I cannot believe that the socialist party accepted millions in oil vouchers from Saddam Husan. What were you thinking? You and your narrow minded culture really messed with the wrong country this time.
It was bad enough in 1982 you continued to supply the Argentine government with weapons to use against the British, but now you stab American in the back!
It’s time you took a good hard look at the beaches in Normandy. How long until you spit on their graves. Shameon you France, shame on all of you. Iraqi, British, and American blood is on your hands. I will never forget that. I will never welcome a frenchman to this country.
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172 Comments On Shame on France
dholland62: Welcome to the forums. What exactly did the French do? I am not sure what an oil voucher is. Where did you get this information? Donerail
It is all over the American press. The UN oil for food program was undermined by France and Germany. You were on the take. In 1991 the Socialist party recieved a million in cash to remind the government of Iraqi/French interest.
France continued to sell weapons despite the unilateral weapons ban placed on Iraq at the end of Gulf I. Brand new anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles of French origin were found in warehouses after the fall of Iraq to US Forces.
The oil vouchers were given to the French Press, Chirac aides, and UN officials to press for the lifting of santions the UN imposed on Iraq. You, the Germans and Chinese were on the take.
Shame on you, France.
dholland62: Well, you hate France and all of us because of what Charles Duelfer wrote?
In his files, there’s only allegation from american or iraki people, probably interogated in jail in the conditions we know: maybe Saddam wanted to corrupt some of this people but there’s NO EVIDENCE they have accepted. We’ll talk again about it when you have evidence. But maybe it’s no need of evidence for a great american as you are to make attacks again a country and its people.
Did you notice that Duelfer said also that in march of 2003, USA had NO EVIDENCE of the WMD, which is really interesting coming from the same government which based the war on that lie.
But you may not be interested to know more about the hypocrisy of your own government, and it’s easier to give us the blood responsability because someone said french weapon would have been found in Irak. Is there evidence of these weapons to has been sold after GW1? Show it to me…
About the shame we should have on us, do you want me to do the list of what the USA made in the last 3 decades, beginning by teaching and arming Bin Laden?
We’ve messed with the wrong country you said? What do you mean exactly? You’re reproaching to France to have sold arms to Irak?
France was a friend of Irak during Iran/Irak war mainly because Saddam Hussein were not an islamist and Iran was at this time an islamic revolutionary republic. ( This is also why BIN lADEN don’t like saddam and why there was no link between Al Qaida and Saddam ).
It’s quite funny: you’re an american and you don’t seem to have understood that it’s easier to negociate with a guy who is the son of Money rather than with one who thinks he’s the son of god.
But there’s no problem, stand on your position, don’t accept me in your country ( when I meet guies like you, I don’t feel like to visit your country anymore), but I’ll accept you in my nice and tolerant country.
You’ll discover there that everything is not black or white. Your manicheism is symptomatic of your world. Open your eyes to the real world and check how is america seen by the rest of the countries.
To the others: I hope you’ll understand that excepted that kind of bushies, I’ve nothing against american people. I’m sure that I’ll find such a "trouduc" in France, unfortunatly.
We’re five hundred years back with Bush: Machiavel was writing yet that the unlegitimate ( is it correct?) Prince need an exterior ennemy to make a people union with him; the ennemy must seem powerfull and if possible not well identified to make believe that it can be everywhere. In that way, it’s follow me or die. It’s exactly what bush is saying when he explains that USA wouldn’t be secured with Kerry. This is exactly what war against terrorism means.
It’s so childish…
Monty Jolly,
Your English is worse than my French! Yes there is evidence that France continued to sell arms to Saddam. The US Army has uncovered dozens of French made anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles in and around the Bagdad area.
France, open and tolorent? Give me a break. Here’s a quote from your President made yesterday in Vietnam: French President Jacques Chirac warned Thursday of a "catastrophe" for global diversity if the United States’ cultural hegemony goes unchallenged.
Speaking at a French cultural center in Hanoi ahead of Friday’s opening of a summit of European and Asian leaders, Chirac said France was right to stand up for cultural and linguistic diversity.
The outspoken French president warned that the world’s different cultures could be "choked" by US values.
This, he said, would lead to a "general world sub-culture" based around the English language, which would be "a real ecological catastrophe".
Open and tolorent indeed! About Duelfer’s report, he also stated that Saddam had them and had the programs in place to restart. He was paying off the French and Germans to block any further sanctions the UN might impose. The UN was useless, due to French actions.
Montjoly: well said!
Yes, France is an open and tolerant society, for the most part. There is always an occasional ignorant person, but for the most part 95% of the French are open and tolerant. They don’t hate American people because we have a scumbag President named BUSH. They just dislike Bush, and direct their discontentment at the government, where it belongs. There was no boycott of American products in France, unlike the "open and tolerant" Americans who boycotted anything with a French name, even harassing French-American citizens publically.
You might not like what Chirac had to say, but it is the truth. America has NO culture, unless you consider giant corporations, fast food (MacDo, Burger King), SUV, the greed/keeping up with the Joneses mentality and other such drivel "culture." If I lived in France, I’d not want that crap influencing me or my family, either. Your problem is that if another country says negative things about American "values," you immediately think they’re intolerant. I think Chirac is right.
First you say, "France, open and tolorent? Give me a break." then you say, "Chirac said France was right to stand up for cultural and linguistic diversity.." is this an example of "American" education/intellegence at its finest?
You’ve been smoking that funny weed again.
Nope, you missed the sarcasim in that statement. No weed for me, never have, never will.
What is French culture? A long an sad history of being occuppied by another country.
In the middle ages, the British and Huns were kicking the crap out of you. You haven’t had any glory since Napolean, and then he got his ass kicked at Waterloo.
What happened last century? You fold when it comes to fighting for what you believe in.
Do you know that your navy has glass bottom ships? Do you know why? So they can see the old french navy! Get the point?
I forgot to add, his name is Montjoly! NOT Monty Jolly!
I’m a French-American, born in NJ, in case you hadn’t noticed…idiot!
Guess you never heard of Louis XIV, Le Roi Soleil (that’s "The Sun King," for idiots like you) and the history of France during this period, as well as many other periods. Not suprised. Your rancor towards anything French is obvious.
Think of their artists, their writers, their architects, musicians, etc. What a glorious culture!
What a lovely Friday night, and I’m certainly NOT sitting here in front of a PC. Time to head to the Wine Library and get a good bottle of French wine to accompany dinner tonight!!
LVB…goog idea about that wine! this guy really needs to read about French history before he opens his mouth, the French were very courageous and heroic during WW2, people like him are the reason America is hated all over the world! I can attest to the fact that America has no culture! None!! It really saddened me when I went back to my country and saw all the Mcdonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burguer King and all the gangster all over my beautiful country courtesy of the US of A. I never thought that I would need a bodyguard to protect me and my children when we do visit, don’t get me wrong, I love this country, it has been very kind to me, I have been here for 16 years now, it has been mostly good, but ocassionally I do meet narrow minded people who think that the only way is the american way..LVB..I just read a wonderful book titled " Wine and War" I highly recommend it to everyone here. well, gotta run..tchow
LVB/MontJoly/Myfarside: It appears that dholland62 doesn’t have the stones to tell us more about his/her backround. Probably just another uneducated US redneck. Donerail
Dholland62:So, my english would be worse than your french, well, I would be curious to read your french. If you’re so good, you won’t see any problem if I continue in French?
Je serais bien aise si Monsieur daignait nous faire profiter de ses lumières, et nous faire découvrir le Diderot, le Montaigne, que dis-je le Voltaire qui se cache derrière ce pseudonyme, pseudonyme qui d’ailleurs ne laisse de m’évoquer le premier secrétaire du parti socialiste ( Hollande ), vous savez monseigneur, celui qui aurait touché des pots de vin, selon votre évangile…
Mais j’ai bien peur qu’en fait de philosophe, je ne trouve en face de moi qu’une piètre copie d’un certain caporal allemand des années 30 qui n’aurait jamais dû sortir de sa prison, ce misérable personnage qui pronait cette idéologie unique du grand peuple supérieur par nature, idéologie qui ferait vomir tout américain bien né…
As Donerail said, we would like to know more about you: I wouldn’t want to be losing my time with a 14 years old child, who would be repeating what his bushies of a dad says to his uneducated son.
The "all american" is your dream? Please, if you want to stay in the usa, stay there, but let the intelligent persons as LVB, myfarside, Donerail and SalB visit France and appreciate the benefits of the DIVERSITY: learn this new word, and repeat after me: DIVERSITY. This is what Chirac said, and yes, it would be an ecologic disaster if I had to speak english all day long.
Maybe I’m not speaking a very good english, and I don’t pretend to be Shakespeare ( do you know him? ), but everyday, in my town and in my job, I speak French, english, spanish, portuguese and creole, and I love it. Everyday I discover a bit more of the tradition and the culture of the peoples living here ( every country from central and south america has a colony here), and I love it. This is DIVERSITY, and I love it.
You know what ( as droopy would say, see, I know a bit of your culture )? I’m sorry for you…
Please excuse my typo in the earlier reply. I have been to France twice. I lived in Southern Spain for four years and visited the French Alps, Lordes, and most of the Pyrenees mountains.
I have lived the American dream and do recognize the bravery of some Frenchman and women during WWII. Unfortunately, they are in the minority. In the central and southern regions your vicihy government fit right into the appeasement of your government today. As long as it doesn’t both me, it’s ok.
During the falkland war, your government continued to supply Argentina with exocet missiles that took a hefty toll on the Royal Navy. France and other European countries should of handled Bosnia by themselves. You have the capability, but still stinging from your pasting by Germany over slavic lands, you pushed to have the US enter and we are still there today.
Three missile cache’s of new French anti tank and anti aircraft missiles have been recovered by the US Army. French industry and government officals are named all throughout the Duelfer report.
Now, with asparations of trying to regain lost glory your government is now in colaboration with the devil himself. Why? Greed. It’s always been the French Achillies heel.
