute of nations. I believe that if peace can be maintained in the world, it will be possible for the richer nations to help in the development of the less well off. It can’t happen overnight and the richer nations can not be forced into this action. Nations like North Korea, Iran and the like have to be dealt with. War isn’t the answer but economics sure is. How well this occurs will be a reflection of leadership – both for the haves and the have nots. Alghough I would ask that we all "lighten up" a bit in these forums, there is a lot that we can learn from history. The rape of Nanking has not been forgotten. We must not let such savagery prevail in the future. It is war that unleashes such savagery. Regards, Donerail
When you pick up a machine gun- it doesn’t matter if you are a woamn or a child or white or black or handicap!- you have just become a soldier!! Don’t expect ANY soldier from ANY country not to shoot and/or kill someone who’s just picked up a gun and pointed it at them! Innocent women and children… I am a woman and there ain’t nothing innocent about me picking up a gun nor anything innocent about our American women soldiers dying proudly for their country!
Face it– Sadaam was a rapist, a thief, a murderer, a megalomaniac, and a cruel, evil person who DESERVES TO DIE SLOWLY AND MERCILESSLY!!! Does it really matter how the big bad wolf- America- disposed of that trash? Not to me. I give credit to Bush for rallying the American people and showing the world that we just aren’t going to put up with that and we have the fire power (and balls!) to do something about it!
If the French government doesn’t want to support us… fine!! I have no problems with that. Germany, Turkey, Russia, China… all those other countries didn’t initially support the war! If you don’t like the French… GET OFF THIS WEB PAGE!! I came here to discuss the beautiful country that I plan to visit soon, not listen to a group of hypocritical, uneducated and uninformed children bash on the two countries I love best.
So put THAT in your Peace Pipe and smoke it!
JulietteCA: If you get a chance, you might want to invest in an education. You are an embarassment. Donerail
George Bush is NOT a great president. You cannot combat terrorism by waging war. All this does is breed a new generation of children who will grow up to hate the USA and volunteer for suicide missons. You can only stop hatred by showing kindness, compassion, and by staying NEUTRAL in their affaires. Blowing up Iraq only made the Arab world hate the American government more. They will take their hatred out on American citizens.
As to this silly boycott, i make a point of ALWAYS looking for French products and buying them over anyting else i see. I agree with France and their position. The arab world is in their backyard, not in America’s backyard. We are surrounded by two oceans, France is not.
There are NO American made products. Everything we have here is made in china. this leads to another question..since china was against the war, why doesnt’ America boycott China? maybe it is because if you did that, then the shelves in your stores would be EMPTY and you’d have nothing…cannot have that now can we? 🙂 France is always an easy scapegoat/target for America’s frustrations.
George Bush is NOT a great president. You cannot combat terrorism by waging war. All this does is breed a new generation of children who will grow up to hate the USA and volunteer for suicide missons. You can only stop hatred by showing kindness, compassion, and by staying NEUTRAL in their affaires. Blowing up Iraq only made the Arab world hate the American government more. They will take their hatred out on American citizens.
As to this silly boycott, i make a point of ALWAYS looking for French products and buying them over anyting else i see. I agree with France and their position. The arab world is in their backyard, not in America’s backyard. We are surrounded by two oceans, France is not.
There are NO American made products. Everything we have here is made in china. this leads to another question..since china was against the war, why doesnt’ America boycott China? maybe it is because if you did that, then the shelves in your stores would be EMPTY and you’d have nothing…cannot have that now can we? 🙂 France is always an easy scapegoat/target for America’s frustrations.
"You cannot combat terrorism by waging war. All this does is breed a new generation of children who will grow up to hate the USA and volunteer for suicide missons. You can only stop hatred by showing kindness, compassion, and by staying NEUTRAL in their affaires."
Just like Byron Chamberlain so effectively did with Hitler… "Peace in our time!"
George Bush comes from a faimily of traitors. His grandfather, Prescott Bush managed the Union Banking Corp, a front bank for German NAZI activities. The bank was seized by the US Government using the "Trading With The Enemy" laws on the books then. As a director of the bank, Prescott surely knew what was going on.
George bush Sr. was having a meeting with the Carlyle Group on 9-11 with one of his investors, the BIN LADEN FAMILY. Ever wonder thy Osama’s family was secretly flown out of the usa immediately after 9-11 while every other plane in the USA was grounded? MONEY!! the BIN LADEN and BUSH family have always had business dealings over the years.
