Hi All,
My wife and I are planning a trip for February and we are very interested in visiting Southern France and the Riviera. What we would like to know is what is the weather typically like during that month? Are we better of going in March or April? We’re leaving seattle to get out of the rain so we don’t want to travel to somewhere where it is miserable as well.
25 Comments On Weather in february
The French Riviera has a mediterranean climate, which means that it’s pretty much the same as the one in California. I’d recommend April, though. May would be even better. It’s easily warm enough to swim in May.
I wouldn’t recommend California in February either. It’s our rainy season. You can check weather averages at http://www.weatherbase.com/
Check a few Riviera cities to get an idea. I arbitrarily checked Nice and discovered Feb. has an average high of 55, low of 43 and the highest recorded temp was 79 with a low of 23. They listed 2.9 inches of rain in Feb. These are all Fahrenheit temps.
Anyplace would probably be drier than Seattle!
You might enjoy the Riviera when it’s a bit warmer though. I’ll join the recommendation for April.
Whenever you go, it will be beautiful. Try to rent a car and get out into the hinterlands. Provence is a treasure and my favorite parts are not on the shore. You’ll find it’s a very friendly part of France too.
SalB, when I went to CA it was in February and I don’t remember getting a lot of rain. I remember a rather cool weather, but not too cold, with still a lot of sunshine. At some point I even wore Tshirts.
Thanks a lot to all of you. I’m leaving Seattle to get away from the rain and cloudy skies so I definitely don’t want to travel to a place where the weather isn’t much better. I’ll try push it off to late April or May.
crc95, February is an odd month in California. It can be rather chilly, never cold, in the early part of the month, but Feb. is really the month that Spring begins. The ornamental pear bloom about the 2nd or 3rd week of Feb. and it is lovely afterwards. It does often turn into tee shirt weather and by June it’s bikini weather.
We have also had a drought for the last six or seven years. It’s the longest drought in CA history at this point. The last real rain we had was last Christmas Day when we had the horrible mud slides that killed quite a few people. We had had fires in October so there were no plants to hold the soil when we had the deluge at Christmas.
It’s an odd place . . . in many ways!
SalB: Northern California is really nice. Is there any way the state could be divided in half? The lower half could then be sold, given away, or used for science projects. Donerail
Welllllll, looks like Donerail is back !
So how was the convention ? We figured you spotted John Fitzgerald Kerry riding his Harley on his way to the Fleet Center, thus experiencing some kind of Revelation and then deciding to become a follower !
So tell us all, we want to know, how was it ?? I couldn’t help notice that the first thing you did when you came home was to check the prices to go to France !
What kind of sign is this ? Will you be applying for a political refugee permit here ? lol
We just got our France magazine today. There was a really nice house in France that was a major bargain. Can we buy it and apply as political refuges? Sounds like a great idea.
I don’t think donerail saw anything. He was going too fast on his Harley. Good thing the police were all busy.
SalB/crc95: I stayed away from downtown Boston for the obvious reasons. The whole scene was a hoot. I was riding on Sunday and saw a couple of SUV’s with an escort that looked like the Secret Service. Black Ford Escursion with red and blue lites in the grill. I have no idea who they may have been. I watched the whole 4 nites and I was duly impressed. Especially with the Kerry daughters and Baracka Obama. As long as Kerry doesn’t do something like Bubba Clinton would do, the election is his. SalB: Lets buy that house, but we would have to make sure that we were never there at the same time. We could alternate two months at a time. We could leave each other "to do" lists. Donerail
count me in on that house
You can’t leave La vieille Branche here to deal with Amero-Franc and the other assorment of misfits!!
LVB, You’re in. I have another friend in Boston who wants to get a house in France. We could all buy it together and split it up into time shares. You can stay 90 days without a visa so we would each have our 90 days. Sounds like a great idea. donerail has to promise not to leave a Harley in the garage though.
crc95 could housesit if we could’t take our 90 days!
donerail, I watched Edward’s and Kerry’s speeches and was really impressed. Then I watched Bush today and he is very cagey. He is acting like the guy next door. He is making Kerry look elitist and himself look folksy, one of the guys, have a beer and watch football.
Bush obviously has no problem telling lies with a perfectly straight face and that will serve him well in this campaign. Kerry is set off by the press as elite. The press never seem to mention that Bush is also elite as far as money & privilege is concerned.
The Republicans are putting out two videos, one of Bush fishing and another doing something else folksy (senior moment, can’t remember what). They are billing him as "just like us." . . . and people are stupid enough to believe that. This guy has probably never been in a grocery store in his life, much less worried about how to pay the bills. He’s sure not worried about health insurance. He can buy a hospital.
I appreciate Kerry’s wish to run a "nice" campaign, but I’m afraid Bush is going to get very nasty and Kerry needs to react strongly. I think you can be strong and nice, but he’s got a tough row to hoe.
This is very scary. I’m not sure the economy can stand four more years of Bush. Bush actually had the gall to say he had improved education and the economy and pushed through Medicare reform, not to mention that he had made the world safer. If he can stand there and say that in public with a straight face, how do you run against him?! If I were Kerry, the first thing I would do is stand up and ask the American public, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" The answer for most is a resounding, "No!"
SalB: Calm yourself. The election is basically over. Its Kerry by a comfortable margin. Stop worrying. Its a slam dunk. The only unknown is the date of Cheney’s next heart attack and his replacement. Even McCain or Powell can’t save The Chimp. Liveshot Kerry wins comfortably. Donerail
You have a lot more faith in the American voter than I do. You also forget how hard it is to run against someone who can lie so well. People actually believe the stuff Bush says. Perhaps this newest terror alert will convince people that we are not safer than we were before 9/11 as Bush incredibly stated in a campaign speech yesterday.
SalB: Now you have me wondering again. Bush has control of the military as Commander In Chief. I suppose he could institute some sort of martial law. For our protection, of course. And suspend the elections. The thought has probably crossed the mind of President Cheney but I don’t think The Chimp has the nads. Donerail
The subject was actually broached a week ago by Mr. Bush. So far, no one has been anxious to give him any cooperation. He hijacked the office before so there’s nothing to keep him from doing it again. Scary.
SalB: If the worst happens, we can retreat to that house in LaFrance. Somehow I get the feeling that I would be forced to sleep in a tent outside. Donerail
Yep, you’d be in the tent. And we’d boobytrap all the doors/windows at night so you couldn’t sneak in on us in the dead of night
but explain to me how a few boobytraps could stop God from entering ?
A tent . . . the barnyard is more like it. You can cuddle with your Harley and Mrs. Donerail can stay inside with us . . . invoking your name and you know Whose.
Besides, I don’t think he’d want to come in the house if I was in there. I might chastize him for something.
SalB: And since he’s outside in the barn anyways, he can go out early in the morning and get fresh baked croissants for us every morning!
Excellent idea. Wonder what the weather is like in Normandy in February!?
LVB/SalB: I have no problem staying in the barn with the Harley. The hens in there are probably a lot more quiet. I don’t think you would want me to fire up the Harley early in the morning to get croissants. Besides, the other part of the deal is you two would have to have my boots shined and polished by 8:30am. Also, I like my eggs over medium with ham. Frommage. Coffee black, no sugar. And see if you could also find a morning newspaper for me. We will get along just fine. Donerail
For the morning paper, is it safe to assume you read French?
Boots, you wear boots?!
donerail: and when you’re done reading the newspaper, you can use it as toilet paper at the outhouse you will dig for yourself