Greed Hmmm… Tell that to the 5000 dead kurd who died because of American supplied to Irak Anthrax Gaz… As***le… Again there is stupid people everywhere,probably as much in France than in hollande or USA, U are a racist fu**o and u do not belong here. U are sad and pathetic no wonder the world is not right when people like u are around… Simpleand very short minds u got here, probably proportionale to u’re reproductive tool, no wonder u’re angry about someone… Blame nature for u’re sickness, not people.
And please do human kind a favor: get a brain.
"And please do human kind a favor: get a brain."
Hihi, I think he/she is a blind man/woman.
So the French are responsible for Iraqi War, they also sold WDM to S. Hussein, they created Bin Laden (it wasn’t the CIA of course), they are anti-Jews, anti-American, anti-everything…
Wow, I didn’t know my country made all those bad things…
Thanks dholland for learning us the glorious story of the France.
When you’ll be able to open your eyes and stop trusting all the hoaxes you see in the medias, only this time you’ll understand you’re wrong.
Bushie’s got another one now… Dawn, it’s an epidemy
dholland: Even if you are correct – which is a huge leap of faith – why don’t you admit that it was a mistake for the US to attack Iraq? If I understand you correctly, because the French sold defensive weapons to Iraq that meant that it was OK for us to attack them? I see you are living the American dream – you are also sleepwalking thru history. Donerail
I think the devil himself is the USA government, both past and present. Like when the USA played both sides of the coin during the Iran/Iraq war because it was in the self-interest of the USA. The Iran contra scandal also comes into mind. And at present, there is all that cozying up to the House of Saud (in Saudi Arabia), even though 16 of the 19 hijackers of 9-11 were SAUDI.
Oil interests/needs on our part surely do buy a lot of loyalty, even to the extent of flying out the Saudis/BIN LADEN family in the days immediately after 9-11. Although you and I couldn’t get on a plane, the Saudis/BIN LADENS had a nice flight from the USA with NO interrogation from the FBI or CIA. The next time you get on a flight and are searched many times over, and interrogated before boarding, and have to travel with unlocked bags, you should ask the interrogators WHY is it the BIN LADENS got such a free ride, when YOU, an American citizen, are treated like a criminal in your own country.
But blame it all on Sadaam Hussein, and Iraq, even though Osama hated Sadaam for living an "impure" life. Blame it all on Iraq, even though the 9-11 commission determined there was NO connection between Osama and Sadaam. Sadaam wouldn’t play ball with American oil companies and American interests, so he had to go. The "WMD" that never existed? that means nothing. Do a Bill Clinton: what is a "weapon" anyways? It’s all semantics, on how you define what a "weapon" is…
Right now, as the Iraq Constitution is being written by AMERICANS (real democracy? when a foreign gov’t can write your constitution?) with a provision in it that says AMERICANS will control/run the Iraq oil fields for a LONG time. The new Iraq "government" has NO authority to throw them out and choose a different nation/company to develop their fields. American "democracy" at its finest.
Oil money buys a lot these days.
Ohhhhh, and while we’re at it, pass the dirty buck and blame it all on France, too. Absolve the USA of all the dirty dealings that caused the world mess we’re in, and blame France. Hmmmmm, isn’t that what dholland is trying to do? Isn’t that what Bush and his cronies are also trying to do?
donerail…..how abouth them Red Soxs!! Maybe they’ll go all the way!!!
Myfarside: Thank you so very much for bringing up the Sox. They are not only America’s Team – they are the Team of the whole civilized world. There is going to be some great baseball next week as the Sox give the Yanks a big can of whoopass. I hope crc95 is able to watch while he is in Les Etat Unis. Donerail
did you see the article in the NY Times about the oil for food program? It seems that USA OIL COMPANIES are guilty of the same thing that dholland accused the French of. Interesting how he never mentioned that aspect of it. I downloaded the article and emailed a copy of it to myself. I will post it online if anybody cares to read it.
The link!!! give us the link!!!
Manu: It’s not posted online at the NY Times today. It was from Monday or Tuesday. However, I downloaded the article and emailed a copy to myself, so I’d have it to post here. It’s a LONG article, and I dont know how the forum admins would feel about me taking up so much space to post it.
manu…email me and I will send you a copy..my email is cremepouf@hotmail.com easy to remember
LVB: It may be time for you to chill out a bit. Comparing the US Goverment to the devil is the same mindless rhetoric used by those Islamic fundamentalist mullahs and imams – crackpots all. All countries have interests and I would hope our country pursues interests that are beneficial to its citizens. Right now I don’t think it is, so I am planning on voting out the Chimp. Beyond that, I can understand that everyone has interests and we should collaborate rather than dictate. And in the process, I would not pay homage or ransome to another sovereign state. Donerail
Must be a French Can of Whoopass the Red Sox are using, eh?
NY Times. Now that’s a real reputable source. Where did they get there information? Dan Rather?
No wonder New-York Post readers can’t stand New-York Times, they just don’t understand it…!!
dholland, or should I say Debbie Holland (yes, I know who you are):
Where do you get your information? Rush Limbaugh?
To Mr/Mrs Holland’s oppus,
First of all I’m back in the saddle again,Donerail I was very busy the past few weeks with my work for Tv and on top at one point my computer broke and had to be fixed,all is quite well so far,though I worked on another given to me temporary by my agent.He”ll come one of these days with mine(he took it to be fixed) and all will be finally okay.
Secondo,I sugest to Dholland to appologise to all of you(who were criticised for no reason),especially Montjoly and LaVieilleBranche.
You DHolland have no right to say such bad things about France!I guess it comes with the…teritory,I mean I believe you’re a Bush supporter and in general,a conservative narrow minded person.I pity
for you.
And speaking of history it seems to me that you forgot some parts from it like that episode when the colonists were in deep trouble and
the red coats had the opportunity to anihilate them all and Washington too so in fact could have been the end of the revolution and …NO 4th of July!!!!Another history might have been today.Do you recolect this episode,or you believe it didn’t exist????
At one point out of nowhere came the general Lafayette and save the americans and history!!!!
I think that the french are nice people and of course more civilised than most of americans.On top,they are culture along with italians.
It’s good that you live in Spain otherwise I would tell you to leave
MY COUNTRY!!!!You came here,saw the new world now GO HOME!!!
"one does not sell the land people walk on…"said Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse
To be continued
Ok, we all knew everything about the fact that dholland was dating all sort of farm animals in a regular basis, we all also could verify by reading he’s post that he was seriously brain damaged and (no offense for people with simple minds) had a serious issue with what’s left of he’s reproductive tool, but, reading the post that he made yesterday dholland 62 wrote:"Between you and you Frog friend, US citizen or not, you sure have a ton of posts and replies. Get a life………but I will still support the boycott France trend! Answer away, but I will no longer deal with you and your fellow Frogs! Good luck getting Frog as the official language of the EU……… . we also know now that he’s doesn’t keep he’s promess, no surprising coming from that kind of people but always nice to notice. Anyway, I have to admit that the smell is not very good around here since this person (sorry for real person with brain no harm inteded here I have to call him something) is hanging out with us… I hope he will get a life, out of here, with he’s farm animals, hopefully they all will live happy forever after…
dholland62: It appears you have not been making too many friends on these forums. That is a unique skill set that must be useful somewhere. Maybe you could help out on Right Wing Radio. Most of the folks on here seem pretty reasonable – certainly a lot more civilized than what you are usually used to. And by the way, The effen Yankees are playing right into the hands of the Red Sox. They fell for the trap. Donerail
Crazyhorse: Good to see you back here. I thought maybe General Custer might have caught up with you. I see you have met dholland62. What a piece of work he or she is. It is amazing how morons like that can blame France for us getting bogged down in Iraq. I suppose its better than blaming my dog for the mess. Its time to vote for Kerry, declare victory and move on. By the way, that was a nice quote from crazyhorse about not selling the land you walk on. I can’t figure out if the sale of Manhattan was a good deal or a bad deal for the Indians. What do you think? Donerail
donerail: i did a trace on dholland62. I found out who/where she lives AND her email. You’d be suprised at what I can find
But then, you already know this…and you know what I mean 
Crazyhorse: Nice to see you back here. A voice of reason and tolerance is always welcomed here.
BTW everybody, I have that copy of the NY Times article that says how they’re going to be investigating USA oil companies for dealing with Sadaam during the embargo and for trading vouchers on the oil-for-food program. Here are a few quotes to whet your appetite:
"…Almost until the eve of the invasion of Iraq in
March 2003, American oil companies were among the largest
purchasers of Iraqi crude oil."
"…the report issued last week by Charles A.
Duelfer, the arms inspector, that named United States oil
companies as recipients of vouchers was now prompting the
panel’s investigators to expand their inquiry to include
the United States oil companies as well."
Anybody who wants a copy of the full article, email me, or ask donerail for my email and I’l send it to you. Dholland need not ask, as I wouldn’t want some right-wing psycho to have my email.
Nope, not a clue as to what you know or do. I really don’t give a rats ass either. You may think you know who I am, but if you are thinking it’s someone who lives east of the Mississippi, you really need to see a proctologist.
Wakan Tanka Nici Un(may the Great Spirit walk with you),
Hello my brothers and sisters,I know it’s been a long time since I went off the trail here but I’m back.I’ve been very busy with my work and still am,any minute now I’m waiting for the phone to ring with a new job,still doing a comercial for Olive Garden(that italian restaurant).
Anyways,Donerail,good to be with all of you and LaVieilleBranche and Montjoly.
Yeah I know…Manhattan was a stupid mess because the indians were given booze and being drunk….they lost,but the fact is that the indian is (and was)always a honest person,believes in pure honesty
and in his naive ways he thinks that all people are like him,when you say something you don’t need papers,your word is enough….
In contrast,trhe wasichu(white man)was and is a traitor.a liar and a deceiver.Not all of course but look at Bush!he is a very good example of paranoia,a megalomaniac,a liar and a retard.This country pays for bad karma,it is written,so better listen all,it’s still time to move out before the desaster.
People like holland are narrow minded and lost touch with reality with nature and lives in a fabricated lie,an illusion he/she believes like a Don Quijote.