It serves Bush’s purpose to scapegoat the French. If ALL details about his family were commonly known, NOBODY would vote for him. The Jews in USA wouldn’t support him, because of his family connection to NAZIS. WW2 Veterans wouldn’t support him for the same reason.
the WMD that NEVER appeared in iraq, the NAZI connections, the bin laden connections….and you wonder why the Germans compared Bush to HITLER??
and some people still VOTE and SUPPORT this traitor???
You are so typical of the French. You say that President Bush is stupid. Ha, Ha, You said that of Winston Churchill also. Remember your past. You French had the biggest standing army in Europe but it took the Germans only a few days to make you French look stupid. You French(Really most all of Europe) are like the mouse when a snake is near, you just stand still and let the thing eat you. You are doing the same thing now. The Arabs in your country are not becoming part of France, but are building a little Bhagdad, a little Cairo, a little Tehran in your country and will soon tell you French how to run your country. The French are now so afraid of upsetting the Arabs that you let them get away with most anything. Typically the Europeans will wait until the last moment to act, after a lot of innocent people are killed. Then you will have to kill many Arabs. I don’t want to hear you cry for the Americans to come and help you either. Your idiot president Chiac was being paid off by Saddam. He was getting rich on the bodies of the poor Iraqi children.
Long live the U.S. and George Bush.
You don’t sound like a Texas idiot, you sound like an Oklahoma hillbilly. Hillbilly’s never were very smart. This thing you have in your head about coming home from France feeling healthier is all in your head. How can you complain about McDonalds or any other fast food place when everyone knows that French food is nothing but pure fat. Think man, Get a French cookbook and take a look at what goes into French cooking. You are the idiot. I feel like Angel_313. George Bush is a doer not a talker. He is not afraid of calling a spade a spade. Clinton (Franch’s hero) was and is the biggest crook in the U.S.. Also his wife is the second biggest crook in the U.S.. Clinton IS a convicted liar, and jury tamperer at the least.
Hey I must say that Jonathan said it all. All you people with your heads in the sand remember your great pacifist hero, Mr.Chamberlain. Peace in our time. That is what "understanding your enemies" get you. Why do the victims always have to do the Understanding? Why don’t the murderers understand a little? Why don’t the terrorists understand a little? They say if you don’t do it my way I will kill you. Now that is understanding. You people in Europe are in for a rude awakening.
frankessary: you are the same age as me. since you have such a great command of history, why don’t you tell us about our exploits in Vietnam and why we had to get 59000 precious kids killed in order to preserve the Domino Theory? while you’re at it, then tell us why our standard of living lags behind so many other countries? you right wingers basically have no problem as long as it is someone else getting killed or spilling their guts. Donerail
ikorrellim: i posted something to you in a forum started, "Why the Anomosity towards USA," but you never replied and it’s been more than a month…
Speaking of frankessary
Here is a brilient speech by CHurchil that I think addresses this very issue:
LaVieilleBranche: I think ikorrellim has a problem with answering questions. Probably just a part of the Southern heritage. Donerail
donerail: or maybe she has no right-wing answer for my previous post…
If you’re not going to vote for bush who are you going to vote for. Not Kerry for he also voted in favor of going to war in Iraq.
So? Are you voting Libertarien? Socialist? Socialist Labor? Constitutionalist?
Amero-Franc: who or what i vote for isn’t any of your business. This is a French forum, so please try to stay on topic…oh yeah, i forget, you seem to get off topic all the time and read posts haphazardly…
Donerail–Donerail–Donerail, You are correct about Vietnam being wrong, however here again Vietnam ALL started with the French, then the Democrats started it for the U.S. Finally a Republican got us out of there. How in the world can you say anything about our standard of living being low. The Standard of living in the U.S. is one of the highest in the world. Take a look at all the real improvements that has come about in the last 100 years. Most, and I mean 90% has been discovered by the good ole U.S.. I have visited Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland. Except for Switzerland the very first thing I would do when I turned 18 is get the hell out of those places. They live on top of them selves just like they have for the past 1000 years. One person farts and they hear it two blocks away. The government has a strangle hold on the people as they have had since Europe became civilized. It is so bad that the people don’t even know that they are being controlled by their governments. Half of the French are still Communist, prior to that they were Nazi’s. Even though Russia and China are running away from Socialism as fast as they can, the French and many others in Europe still think it is the way to go. I still say that the French are dangerous, and that they will lead all of Europe into a war. Probably the U.S.will be pulled into it also. All Europe does is hold their people back because the politicians are afraid that one day they will begin to think for themselves.
