i am from pakistan and i have a diploma of associate civil engineer with 6 years work experience. i want to continue my further study in France, so could you guide me for this purpose and tell me the requirements and any concern department address etc.
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6 Comments On Study in France…..
civil engineering from france! may i ask you why?
i am also a student here.
I’d also like to become a student in France, maybe have my masters there. I finished medicine here IN Egypt, and I want to continue it back there. je sais un peu de Francais, and I’m willing to learn more.
ANy idea what I should do to get information on how to continue in france?
We’re a group of french families, who welcome foreigners who want to learn or improve french. We offer a full board, daily courses, local visits and a participation in our active life. If you’re interested, go to our website http://www.France-homestays.net to have more information and contact me. Hope to hear from you soon..
Bonjour Mme. Kindly let me introduce myself. I am Amit.Jhedu and I am from India. I have completed my MASTERS IN COMPUTER MANAGEMENT and I am in the process of applying with a French University .I am also studying French from Alliance Francais De Poona & its almost been 6 months now. I am also looking for accomodation . So could you please spare me some of your precious time & guide me .Yours Sincerely ,Amit.Jhedu
salut.je suis une etudiante nigeriane qui apprend le france a l’universite et j’ai envie de venir en France.Je ne connait personne en france.Pourriez-vous m’aider
Hello Isabelle,
I have tried to open the website you posted on France.com, unfortunately, I’m not able to work on it. Could you please give me your contact address so that I could speak with you something about how to find a chance to study in France. This is quite serious words that I hope you can feel. My email address: vietnamese_dream_1978@linuxmail.org or you can contact me via the address: ho_minh_duc_1978@india.com
I look forward to hearing from you really soon. Many thanks for reading my email.
Best regards,
Minh Duc