They believe in their own lies and take them as truth.Very well said once by Great Chief B lack Hawk:
"How smooth must be the language of the whites,when they can make right look wrong and wrong look right."
I have to go now to work,till next time,
Crazy Horse
Crazy horse, I am afraid you have me all wrong. I am very in touch with nature. I appreciate the beauty of nature and do everything I can to preserve such lands.
I do know that there are fanatic?s that want to kill us and our way of life. A little over 100 years ago, the Plains Indians were dealt a great injustice by the US Government. One that still plagues the Indian Nations today. No amount of money or deeds will ever right that wrong.
The beef I have with France is that they won’t admit their role with respect to Iraq. They are not the reason we are in Iraq, they are not the reason for going to war with Iraq. They did contribute, along with Germany, Russia, and Syria, to undermine the efforts of the US and the UN to contain Saddam.
While WMD’s were not found, both the UN and Dulfer both admit they did exist. Where are they now? Maybe Syria? Maybe Iran? Who knows, but the programs did exist. They were capable of restarting those programs at any time.
In the Post 9/11 world, one must be ready to conduct first strikes to ward off potential threats. While Saddam had no involvement in 9/11, his desire to reacquire his WMD programs and undermine the US labeled him a great threat to the US. The Iraqis would never be able to conduct an invasion of the US as compared to the threat Germany was during WWII, but after his use of chemical warefare (Iran Iraq War) and gassing of the Kurds (1992) the US could not afford his desire to acquire Wad?s.
He would pass them onto Al Quida, they would be the delivery system. France’s role in this is they undermined the UN for their own political and financial purposes. Namely the 6.5 Billion dollars in Iraqi debt owed to France, and many companies within France. They just won’t admit it.
I don’t want someone that is going to worry about offending another nation when it comes to our security. Nor bury their head in the sand while screwing interns.
Hello, I’m back.
I’m coming back from a journey in the equatorial forest where I spent 4 days: a dive of 100 miles in the deep forest, it has been fantastic, as usual. Crazy Horse would have liked a lot. Hi Crazy Horse, how are you? Have you met some famous people in the last times ?
The nature here is so full of danger and mistery, that you cannot hide who you are in such a trip… And the nights, the nights…
I’d like to bring Mrs/Mr Dholland there ( it seems that LVB discovered that her name was Debbie: if it’s true I would be deceptionated that a girl can have such a close mind: in general, only men can be stupid AND dangerous ) , just to know what she/he is able to, alone with her/his own capacities.
Dholland, my dear, why don’t you say where you are from ? What do you have to hide from us? Is it so ugly where you’re living that it’s a shame for you to speak about it?
I’m joking, but I’d really like to understand why you’ve so much hate toward french people.
You said you’ve been in spain during 4 years ( talking about it, the prime minister was Jose Maria AZNAR, not Anzer as you wrote several times): how did you feel there? And in the south of France ( you said you’ve visited Lourdes: are you a catholic, like me ?) how have you been received? Be honest please. Are French people so bad??? I never see french people in the street shouting that thy were hating USA, at the contrary of certain american people in USA who clearly wanted to beat on the french journalists!
You know, USA went to war against the UN nation advice, and as I said yet in this forum, our foreign affair minister ( De Villepin in that time ) has been applauded by all the countries present in the assembly, wich is not usual in that assembly: it’s just to show you that France has not mined the security council efforts, but USA went to war illegaly, against the quite entire world advice, and most of the government who went to war with USA did it against their public opinion ( Spain, italia, australia, japan, and even England…)
We, on this forum, where for me you’re still welcome, have understood that Bush lied: you still trust in him, it seems for us so incredible…
"il n’y a pire sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre"
Montjoly: Please don’t expect much from dholland62. He or she is of value here for entertainment purposes only. Look at the most recent post above. He or she thinks France wants to undermine the US because Irak owed France $6.5 billion and France did not want to jeopardize that debt. Absolutely amazing. $6.5 billion might be a lot of money to you and me (and probably dholland62 as well) but it is petty cash to countries the size of France, Germany, the USA. Montjoly, we have a lot of folks over hear who listen to our Right Wing Christian fanatics and close their ears to everything else. See what he or she said about the NY Times. I would suspect he or she is a devout listener to Christian Right Wing Radio and the Washington Times – and even that might be a stretch. On top of everything else, the fool had the audacity to diss the Red Sox. BTW, it sounds like you had a nice trip thru the forests. Doesn’t it get hot and humid down there? and aren’t there snakes and stuff? I assume you had some good male companionship for safety and intellectual stimulation. Donerail
Donerail: I judge men more on what they do rather than what they say, this is why I would really like her/him to come with me in the forest. It’s amazing how much a trip like that reveals the real nature of a man…
Yes, there is snakes and others dangerous spiders, scorpions, and bigger animals who would like to have you as a dinner, but the biggest danger in the forest is yourself and the stupidity you can show. A man like Bush wouldn’t survive two days there.
If you come here one day, I’ll make you discover the equatorial forest, by day and by night… I’ll bring you to fish also: your friends won’t believe you…
Dholland: what terrible secret do you have to hide to us not wanting to tell us where you are from, if you’re man or not, etc…
It’s the last chance for you from me to continue on chatting with you, after I won’t show any interest about you if you continue on that sort of behaving. Maybe is that what you want, it would be a pitty… for you.
Montjoly: I think I will take a "rain check" on the trip to the forest. I am scared of snakes, spiders, scorpions, and all their relatives. Fish are nice, provided that they are not too big. Donerail
Montjoly: sounds interesting to me
I love the forests!
peaceful and quiet. Aminals won’t bother you if you don’t bother them first. Count me in!
donerail…How about those Red Sox? They got a first class spanking on national television. Tonight will be the same! Can you say clean sweep?
Montjoly…If you must know, I am from the Seattle area. I am a catholic and did live in southern Spain during the mid-nineties. Near Seville.
Yes, I did see a lot of rudeness from some French, not all. I have traveled from Seville to Barcelona and then on to Lyon and Interlaken, Switzerland. In the west, St. Jon de Luz for Bastille day and then on to Lourdes back through the mountains.
dholland62: Did the waters at Lourdes help you out any? Speaking of a spanking (a curious gerund), did you by chance catch the score of the Seahawks/Patriots game? I was there in person and it was wonderful. Tell us how it must suck to be you. Donerail
Donerail/LVB: There is some little fishes ( including little piranhas ) and bigger ones: some peacefull and others and others less peacefull ( every kind of shark in the sea and Aïmara in the river ) there’s also Caïman ( a kind of alligator ).
Don’t mind, they won’t all be after you on the same day…I hope…
I’m joking, LVB is right, since the gun has been created, the dangerest animal is the man and the other ones stay away from him in general, but even with a gun in your hand, I’d be curious to see anyone of you alone in the forest by night: you can try to say to yourself that nothing will bother you if you don’t do it first, you won’t feel secured, mostly when you’ll begin to hear movement close to you, without seeing anything…You’ll hear something running, maybe jumping, then nothing during long seconds, and then two eyes, just two eyes in your front light…
A really good experience to know himself.
Dholland: I’ve crossed spain in all senses and I spent every holidays of my youngness there( We’ve an apartment in Alicante ). I passed by Sevilla once when I did a travel from France to Faro ( south of Portugal ): it’s a really nice town.
Have you been welcome in Barcelona? I’ve had little problems there because I was speaking Castellano, and they were answering to me in Catalan: it was better to speak french than spanish sometimes…
You’ve not answered to me if you were male or female, and how old you were?
donerail, sorry not a sea-chicken (Seahawks) fan. Born and rasied in Pittsburgh….die hard Steeler fan. Pat’s are going to be tough…they have the talent and a great coach.
Montjoly…Male, 41. I had little trouble in Barcellona. We had more trouble in French border towns trying to speak spanish or english. We speak good spanish and german, but little french. I don’t hate the french people, I don’t care for the attitude nor their government.
Ever since the end of our second war with England, War of 1812, France has always been wary of some Anglo-American alliance that would eliminate the French culture. That is so far from the truth.
There are a lot of French products I do like, many are unavailable in the US. Such as Renault engines and Citreon chassis. If the two ever worked together they would give most German automakers a run for their money. I was sorry to se Renault pull out of F1 racing. I attended the European Grand Prix at Jerez de la Frontera in 95 (I think, getting too old to remember nearly ten years ago). Nothing sounds sweeter than a Renault V10 screaming by you at 16K RPM. Well, maybe Ferrari.
Dholland: I’m glad to see you don’t hate french any more, and that you agree with me saying that, in a country, everything is not black or white, there’s a lot of grey…
I’ve no time to chat with you today, I’m very busy, sorry.
You’re true, unluckily for us, a ferrari sounds better. Schumacher is making forget Fangio, Prost, Senna. The problem is that he has no rival to compete with…Wait and see…
This is about the most ignorant thing I have ever heard in my whole life. Who, do you suppose, bolstered this monster Saddam before the 1990’s? It is very typical, so long as these monsters are willing to do our bidding, we support them. When they no longer do, all of a sudden we become the great humanitarians. Saddam didn’t get where he was all by himself. Many, including the U.S. contributed to this over the years. To ignore unpleasant facts and point fingers instead at others who may rightly also deserve it is even more dangerous.
patmag: Saddam got to his position due to the efforts of a lot of people – with mostly Western European help and then US help after Iran went off to the radical Islamic fundamentalists. The question now for all participants is do we make things worse or do we try to wrangle out a solution. Bush/Cheney will obviously make things worse as will Chirac. Kerry/Edwards is an unknown commodity but worth a try. Still, the prognosis doesn’t look good based upon the way France and Germany are acting. Donerail
Hi Montjoly…how are you? I hope all is well with you and your family, I have not heard from you in a long time…..it seems that ever since I told you I am a republican you did not talk to me anymore, oh well, I hope it is just my imagination….Donerail…what can I say my friend!!! I wish I could have been there to see the Red Sox win against the yankees!! WOW!….I see Holland62 is still around, I have not been in here too much lately, you know, a single mother, working hard and raising two kids alone, well, it seems I am always busy and pressed for time, anyway, it’s nice to read everybody.