frankessary: You are only two years older than me. I hope I am not as senile as you in just two years. The French did not get us into Vietnam. JFK got us in there because of pressure from the Right Wing. A lying LBJ got us in deeper thanks to incompetence on his part and of the CIA/military. But those unfortunate Democrats somewhat believed in what they were doing. Most of the names that are on that Wall in Washington gave their lives during that morally bankrupt time of your right wing Republican buddy Richard Milhous Nixon. He knew what was going on was absolutely indefensible and he kept it going for four more years. He should have been impeached and locked up. You need to improve your reading skills along with Amero-Franc. I didn’t say we had a low standard of living. I said it was declining. It used to be consistently number 1 or 2 or 3. Then again, based on the crap that you probably read, maybe its best that you don’t improve those skills. I can only hope that your gene pool is somewhat scarcely distributed. Donerail
You don’t seem to understand the situation France was in during the vietnam war. (Which by the way I didn’t agree with going into it eather)
You see it used to be called French Indo-China. I think the name explains the rest.
Amero-Franc: The French knew enough to get out of Vietnam. It was awkward for them after Dien Bien Phu, but they still got out. We were stupid to go in and even more stupid for taking so long to get out. Donerail
On a recently released list of the nations with the highest standard of living, the United States did not even make the top ten. Many families who have two people working cannot afford health insurance or even dream about buying a house. Some of us are better off, but many are standing still economically or going backwards. The amount the average American spends for food and housing is a much higher percentage of their income than it was in 1977. Our corporations are paying a much lower percentage of their earnings in taxes while our citizens are paying a much higher percentage than in 1977. The farm subsidies go to agribusiness, not small farmers who are losing family farms by the hundreds.
Check out the New York Times archives. It was in there recently and they seem to be a fairly reputable newspaper.
SalB: Thank you. Maybe the idiot above will learn something. Donerail
Donerail, It is not polite to call someone an idiot. There has to be a better way. That’s what upsets me about this forum. People seem to feel it’s okay to call each other names when they don’t agree. It doesn’t solve anything; certainly doesn’t incline someone towards agreement and is very intimidating to newcomers who genuinely want to learn about the culture.
If the adults on the forum can’t set a civilized example, we all deteriorate into animosity. I prefer a peaceful solution . . . to nearly everything. (I think I sound like your mother again!)
I agree;
Look, if someone’s stupid then let them speak for themselves and make themselfs look more stupid. You don’t need to point it out. If you’re the only one who noticed it then may be you’re wrong.
Also this isn’t a football game okay; enough of this, "good one!" "Yea you got on that one" "Yehaaaa" "Ew Ew ew How ya like me now how ya like me now." It only enrages the not so cool apponents. I’ve tried to stay cool after all these name callings, but I must admit I couldn’t handel it once and endelve into one of their own games by saying that I knew alot of dentists that had bad teeth.(implying that he was a psychologist)
Please keep up the attacks, but don’t make them personal and instead pack them up with facts.
SalB: You are correct again. I do apologize. I did not mean to offend you.
Amero-Franc: This is very difficult for me. My fingers are trembling on the keyboard. But I do apologize to you for calling you that. Again, I am sorry for that. Donerail
Not getting upset is much better for your constitution too. Just think, you may be saving yourself from a heart attack!
Seriously, I think a lot of these things need to be said, but they need to be said in a manner that doesn’t make people shut their minds in anger. If you read it and disagree with it, later when your mind is mulling it over, you may see the merit in the argument. If you are angry, your mind will be mulling over anger, not ideas.
It is very difficult to present facts because facts are like statistics . . . they change depending on the source. Whether we in America like to admit it or not, our press often presents "facts" with their own agenda in mind. The best thing to do is read as many different viewpoints as possible and then try to determine which facts are closest to the truth. That is one thing that is good about travel. Sometimes you are forced to see truth from another viewpoint . . . and that brings us to the question, "What is truth?"