Myfarside: I’m sorry, so sorry: I’ll write to you as soon as possible ( I’ll try to do it today ), but my family from France is here and they let me very busy ( as I said yet, I go to fish and to hunt ). I’ve no problem with republicans, each person has his quality and his defaults; Nobody’s perfect…But vote Kerry, please…
Bush is not a republican, he is a danger.
Well you idiot Frenchmen do it again, you bite the hand that feeds you. You French during WWII were nothing but a bunch of colaborators, especally since Hitler invated Germany without firing shot. And as for our President Bush being a scumbag, we don’t care what you stupid FROGS think. He is our Commander-in-Chief who we the American people elected, not you stupid FROGS. All you stupid FROGS want to do is tell the U.S. how to defend itself and how to handle our foreign affairs when you stupid FROGS don’t pay any of our taxes and you definately don’t pay our military. When you stupid FROGS start paying the U.S. military then you can tell us how to use it, until then I suggest you shut-up. Oh and lets who does everyone call when they need money or military help, well it sure isn’t France its the U.S. From what I recall our men lost their lives taking back your stupid country and continent from Hitler and what do you do, you STAB US IN THE BACK. And as for the U.S. not having any culture, we can live with that. We here in the U.S. sure don’t want a culture full or sluts and lazy people who don’t like to work and live on the government dole for their whole lives. And we surely don’t want 70% income taxes and $6.00 a gallon for gas. Oh, and guess what here a thought corporations make jobs not government you Socialist SCUMBAG.
Reading at kfowler post, It looks like one of dhollands farm animals can talk… This forum should be not allowd to pets anyway…
I’m not even going to bother to reply to our winner of the dumbest post of the year, but I was wondering one thing: if American people realize that Tony Blair is the leader of the Socialist party in England and that the english governement is Socialist!!!!! On another hand since president Chirac was re-elected in France the socialist are not runnig the country since 3 years, chirac is what u could call a "republican" and "Jospin" was a socialist… and they are what u can call kinda "democrates". So no point to insult people with the word socialist otherweise u are insulting u’re british "allies" as well. Kfowler If dumb people could fly u will be squadron leader for sure!!
And please if u don’t care of what french say/think then don’t come to France.com & go somewhere else if u got time in your hands there’s some explosive that u lost in Irak ROFLMAO!!!! And there’s as well some WMD to be found… or even better Ossama Bin Laden…!!
And quick question, is there no moderator here?
Hello kfowler5.
First off, thanks for trolling in here.
I kinda agree with you with the fact that we the French shouldn’t have a word to say about what choice American citizens make for their president. You’re right about this, if you want to elect a scumbag president, then it should be up to you and only you, overweight trailer white-trash high-school drop-outs, to decide. After all, people like you elected circus freaks like Jesse Ventura or Ahhhnolt for governors, and Reagan for prez (twice), and you didn’t ask us permission to do that ! You know, I’ve always believed that the key in American politics right now is education and knowledge. If Americans were all college grads, able to think by themselves, collect the right information, and make their own opinions, Chimp would have never rose above 8 %. Hey, it’s no big deal anyway, come to think of it, presidents don’t have that much of power anyway, especially within the US. Their fields of action as far as internal policy is concerned aren’t that many.
But, they have great power when it comes to int’l policy and use of the US military. And THIS is where we ALL feel concerned.
See, when Chimp starts messing around with American freedoms inside the US, or ruins the US economy, or gives special treatment to his bunch the rich folks, that’s your problem, and although some of us (count me in) may feel sorry for you, most of us basically won’t give a damn.
But when Chimp starts to mess around abroad, namely colonizing foreign nations, opening pandora’s boxes and cooking up powder kegs everywhere, the whole world is concerned, and theatened, by his scary endeavors.
So, yes, this is OUR problem too, unfortunately, VERY unfortunately, and whether you like it or not.
I believe that seldom in history has the outcome of a US presidential election been so important to the world and the int’l community. I read the French press everyday, and it’s quite unbelievable to see how much it is being discussed there.
But I also know selfish retards like you probably don’t give a damn about what we feel either, so I guess that makes us even.
Where are the garlic and the butter? Fowler5 made me hungry talking so much about frog.
Well CRC,
Here is a clue, you bunch of french jegelos and sluts got off your fat lazy ***** and finally did some work instead of taking 2 months off every year for vacation maybe you would figure it out. And maybe if you morons would stop spending the 70% income tax you pay to your government on social programs (wellfare)and starting spending some that 70% you pay in income tax on your military maybe France could finally earn her keep in this world, instead of everytime a country needs money or help who do they call? Well guess what they don’t call France, they call the U.S. Why, thats simple because we americans are willing to fight something or someone besides ourselves unlike France you morons couldn’t even fight your war against Germany in WWII we the U.S. had to do that for you French as well. And yes we also had to fight Britain’s war against Germany, but at least Britain has some sense of Honor and Loyalty unlike the country the founded the FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION which are nothing but a bunch of MERCENARIES. So instead of sitting your collective ***** and taking BRIBES from Dictators try fighting for a persons FREEDOM for once EVEN YOUR OWN. And also you morons in Europe don’t want to support the U.S. in her wars, but you cry and whine about the money you will loose when the U.S. says we are taking out troops out of Europe AFTER 60 YEARS so we can use them to protect the U.S. And do defend other countries who really need us like SOUTH KOREA, the last time I checked there is no threat in Europe or just is it you are all a bunch of cowards who are afraid to fight just like in WWII. Here is a clue, when France is Bankrupt because Americans no longer go over there to spend our money maybe you arrogant snobs will finally wake up. The one thing Americans can’t stand is a bunch of cowards and people who STAB us in the back and we AMERICANS are like elephants, WE NEVER FORGET who ****** us over.
And by the way I am a History Major so I know everything I said about WWII is TRUE!!!!!
kfowler5: You are such an embarrassment. I am a fellow American and I would truly like to help you out in this debate. Unfortunately, crc95 has surgically uncovered what an idiot you are and you are beyond help. Even for Donerail. France is an ally and our second biggest trading partner. The fact that Bush and the fundamentalist Christian right wing are ruining America morally and financially is an outrage. France isn?t the problem. The terrorists are the problem. You can?t seem to grasp this and its very important. Most people with any hint of intelligence would agree that our foray into Irak was at least poorly planned and poorly timed. It was probably also wrong also and based upon faulty intelligence. Now we have a breeding ground for more terrorists. From reading your pathetic post, you seem like you may be currently enrolled in one of our colleges. Or maybe you are a recent graduate. If so, that is deeply troubling. Your command of the English language is appalling and your understanding of history is suspect as well. Maybe with maturity you will come to understand some important facts of life. Some of these facts are that the French, Germans and most of Western Europe enjoy a higher standard of living that we do. And they are much safer. And their health and education systems are better. And your post seems to add proof that they are better educated. All is not lost, kfowler5, we do have the Red Sox. Thank God for that. And we can look forward to the Inauguration of President Kerry just prior to the Patriots winning the Super Bowl. Try to stay with us, if you are up to it, as you are very entertaining. Numb as a hake, but entertaining none the less. Donerail
After investigating, I found out that kfowler5 did ask for a french citizenship lately and was rejected for the following reason "absence of brain" unfortunatly we do not accept people with such small brain. That is why he’s angry about France… He wished to be French but he fail to become one and now he’s mad. Poor little pet… C’mon u can ask for a Mexican citizen ship if u want to… Maybe it will work for u there… Keep the faith!
donerail: we can call eachothers "scumbag" and make racist and hatefull comment without being banned from those forums??? Damn, where are the moderators here???
Well Kfowler,
I don’t know what junior high you’re currently attending to, but I doubt it qualifies you as a ‘history major’ yet. If it really could, then you’d know more about WW II and WW I history (WW I because you’ll eventually learn that WW I bred WW II). All you seem to know right now are the prejudices and stereotypes about the French that you like to troll around with, you know, like that beloved cheese-eating surrender monkey concept of yours.
I wish I could knew more why France suddenly became the scapegoat for neo-cons’ fears and failures. I guess it’s because we make an easy target since, as I wrote many times in here, the French really don’t give a flying F about what some Americans may think of them or say about them. I find it quite interesting, though, that people like you constantly claim France is non existant and irrelevant to the world, and yet spend a huge amount of time and energy to ramble on France again and again. Interesting paradox, isn’t it ?
I don’t think I’ll spend much time in here to reply to your dumb posts, they lack too much of knowledge, truth, point or evidence to it. I just would like to comment on one funny thing you wrote : Americans have an elephant memory and never forget who screwed them ?? Big LOL. The other Americans on this board will probably want to reply to you more about this than me. But I could think of billions of examples right now. Like for instance your good friends of honor and loyalty the Brits (with whom you were at war twice). As far as France going bankrupt because of American tourists, this is funny too, but makes one worry about your mental health. By the way, did it occur to you that the reason these Americans stopped coming to Europe might primarily lie in the fact that their currency is 30 % weaker than ours ??
its funny how my fellow americans try so hard to put down the french.but then a gain its funny how the french are doing the same thing.What shocks me tho is how When you all insult each other.Its sad that Ours two countrys people cant have a good talk a bout things with out insults.Its all so funny that people are quick to say some one is a drop out when thay dont know nothing a bout him or her.Any ways the french have not "backstabed the usa" Please tell me if im worng but arnt the french helping us in afgan?The last i hurd thay agreed that we where in the right when it came to afgan.Thay just didnt agree to the irak.But thats just what i hurd form my dad who works for the army looking at missles and stuff.By the way what ever happend to the french people that where kidnaped?I still dont know what there fates where.I havent ben waching tv.To bussy going to college and stuff.
I am new here. It is a pleasure to read all your posts. By the way, i am 34, French woman living in France. I have spent 13 months in USA when I was 22. It is a shame to see what the United States is becoming.
For Kflower5 : I cannot stand it when a narrow pro-Bush spirit uses the collaborator word while speaking about French people on the WWII. Let me tell you that the own grandfather of George Bush is known to have made business with the Nazis. What a great commander-in-chief. You must be proud !
Oddone, correct me if I’m wrong, but the borderline between drop-outs and college grads actually seems blur when people who supposably ARE going to college can still write stuff like " worng ", " arnt ", " hurd ", or " thay " (and this is AFTER editing the post). What do you think ?
(Hey I’m not judging).
Cel1970: bienvenue sur le Forum; tu arrives dans une période faste en invectives, donnes t’en à coeur joie, mais pour ma part, je commence à en avoir par dessus la tête: tu essaies de raisonner un Dholland, et quand tu as l’impression d’arriver à un semblant de modération dans les échanges épistolaires, il y a un kfowler qui arrive, et j’ai bien l’impression qu’ils sont aussi nombreux qu’hargneux. Enfin (soupir)! Esperons que Kerry gagne, ça montrera qu’ils sont au moins minoritaires; on le saura très bientôt…Inch Allah ! ( ça, ça va les énerver ).
Kfowler: What country(es) have you visited yet? Just curious…
First of all, the Red Sox paid the Cardinals off to take a DIVE!!! Second, do you honestly think electing Kerry will solve the Iraq problem. Here is a clue for a clueless man like you, Kerry plans to send more U.S. troops into Iraq & how is that going to get our boys out of harms way, it isn’t. Also, yes Iraq was about faulty intel however your beloved Senators Kerry, Kennedy voted to the U.S. military’s budget, & the Intel budget by 30% percent. And incase you are wondering I got that 30% figure from the Congressional Budget Office using the Freedom of Information Act. And lets see your beloved President Clinton signed that budget into law, so if anything your three beloved Democrats made this world and this country alot less safer. And also lets see Senator Kerry voted for the war in Iraq, and before you go off saying Kerry voted to authorize the use or force, you don’t vote to authorize the use of force unless you PLAN TO USE IT otherwise it is an empty threat!!! Also, you want to vote for man voted to raise taxes 98 times, which I got from his voting record. And plans to raise taxes on the RICH, which means to him anyone or business making over $200,000 a year. Thats a real good move, you raise taxes on businesses and they will either let employees go or even think about more about moving their operations out of the U.S. That is really going to help our economy alot, into the toilet. And before you say our unemployment rate is still 5.4% guess what, that was the unemployment rate when Clinton was elected the second time. And guess what taxing the rich isn’t going to pay for all those wonderful WELFARE programs Kerry wants to give you, so he will have no choice but to tax the middle class hurting our economy even more. Also a man who comes back to the U.S. & calls the men he served with a bunch of BABY KILLERS instead of following the chain of command and reporting war crimes to his superiors is nothing but a coward and a Traitor & I also find it very strange Kerry was only in the Navy for 4 months. And as for France being our Allies please, thats why they took brides from Saddam. Finally, maybe you want to live in a country that you pay 70% in income tax and $6.00 a gallon for gas thats fine with me move to FRANCE but leave the rest of us capitalists alone.
P.S. Maybe it would be a good idea for Kerry to get elected. Why, because I can promise you no one in the military will want to re-enlist and Kerry will have no choice but to start the DRAFT again and finally you liberals will have a clue what fighting a war means. But happilly that leaves me out because I am in collage.
Right, I really want to become a citizen of a country that has 70% income tax and where gas costs $6.00 per gallon. I am not that stupid, I love my Hummer and polluting the Air with my Diesel Fuel.
First of all I am 35. Second of all WWII happened because of you idiots dealing with Hilter you Appeased Him until Germany got to big for you idiots to handle. Then you begged for our help. And it doesn’t matter what you think, your tourism is still down by 30%. And as for your money being 30% less than ours, try lowering your taxes and gas prices maybe your money would be worth more.
First of all I know about the business that G.W.’s grandfather did with Germany. However, that was before the U.S. was at War with Germany. We in the U.S. are capitalists.
kfowler5: You are truly amazing. I was hoping that you might have had an independent thought for our entertainment pleasure. Alas, it appears that you don’t. Reading your post was like seeing right wing talk radio – chapter and verse. You didn’t look up Kerry’s voting record any more than I did. Couldn’t you have been more original and not just quote Karl Rove’s hogwash soundbites verbatim? Why don’t you tell us the real reason that you want Bushie to win: because he is "born again" and God talks to him. Bushie, VP Darth Vader, and that right wing neo-nazi cabal of a cabinet is the biggest threat to world peace and financial stability that you could imagine. Plus all you goobers who buy in to that crap. Liveshot Kerry isn’t going to be the re-incarnation of Thomas Jefferson either. But he will be an immense improvement to that embarrassment in the White House that we have now. Maybe Kerry should bring back the draft and maybe we could get your sorry ass drafted. Then you could fight those crazed Iraqis that are such a threat to us. BTW, if you are in "collage," you should learn how to spell it. You write like Bushie sounds. No wonder you like him. Now I will relax to watch crc95 whack you upside the head some more. Donerail
kfowler5: I almost forgot. While you are in your "collage" (which must be a dilly of a school, btw) you might wish to take a course on Economics. Your command of even basic economic principles seems to be non-existent. Better yet, you might want to travel abroad and see how our standard of living trails their’s. Donerail
cel1970/Montjoly/crc 95 et al: As you have undoubtedly noticed, kfowler5 and dholland62 are unfortunate products of our failing educational system here in the USA. At the risk of incurring the wrath of LVB and SalB, could you lobby the French Government to give some foreign aid to the US for use in our education system? We have a terrible problem here and we need help badly. If Bushie does get elected it will prove that we have a dangerously high idiocy rate. Donerail
Sorry, but I have news for you. I did look up Kerry’s voting record in the Senate, just like I researched Bush’s record as Governor in Texas. And I love the fact he supports the death penalty. I look up the record for everyone on the ballot who currently hold public office or at some other time held public office.
As for the Draft, again I 35 which makes me to old for the draft. Second, I already served my country in the U.S. Air Force & was in the first Desert Storm but resigned when Clinton was elected to office because I could not serve under a DRAFT DODGER!!!!! Finally, Kerry says if you re-elect Bush he will bring back the draft. I did some research and found out that one the people who wants to bring back the draft is non other than Charles Rangel a Democrat Congressman from New York. And Bush wants to bring back the draft *********.
kfowler5: Wow. You are indeed a simpleton. If you checked voting records (which of course you didn’t) then you saw that Cheney voted for the same things that Kerry voted for. Karl Rove said Kerry voted to raise taxes 273 times. You say it is only 98. Pray tell, how can there be such a discrepancy in the right wing religious fanatic propaganda distribution system? Please tell us. Donerail
GW Bush’s grandfather’s banking company was seized under the "Trading With the Enemy Act" for it’s dealing with the NAZIS. That is where they got their family legacy from. The fact that GW Bush used family influence to stay OUT of the military and Vietnam says VOLUMES about his integrity, especially when you consider how he got his Texas lawyer buddies to come up with that Swift Boat crap. Bush the draft dodger!
Did you know that a new constitution for Iraq is in the process of being written by the Americans? Paul Bremer has a big hand in this. A clause of the constitution says that Americans will run/control the Iraq oil fields. American companies have been concerned that once the new Iraq government takes control, they’ll throw out the American companies (Halliburten) and replace them with international companies. So what do the "democratic" and "freedom loving" Americans do? They just write in the constitution that AMERICANS will control the oil fields. Democracy and freedom at work here. You really think this was about "terrorism"? Are you that gullible?
I should take a course in economics? Oh, I get it taxing the rich and corporations is great for the economy! Lets see from what I remember Carter tried it that way and it got us 14% unemployment & 22 mortgage rates, that really helped the economy. And from what I remember when Reagan was elected President he lowered income taxes by 50% and got the mortgage rates down to 8%. So common sense says lower taxes are better for the economy, but I forgot I know nothing about economics. Try knowing the facts about something before you talk about it.
LVB: You and SalB have some explaining to do. How do fools like kfowler5 ever get out of our education system? Then again, maybe he went to some Bible school. Donerail
Cheney will never be President. And Kerry voted to raise taxes 98 times, that I sure of.
kfowler5: You are not interested in facts. If you were, you would have known Carter’s policies were directed at correcting the Nixon/Ford era of bizarre economic failures. And it worked – just in time for Reagan to attempt to take credit for it. But old Dutch couldn’t handle it so he and Bushie pounded the economy down the rat hole. Good thing that Draft Dodger Clinton came on board and rescued the economy. Now Draft Dodger Bushie is pounding it down the rat hole again. How about that deficit? Isn’t it grand! You are such a lightweight moron. Donerail
kfowler5: In case you haven’t noticed, Cheney IS the president. I thought you were slow, but not that slow. Donerail
The last time I checked enlisting in the Air National Guard was not considered dodging military service, Clinton did that. Unless you saying everyone in the Guard are a bunch of cowards, so thats what you mean. And lets see Saddamnever surrendered at the end of Desert Storm, it was just a cease-fire. Saddam kicks the U.N. inspectors out of Iraq and the U.N. Security Council passes at least 5 more resolutions threating Saddam with force if he doesn’t comply with the cease-fire agreement. Which Saddam doesn’t and the U.N. does nothing, so under the terms of the 1991 Desert Storm cease-fire agreement since Saddam violated that agreement that gave the U.S. every legal right to deal with him. And maybe if the U.N. wasn’t on the take from Saddam they would have done something.
Carter did a real good job of correcting Nixons economic failures. 22% mortgage rates, what world are you living in? And you wonder why Carter got voted out of office after one term.
I’m glad to see the Democrat spin machine is still in working order. Now I just wonder how votes you Dems are going try to steal.
donerail: I’m a music teacher. I use European conservatory methods to teach my fine students how to play various orchestral instruments. As I can play almost all of them rather decently, I pull out an extra instrument and play their parts with them, correcting them and helping them to get it right as we go along. Needless to say, they’ve worked a lot since the school year began and sound great! For the spring concerts, I’m going to arrange some Mozart string quartets for woodwinds (2 clarinets, 2 flutes) and pick my best players to perform them as a quartet solo. I’m already having clarinet section contests to see who gets the bass clarinet
A little competition can be healthy 
If kfooler…oooops..fowler…(LOL) was my student, and came to my class with that ignorant attitude, I’d have removed him from my orchestras/bands IMMEDIATELY!! Intolerance and racist remarks are NOT TOLERATED in my classrooms and in my band rehearsals.
kfooler: you said you’re a history major?? You’re going to college NOW at age 35?? I guess it took you this long to graduage high school!! LOL
now run along, you small minded man, don’t you have some Weapons of Mass Dissapearance to look for? LOL!!!!