SalB: Truth can get overly mathematical for a lot of folks. It is a very objective or even "digital" concept. I’d rather deal with the analog – subjective – romantic – "what is best" concepts. It would then be easier to express love for California wines while at the same time driving a European car. It would also result in putting a lot of readers into a deep sleep. Donerail
you say, "Look, if someone’s stupid then let them speak for themselves and make themselfs look more stupid." <—-i could say something about this comment and yourself, but i don’t need to say ANYTHING!
This is to Marge: Marge you say that you do not go to MacDonalds because you want to protest Capitalism. I am sorry but that is a very ignorant statement. You say that you are not Communist—WELL, just what in the hell are you, just a whiner? Marge, ask yourself just why are the two largest communist nations in the world (Russia and China) running away from communism as fast as they can go. If you don’t have the courage to answer this honestly I will answer it for you—TO GIVE THEIR PEOPLE A BETTER LIFE. They know that if they do not turn to Capitalism then their people will revolt. Something you have yet to understand. Now, I am not saying that Capitalism does not have problems, but they are the same problems that Communism and Totalitarism have in some degree. At least in Capitalism the people have a chance to live up to their potential. NOT in Comminism, or even Socialism. Marge, look at France. The people of France have no chance of getting ahead because the fine Socialist government keeps them down by taxing them so high they don’t have time to improve their lives because they have to work all their time just to make a meager living—–Just like they have done in France for 1500 years. Also, I ask you just what do you think the people of Cuba eat for supper? Is it the same as Papa Fidel? Do you have the courage to answer that? Saddam Hussein got just what he deserves. Now the people of Syria, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, and all of North Africa need to get rid of their rulers and take up CAPITALISM. They will have a chance to feed their children then. The people of North Africa are good people and if let alone by their governments they can turn their countries into great places. Their governments just want to kill the Jewish people. Look at Arafat. This man had the chance to become the greatest Palistinian ever, a real LEADER. No, what does he want to do.–KILL PEOPLE. Look at Assad of Syria. Here is another "Ruler" who has a chance to do something really good for his people and let his country really leap foward, again all he wants to do is KILL PEOPLE. Marge I think you should reconsider who you call stupid. All the people I have mentioned–Arafat, Castro, Hussien, Assad, have the blood of literally millions of people on their hands and you call President Bush stupid. Also you are wrong Marge, George Bush will be re-elected by a great margin. The people are for George Bush. Long live George Bush.
Donerail–You are wrong. The French did get the U.S. into Vietnam. The U.S. tried to do a favor for the French by going into Vietnam and helping to get it back for the French. France was in the proess of doing to Iraq what they did to Vietnam, make a colony out of them and totally dependent on the French. The French never change. We should have stayed out of there. Kennedy put the 1st American soldiers into Vietnam, then Johnson put more, and tried to run the war from his bedroom. Both of these men were Domocrats. A REPUBLICAN by the name of Richard Nixon got us out. Regardless of what Nixon did in the U.S. he DID get us out of Vietnam–period. Don’t try to spin the truth. What you need is about a years vacation in one of your hero nations like Syria, Labanon, Iran, even France. France is totally unchanged since their beginning—Keep the Frence people down, and only the few may live well. If you are French, then you have no way to know what living free is all about. You are just another envious French dick sucker.
frankessary: you are so ignorant you make ikorellim seen enlightened, and THAT is a scary thought!
i have friends in russia who can tell you anything you want to know; the corruption of the russian corporations, the bribes to corrupt government officials, how the russian mafia is just an extention of the russian government, etc…a better way of life?? you gotta be kidding! russians work and never get paid from all those wonderful "capitalist" companies. they all have gardens and grow vegetables in their summer gardens just to subsist durinng winter months because of the wonderful "capitalist" corporations who give them a "job" and then never pay them!
and to china? would YOU like to work for $2/day? a 12 hour work day, 7 days a week? and who keeps the profits? american companies who turn the chinese population into glorified slave labor…and they bribe corrupt politicians so they can set up those factories and pay the population slave wages…and dont get me started on prison labor, too!
next time you go to walmart remember that 10% of the USA foreign debt to china is becuase of all the crap walmart imports from china…but you have to have your cheap prices…that is "capitalism"…as long as it is not YOU doing the crap work at crap wages….
and as for france? YOU should be so lucky to have HALF of what they have! decent wages, a 35 hour work week and 7 weeks of PAID vacation every year! housing prices that are in line (affordable) with the salaries they earn; a woman with kids can stay home while her husband works, and they can afford a home, a car, etc…try doing all that on one income in usa, it’s not possible…
health insurance? a doctor visit costs $20 and 70% of that is reimboursed back to the french population by the government on their health insurance (of which 99% of people have). a prescription that costs $200 in USA costs about $15 in france, and then again a big percentage is reimboursed back to the population by the government. A pregnant woman who is single gets FREE at home nursing care for a LONG time while she adjusts with the baby. Every French family with children gets a yearly allowance from the French government to raise that child. The more kids, the higher the reimboursement from the government.