It’s quite simple..Americans ramble on and on about France and say negative things about that lovely country because they are JEALOUS of France. France has high art, culture, beautiful architecture, writers, philosophers, delicious cuisine, etc. that America doesn’t have. Sure, there have been a few American writers of note, but NOTHING compared to the French. American culture is non-existant. Americans also hate that a small country, smaler than the state of Texas, has such influence in the world.
America is a bully. They’re all for "freedom of speech", unless you disagree with their opinion. Then they try to take you down in some shape or form. Some freedom of speech….Human rights? sure! as long as it doesn’t interfere with financial interests, as is the case with "made in China".
The French pay lower income taxes than Americans (add up state/fed, medicare, medicaid, soc. sec. and see what you pay), have a better health care system (I am witness to this personally), better quality food/food distribution system, a higher quality of life/family life, and a better sense of well being than Americans. I’d rather live there than in the USA.
And as for "sluts", I don’t see many FRENCH girls age 12 or 13 having babies, as American girls do.
End of post.
just want to make things right for everyone who read u’re post and may think it is the truth: the maximum income tax is not 70% like u wrongly state, it is 58% (remeber that whatever illness u suffer, and whatever happend to u, hospital and medicare are FREE for EVERY french citizen in France don’t matter if they work or not!!!!!) and u pzy 58% ONLY when u make more than 50.000$ / year, if u make less, then u pay a lower percentage rate of taxe, my self, I pay 15% of income taxes… BIG DEAL!!! Second the gallon (wich is almost 4 liter) is not 6$ but 4Euros wich is 4,8$ so go back to u’re basic and stop stating false argument this is so pathetic, men u suck so much that it stinks around here since u hang around… Ignorant sucker.
Regarding the polluting part, no surprise here, I’m glad u admit it u’rself… No need to put the blame on u. Our children worlwide thank u in advance for polluting the sh*it out of the planet. And forget about the Hummer, U need to be smart enough to be able to afford one some days. As everyone notice here, U will never .
Maybe we French on this board outta tiptoe out of here and leave you Americans deal with your issues in private ?
Collage … LOL … Donerail, that was a good one !! I guess he and oddone probably attend the same
‘night everyone !
crc: don’t leave…we need a Frenchman in here who speaks better English than an American to kick kfooler’s fat, Budweiser soaked butt! LOL
dholland62 said on Oct/17/2004 5:23 PM
donerail…How about those Red Sox? They got a first class spanking on national television. Tonight will be the same! Can you say clean sweep?
Whee. I bet dholland’ll vote as incompetently for president the way he chooses baseball teams.
Kfowler5 wrote
"Oh, and guess what here a thought corporations make jobs not government you Socialist SCUMBAG."
Fowler, you claim to be a history major, but you forget American history. When Franklin D Roosevelt (A democrat) was bringing us out of the Great Depression, he used the government to provide jobs for unemployed Americans, building roads, bridges and other public works.
"everytime a country needs money or help who do they call? Well guess what they don’t call France, they call the U.S."
So why do you want France to replace the U.S. as a military power, Fowler? Don’t you like feeling important? And if U.S. power is that strong, why were Americans upset that France didn’t join us in this war? If we ‘re so tough, why can’t we do it ourself?
"The one thing Americans can’t stand is a bunch of cowards and people who STAB us in the back and we AMERICANS are like elephants, WE NEVER FORGET who ****** us over."
Well, Fowler, why are we allied with Britain, who fought us in several wars, who we gained independence from? Why did we even seek aid from France, Germany, Russia and China, (all nations accused of taking bribes) when we have gone to war with each one of them? (The French and Indian war where colonists fought the French, Germany we fought in two world wars, Russia we fought the cold war against, and China we fought against in Korea.)
"First of all, the Red Sox paid the Cardinals off to take a DIVE!!!"
I don’t know where you got this information from, Fowler. I haven’t heard anything about a scandal, and a group can only keep a secret if all but one are dead.
"Kerry plans to send more U.S. troops into Iraq & how is that going to get our boys out of harms way, it isn’t"
Bush has also said he’s going to send more troops to Iraq, and he has already done so with the back-door draft.
"so if anything your three beloved Democrats made this world and this country alot less safer."
But before 9/11 Bush did nothing to fix the democrat’s supposed "mistakes"… Wow. It seems like George W Bush is a reactive, just as he accuses Kerry of being.
"Also, you want to vote for man voted to raise taxes 98 times, which I got from his voting record."
Those voting records also include procedural votes. So if Kerry voted to discuss the bill, that counts as a vote for on those records.
"Second of all WWII happened because of you idiots dealing with Hilter you Appeased Him until Germany got to big for you idiots to handle."
Despite the threat that Germany posed to the United States, we washed our hands of it until Pearl Harbor was attacked, and by that inaction, we were involved in the appeasement.
"However, that was before the U.S. was at War with Germany. We in the U.S. are capitalists."
But UN nations, when they weren’t at war with Iraq, were wrong to make deals with him?
"And as for your money being 30% less than ours,"
At the time of my posting, one Euro is worth $1.24. 1.27… So European Union currency is worth more than American dollars.
Welcome to the forum LourdePersonne, and I’m Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass* Off reading u’re post!!! Great reply.
Donerail : I’m not sure France could help you out with education in the US, since to be honest we’ve got our own issues with this here. But, maybe you could check with the UNESCO here, I heard they have some special programs and fundings for the underprivileged, underdeveloped or backward nations.
Hi LourdePersonne. Great reply to Kflower5.
I was reading « Les Echos » this morning and just wanted to speak about an article :
?Europe and the United States: a drift continues
An increasing number of Europeans (58%) pleads so that the « 25 countries » adopt an approach more independent from the United States on the international plan.
More than three quarters of the Europeans disapprove of the politics(policy) of Bush. What, according to the person responsible for German the Marshall Islands Fund, could oblige to define the transatlantic relation not anymore on the base " of an association of superior category " but on the base " of an optional alliance when this one arranges both parts".
It looks like the elections will have a very strong impact about the future of the United States.
Hi LourdePersonne. Great reply to Kflower5.
I was reading « Les Echos » this morning and just wanted to speak about an article :
?Europe and the United States: a drift continues
An increasing number of Europeans (58%) pleads so that the « 25 countries » adopt an approach more independent from the United States on the international plan.
More than three quarters of the Europeans disapprove of the politics(policy) of Bush. What, according to the person responsible for German the Marshall Islands Fund, could oblige to define the transatlantic relation not anymore on the base " of an association of superior category " but on the base " of an optional alliance when this one arranges both parts".
It looks like the elections will have a very strong impact about the future of the United States.
Hi LourdePersonne. Great reply to Kflower5.
I was reading « Les Echos » this morning and just wanted to speak about an article :
?Europe and the United States: a drift continues
An increasing number of Europeans (58%) pleads so that the « 25 countries » adopt an approach more independent from the United States on the international plan.
More than three quarters of the Europeans disapprove of the politics(policy) of Bush. What, according to the person responsible for German the Marshall Islands Fund, could oblige to define the transatlantic relation not anymore on the base " of an association of superior category " but on the base " of an optional alliance when this one arranges both parts".
It looks like the elections will have a very strong impact about the future of the United States.
Hi LourdePersonne. Great reply to Kflower5.
I was reading « Les Echos » this morning and just wanted to speak about an article :
?Europe and the United States: a drift continues
An increasing number of Europeans (58%) pleads so that the « 25 countries » adopt an approach more independent from the United States on the international plan.
More than three quarters of the Europeans disapprove of the politics(policy) of Bush. What, according to the person responsible for German the Marshall Islands Fund, could oblige to define the transatlantic relation not anymore on the base " of an association of superior category " but on the base " of an optional alliance when this one arranges both parts".
It looks like the elections will have a very strong impact about the future of the United States.
sorry my spelling isnt good.Its not my fault im dysexic.It gos to show how you jump the gun on people.
and judge people.You have no idea how hard i worked to get to where i am.It was hard to get in to a college and going to be even harder on me cuz im dysexic.SO be for you jump the gun,Get to know some one.
And i dont take kindly to your remarks when i never said any thing worng a bout you.
I have all so never said any thing mean to you.
All i got to say is geee thanks al lot. But i guess this will be my last post.I tryed to talk to you all nicely and i’ll i get is mean remarks.I haven never disrespected the french and plan on going over there soon.Bye all I feel unwelcome and i will not return.I hope you all have good lives and may your dreams come true.
awwww come on oddone, don’t take it bad. I was just teasing you. I had guessed you suffered from mild dyslexia but wasn’t sure, you should have told that from the start, it’s not big deal ! After all it’s what you write that counts, not the way you phrase it.
I’ll stop making fun of you now, so please stay here and don’t leave because of me, or the others will kick my ass for that
LourdesPersonne: Welcome to the forums!! You really told kfowler off! I’m laughing here reading your post! Good job!
crc: yes, we WILL kick your ass! But not before me and SalB raid your wine cellar and take all the good bottles of fine French wine
LVB : I store my wine in the john … so you could raid it, but it’d be weird … don’t you think ? It’s worth it, though. I’ve been saving all that wine in order to throw a party with champagne in the honor of my good buddy oddone.
kfowler5: So now you’re an Andromeda and SG-1 fan? you’re a right wing psycho AND a war fanatic! Now I see where you get your ideas from! LOL
crc: It’s ok… I’d just wash off the bottles really WELL, in order to avoid your toilet germs
and how do you know these toilet germs do not have a positive effect on the wine ???
crc: some types of fermenting are most definately NOT GOOD for wine! LOL
btw, I noticed fowler hasn’t posted today…he probably slithered away back to his cave somewhere! LOL
After his idiotic posts, I did the thing I do, and found kowler’s name/email/location. I’d post it here for everybody to spam, but I fear the francecom admins would edit it out…too bad, he needs to be spammed by some intellegent people! LOL
and who made you maître de chais ?
crc: I am La Vieille Branche of francecom. that’s what.
Looking the great job (sic!) that the France.com admin are doing by letting any jerk calling people scumbag and making racist comment without being banned, u can even post he’s pictures adress and telephone number, I don’t think they will give a f**k.
First of all you can’t kick a student out of a classroom in public school, those are grounds for a lawsuit. Wow, maybe I could hire John Edwards to represent me if he isn’t to busy sueing some innocent doctor over something stupid. Second, only LAZY people take music in school because it is an easy grade and an easy credit. You are suppost to attend school to learn how to read, write, multiple forms of math, history. Thats why most public schools here in the U.S. don’t even offer music anymore as a class, because you are not there to learn music. And how do I know this, I have a daughter and I very involved in her education. And as for going to collage when I am 35, I am a police officer and in my state the law requires us to keep up our education.
WAAAAAAA!!!! The back-door draft, please. First, all the servicemen & women who currently serve in the U.S. military enlisted and took an oath. They were not drafted. And I know this from experience because I served in the U.S. Air Force, once you enlist and take that oath the U.S. has every RIGHT to call you back into active service anytime it seems fit. And how do I know this, because I read the enlistment papers I signed unlike most people who are to lazy. And you know what they say, ignorance of law is no excuse. And also when these people enlisted in the service they knew of the risks, and the fact that they could be called fight in a war at any time. And if the people who enlisted didn’t realize that, they are more nieve than I thought.
LVB: Let me try to get this Forum into a higher state of decorum. crc95: I will have to report your treatment of oddone to SalB. She almost had a seizure over the Chinese baby. She is really going to flip out over this. Donerail
LourdePersonne: Great post. Thanks for reminding me that I should have zinged dholland62 after the Beloved Sox stuck the biggest choke in sports history onto the Yankees. But I am not one to brag and rub it it…I see you have met kfowler5. I can’t believe he is a cop. God help us. I hope to the Baby Jesus he never catches me speeding. He must be an act and is just making it all up. What a character. I can see him now with his cropped haircut and chrome sunglasses. I wonder how long he has been going to that "collage." I think I’ll ask. Donerail
kfowler5: How’s it going good buddy? Aren’t some of these folks nasty? Tell me, what is the name of the educational institution that the taxpayers are sending you to? Your diplomatic skills and knowledge of history and current events is stunning. Did the school help you out there or did you learn what you posted all on your own? Donerail
The University that the wonderful taxpayers of my state send me to is, The University of Connecticut. The home of the best collage Basketball teams in the U.S. And when I say teams, I mean men, & women’s.
kfowler5: Before you go too much further, you might look up the meanings and spellings of words like "collage" and "college." They don’t teach the Huskies the way they used to. Well, being from Connecticut you might share with the forum the exploits of your former Governor Rowland. BTW, you might also share with the Forum your designs to have our beloved Patriots play in the Nutmeg state. What an embarrassment that must have been for you. I would have bet money you were a goober from the South or Midwest. For the benefit of folks on the Forum, Connecticut has to be one of the worst places in the USA to live. That explains kfowlers5 educational and occupational shortcomings. But he is doing the best he can. And that is the main thing. Donerail
First of all I hate the Patriots, even if they did win the Superbowel two years in a row. I’m a Dallas Cowboy’s fan, after all they four Superbowel championships under their belts. You’re probably a Buffalo Bill’s fan, the only football team to go to the Superbowel four years in a row and loose all four times. And as for Governor Rowland, he didn’t anything different from any other elected official. He just got caught! And it doesn’t matter, Rowland got the last laff on our state legislature by making them spend 5 million dollars trying to impeach him. And what does he do resigns, I love it. The Democrats must have been pissed when Rowland did that. And I may be a goober, but at least I am not a REDNECK!!!!!!
kfowler : you’re a cop !!! I cannot believe you didn’t tell me that earlier. That would have explained A LOT. I also cannot believe I wasted all this time replying to you, hoping there might be some hope.
Donerail : please don’t report me to SalB. Please don’t do that. Hey, isn’t there like a special pardon I’m entitled to after the Sox won ??
kfowler: redneck is u’re midle name.
Mr dholland62,
I just register to this site and read trough your message. I’m really sorry but your informations aren’t utterly correct. Actually, the informations you have about Iraq was true about 20 tears ago. We helped Iraq as you helped the afghan talibans, so please don’t judge us so hard for things your government also did by the past in anotehr countries.
As for the war between UK and Argentina in 1982, the french government had a contract with Argentina before the beginning of the war on providing the argentinian army in super étendard (airplanes) and Exocet AA-39 missiles (anti boat missiles); the french government breached the contract with argentina to show Argentina we were not supporting them and were supporting the english.
Unfortunately some planes and missiles were already in the hands of the argentinian army. but please remember that your government sold F-14 to Iran and stopped as soon as Iran became an islamic Republic: It is quite exactly the same situation.
I am the son of a family of soldiers and resistants. My family knows very well what your country did for us, and will never forget this, never. My grand grand mother hide american and british aviators during the second world war in her restaurant in Brest. German soldiers were eating in there without knowing that allied aviators were also eating in the next room. Here is one of many examples I can give you.
American and French are friends, sir, and will ever be. But sometimes a good friend is someone who can say: I disagree. A good friend isn’t a good pet. and you know, sometimes it is good to be contracted: it is the best way to think about yourself and your way of acting.
What’s more you meant in one of your messages that we were a sort of "nation of losers". I have friends in the French foreign Legion and trust me they are not losers. We won battles and wars, we lost batlles and wars, as you did. We saved lots of your citizens in africa when your government was forgetting them: one of my legionnaire friend told me once that an american man cried in his arms just after being saved by his section in Africa. Did you see it on CNN or Fox TV? No. Why? Because when we do such things, we don’t go with journalists: we do it and that’s all: we make the job and trust me we make it well.
I am proud of my crountry as you are. You don’t have the right to split on us and our deads as we didn’t do it on you guys. As a faithfull roman catholic I forgive you and all the american who say the same things. I even forgave you before you said it. So please don’t ever, never think that you are better than us because we are all human beings with our victories, our sufferings and our mistakes. Even you, the so-called god chosen people and even us the elder daughter of the roman church.
Best regards,
KFowler: The point that I was making with my comment was that you were bashing Kerry for wanting to send people INTO Iraq, and your choice was doing the same thing.
So that’s one point you’ve responded to. Anything on the others?
kfooler: actually, you CAN have a student removed and placed in an "alternative" school, if the student poses a serious problem to the teachers or to other students. And, YES, in NJ music is part of the Core Curriculum Content Standards, REQUIRED in NJ Public Schools. There is a DEFINATE link between brain development and the study of music, specifically in the area of mathematics. Having to process note reading, finger/muscle coordination, memory, proper breathing/muscle control, and counting, all at the same time is the ultimate multi-tasking.
Look at Yo Yo Ma, Athur Rubenstein, Jean-Pierre Rampal, James Galway and tell me that they’re lazy or stupid. Tell me you even KNOW who they ARE, without having to google them first.
However, judging by your posts, it seems you’ve never studied much of ANYTHING, other than the KKK manual.
So you’re a police officer? What is happening to this country when losers and racists such as yourself are permitted to defend others?? It’s called Abner Louima and Rodney King.
My brother in law is a police officer and would NEVER talk the way you do. Tolerance is a virtue!
I should call DYFS and have your daughter removed from your home, because of the bad influence/polluting environment you offer a child.
Tristan: Welcome to the forums!
what a wonderful post you just wrote
What LVB just said!!!!
Tristan is 20 Years Old!!!!!! God i’m proud to be French when I read that…
Hi Manu!
Remember what it says on the back of American dollar bill: E pluribus unum…out of many comes one…American heritage is the WORLD, every nation, every culture, every race.
Please don’t judge all Americans badly because of that idiot, kfowler. We’re not all a bunch of ignorant, racist, violent, swearing, gullible people. When I see losers like kfowler, I’m embarassed to be American
He embodies the worst possible traits of the human race.
crc95: I was just kidding. I would never tell SalB about you and oddone. Looks like kfowler5 is on the ropes. I can’t imagine what it must be like to live there. Its a gawdawful pain in the ass just to drive thru it. Can you imagine that moron dealing with the public? His Republican Governor Rowland was going to be a big VIP in the Bushie administration until he got caught with his hand in the till. (Bribes and using State workers to re-build his lakefront cottage.) kfowler5 souunded so disappointed, he was probably in on it. So is Sarkozy the heir apparent to Chirac? Donerail
kfowler5: That must have been some sight. Your beloved Dallas Drugboys winning 4 Superbowels. Not a nice vision. Frankly, I think the Patriots winning 2 Superbowls was spectacular. I see that your prose is pretty much out of steam. I guess you can’t flaunt your badge aroung here, Barney. Donerail
Trisdan: I echo the others, that was a nice post and welcome to the Forums. Don’t get too hung up on the likes of dholland62 and kfowler5. These folks are what we call here in the States, rednecks and bigots. They tend to be a little slow (like dholland62) and numb as a hake (like kfowler5) but they can be entertaining as well. If we weren’t out killing people and driving our economy down the rat hole, Bushie would be great entertainment as well. I am proud to be an American and we do pretty for the most part. We do have to cope with huge doses of rednecks and bigots, however. In a few more days, we will have turned the corner. Again, welcome. Donerail
First of all I would rather watch Andromeda & SG-1 than Soap Opera’s & drama’s where every women is a slut. I think the problem is that you can’t anything that doesn’t support your PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL message. And here is also another fact, if you liberals had your way we would either be under German or Japanesse control. And also I am a Gene Roddenberry fan, whch means I and a Star Trek fan. And also this is also a fact even in the history books, most disputes can’t be solved by talk only action. In plain english, talk is cheap.