A person making about $30,000/year in france is taxed at 32%/year, which is LOWER than the USA, if you add up federal/state/social security/medicare/medicaid taxes that come out of MY paycheck every 2 weeks. French pay high gasoline taxes, but their highways are IMPECCABLE! NO POTHOLES, and always perfectly maintained.
and since YOU brought up the Jews, look at how they treat the palestinians; forcing them to live in ghettos for generations, all the while putting up settlements on palestinian land, ignoring the UN resolutions. THREE times as many palestinians have been killed as jews in the past few years there. The Jews have NO right to claim anything, as long as they ghettoize the palestinians, bulldoze their homes and terrorize them with the Israeli army. If i was a palestinian, with no army, dirt poor, i’d fight back, too.
this is what you said, "If you are French, then you have no way to know what living free is all about. You are just another envious French dick sucker."
(I guess you know NOTHING about liberté, egalité, fraternité.)
another french dick sucker?? i think some beautiful French woman took one look at YOU, frankessary, and said BEURK! go away ugly man! and you’re still bitter over it
Frankessary, Bernard Fell says in his terrific book "Hell in a Small Place" that the mistake the Americans made in Vietnam was That they did not put enough diplomatic pressure on the French to stay OUT of Vietnam after WWII. Ho Chi Ninh was a moderate communist who admired America in 1945. (baced his declaration of independance on America’s)
He probrobly would have remained that way if the war with France did not push him closer to the Chinese. I admit this is speculation on
Mr. fell’s part but he really knew Vietnam.
Harry Truman just did not have the nerve to tell an ally to "hold on now". The usa and the U.N. where both guilty of trying to prop up the
self-esteem of the defeated French. What a pity.
maxpower: As you indicated, there is a lot of history with regard to "French Indochina." The various struggles associated with the Colonial era still greatly impact the world today. I wasn’t old enough to comprehend what was going on in the late forties and I can only form opinions based upon what I read and from what others may tell me. I was old enough during Viet Nam, however. Maybe Truman could have influenced the situation in his time. Maybe Ike could have. But from what I can ascertain, Kennedy sent us in there to "send a message" to the Soviet bloc and to the right wingers in this country – that we were going to be "tough on communism." That is what I believe. Unfortunately, JFK was taken off the board and LBJ (another lying Texan) took it from there. Both may have had some altruistic motives – but in retrospect they were both wrong and we descended into the era of the "credibility gap." I supported our efforts at first when I went into the Army in 1967. I was happy to be alive when I got out in 1969 and I became much less supportive. By late 1969, I had "done a 180." The killing went on unabated for years thereafter.
frankessary: you are truly an amazingly ignorant, disgraceful, specimen of a human being. JFK and LBJ, both Democrats, screwed up when it came to Vietnam. JFK didn’t get a chance to correct his mistake, LBJ tried to correct his in his own Texas cowboy way and failed. Your right wing buddy, Richard Nixon, is entirely another story. He campaigned in 1967 on a new and immediate "secret plan" to end our involvement in Vietnam. Most of the deaths and casualties in Vietnam occurred on Tricky Dick’s watch. These are not my opinions. These are facts. And the sick bastard didn’t get us out, Congress removed the funding of the war effort and he had no other choice. Visit the Wall in D.C. sometime and you will see graphically just how well your right wing buddy did. JFK and LBJ may be guilty of bad judgement. Richard Nixon was downright evil. Your other knowledge of France and the French appears to be virtually nonexistent. You do seem to harbor plenty of misconceptions, however. Then again, racists and bigots usually do. By the way, your last sentence directed towards me is quite reflective of you lack of character. Then again, racists and bigots don’t have much character. So, I am leaving for La France for two weeks – I do wish it was for a year. Maybe in the interim, the current Right Winger can get us out of Iraq.
Everybody have a very nice Easter. I’m getting ready to go to France and don’t know if I’ll have time to stop in here before I leave.