no, I was not bashing Kerry for wanting to send more troops into Iraq. First I was bashing him for coming back from Nam only after 4 months and going in front of the U.S. Senate and calling the people he served with a bunch of baby killers. Sorry, but any person who does that does not deserve to be president, Not even Bill Clinton did that and he really was a draft dodger. Second, I am bashing Kerry for the fact he said we shouldn’t even be in Iraq even though he voted for the War. I sense a little hypocrisy there. Then Kerry says he wants to pull the U.S. troops out of Iraq and now he says he wants to send 40,000 more, which is it? And also Kerry accuses Bush of putting our troops in Harms way, But he plans to send another 40,000 more to Iraq. I sense for hypocrisy. And finally Kerry says Bush did everything wrong in Iraq and that he would do everything different, Kerry gave no details on how he would do things different. Except Kerry said he wants to get more international troops in Iraq, well France & Germany already said no matter who is President they will not send any troops. And besides that, The rest of the countries miltitary forces combined expect Russia & China couldn’t even come close to supplying the troops we already have there. And I seriously doubt that Russia will send any troops and I know China won’t send any. So, here is 64,000 dollar question, where to we gat the troops to replace the U.S. troops? You can’t.
no, you rather have us police officers give speeding tickets and hang out at Dunkin Donuts like your brother-in-law. And second, go ahead and call DYFS. I assure you I am still doing a better job than every other parent out there who just has children to receive a welfare check. And as for Music. We had music, shop, and other un-needed courses killed in our public school system because those courses are not the reason we send our children to school. If you want your child to learn those courses you either send them to a tech school or the children can go to a trade school or college after they graduate high school. And the patents in my town also refused to pay the school football, & baseball teams. So now if the students want to play sports they will have to do after school and let their parents pay for it instead of everyone, the U.S. is not a socialist country. And finally, most of my towns residents made sure the teachers didn’t gat a raise this year either & they teachers also had to start paying something for their medical insurance. nothing in this world is free, except bad advice and most of the time not even that is free.
disappointed about Rowland, he got the last laff. Rowland cost the State $5,000,000 in legal fees in the process of trying to impeach him. And the great thing about it is Rowland didn’t even break any laws and he is going get away with it scott free, not even the feds can touch him because Rowland signed nothing. Now Rowland will most likely get a cushy job with a corporation and help them export more jobs to china.
The Cowboys could help but win when they played the Buffalo Bills. The only football team in history to go to the superbowl 4 times and loose 4 times. As for the Dallas Cowboys and drugs, I see it is ok for baseball players to do cocaine & go to jail for a year and still get paid. And when they get out of jail still have a job, but god forbid a baseball player gets caught gambling on their own team to win ( Pete Rose). I sense alot of hypocrisy there.
In Irak, France, Germany, Russia or china will not send troops because US ask for it, that is for sure, they will if UN ask for it. Still hard for u’re small mind to understand that.
On another hand it is really typical from you when U laugh about a team that went 4 years in final, U call them loosers, I call them the second best team of all NFL 4 years !!! Now that’s something, i’m not sure alot of team could acomplish that. It is the story about the half-empty glass and half-full glass. Men it must suck to be you.
LourdePersone: as you noticed he is still replying to the same one point only, the 20 other that u made he could not argue… Small brain can’t deal with more than one argument.
Thank you to all of you for welcoming me, I am sure that I will learn a lot about you guys and about the american way of seeing politics.
You know, I sense excellent timing in the latest release of the Osama Bin Laden video.
First, normally the videos are dropped off to Al-Jazeera (sp?) and the U.S. watches it from there. But this one was delivered to the TV station AND to U.S. Authorities.
It had often been said, even by Fox News, that if the market was low, George Bush wouldn’t win the presidency. How fortuitous then, that the video was played at exactly 4pm Eastern Time, immediately after the closing bell at Wall Street, since previous videos always caused the market to drop due to terrorist fears.
Despite it being called a "terror ally", the Bush Administration hasn’t urged/forced Qatar to shut down Al-Jazeera. Why? Because Al-Jazeera’s a Bush ally, used to remind the people that there’s a terrorist threat outside the nation. 1984, anyone? The Bush camp can’t make it too obvious that they’re threatening the American people, zo what better way to do it than purposely let a terrorist organization exist?
When it was released, Republican leaders said they were "satisfied" with the tape, because the threat of terrorist attacks worked in Bush’s favor since more people believe Bush is tougher on terror than Kerry. It makes sense. If Bush had actually succeeded in fighting the war on terror in his first term as president, why would we need to elect him a second time?
Lourdes: I always said that Bush would NEVER really go after Osama, because if he did, then the game would be over and we’d not need to re-elect him. Domestic issues would then take center stage. Did you realy think Bush would seriously take on the Bin Laden family? Osama’s father was a Carlyle Group member, along with Bush Senior, and they were having their meeting in NYC on 9-11 when the towers were hit with the planes sent by Osama. The Bin Ladens have invested many millions, if not billions, in the Bush oil businesses in the past. That kind of money buys a LOT of loyalty. When Americans were all grounded immediately after 9-11, the White House Administration put every Bin Laden family member on a private plane and sent them out of the USA, with NO interrogation at all allowed by the FBI. What was Bush hiding?? These are valid questions that need to be answered. A full scale war with Iraq using American troops, yet bush hires warlords in Afghanistan to flush out Osama? Does anybody see the hypocracy in these events?
kFOOLer: You better stop being nasty to me and to others, with your insults and name calling, or I will post your name, address, email, etc. in here.
You are a hateful person, and from what you’ve told me, living in a VERY VERY selfish and hateful town. I hope the town sees fit to cut your salary and health benefits, too. Remember something: if the town screws over the teachers on the issue of salary/benefits, it’s just a matter of time before the police and firefighters are next in line. You are all public employees and therefore subject to the same situation. Don’t expect the Teachers Union to support you in contract negotiations if you don’t support them. How do I know this? I’m a teacher in NJEA, and I know well how the unions operate.
You’re such a hateful person that I’m sure that the next racial/bias/hate crime committed by a police officer will lead straight to you.
donerail: I told you I can find almost anybody immediatly…kFOOLer’s admitting to SG-1 and Star Trek are proof of that. Do you want his personal information so you can spam him?
Manu: You’re very very right. It must really sux to be kFOOLer.
First of you moron, Osama does not run a country & if he did instead of hiding in caves in the mountains somewhere we would have found him. And lets see Bush Senior wanted to get Saddam out of power back in 1991, but he couldn’t do that because of FRANCE’S, GERMANY’S, & RUSSIA’S whinning about that is not what the U.N. Security Council Mandated. So instead of blaming everything on the U.S. take some responsiblity on your life and the leader you elect. Also, the 9/11 Commission stated that 9/11 was not G.W.’s fault, they stated it was the fault of President Clinton & other Democrats for cutting the U.S. intel budget & military budget. How do I know this I bought the 9/11 commission book, I suggest you read it unless you think it to complicated for you to understand.
And go ahead & post my e-mail address here, I have three firewalls & three Spamfilters running. As for posting my real address, if I were you I wouldn’t do that. The last time I checked if anyone sends me any threating letters, that is considered Harrassment & I assure you the U.S. Justice Department will do something about it. And since France is a member of N.A.T.O. & I served in the military I also know that the U.S. & France have an extridition treaty. So please TRY IT!!!!
And as for the town cutting the Police & Firemans Salary, not going to happen. We actually do our JOBS, instead of hanging out at Dunkin Donuts. As for the Teachers, as I said before we already made sure none of them got their raises. And it’s in their new contract the teachers will be held accountable for students not learning & the contract also says the teachers have to give weekly progress reports to the parents on the students. And most of the towns residents already stated to the teachers if they strike, the residents will demand the teachers be fired and the town will have to fire new teachers. And not to mention the fact that Ct. has a law allowing home schooling. The residents of our town also told the teachers to keep their political & liberal views to themselves. And our residents also told the teachers to reconsider their views opposing school vouchers unless they don’t want their raises next time.
And you are a member of the NJEA. I figure thats means New Jersey Education Association. It most be great to be a teacher in the TOLE BOOTH CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. And as for New Jersey being the Garden State, I suppose if your growing smoke stacks you’re right. And I know this because I drive through New Jersey 4 times a year on my way to Florida, to teach them down their how to read a voting ballet!!!
kfowler5: You spelling and syntax is amazingly poor. Couldn’t anyone help you? You are such a simpleton. I guess I will echo most of this Forum in describing you simply as an A Hole. A Connecticut A Hole at that. HaHaHa. Donerail
kfowler5: I read in an article today that your brother is an only child. Is that correct? Donerail
"First of you moron, Osama does not run a country & if he did instead of hiding in caves in the mountains somewhere we would have found him."
Considering that at the time he was "caught," Saddam wasn’t running a country, and was hiding in holes, how did we find him, Kfowler?
"So instead of blaming everything on the U.S. take some responsiblity on your life and the leader you elect."
How are you certain that all of the French people in this thread CAN VOTE, much less COULD VOTE in the last election?
"Also, the 9/11 Commission stated that 9/11 was not G.W.’s fault, they stated it was the fault of President Clinton & other Democrats for cutting the U.S. intel budget & military budget."
You can have all the intelligence in the world, but if you remain glued to your chair, that intelligence is wasted. I’ve heard quite a bit that there were warnings of threats against the U.S. And President Bush did nothing until 9/11 happened.
"I have three firewalls & three Spamfilters running."
You know, if I really wanted to bug you, that would be provocation. That wouldn’t stop a script-kiddy, it would just give them something to work against.
"And it’s in their new contract the teachers will be held accountable for students not learning & the contract also says the teachers have to give weekly progress reports to the parents on the students."
You know, I think I could go for that, only if Police Officers are docked their pay for every crime that happens (based on losses from the criminal activity) and if the firemen were docked based on how much property damage they couldn’t prevent. Some kids don’t want to learn, and the teachers can’t FORCE a student to learn. It’s up to the student to learn what is taught, and make up their minds what is truth and what isn’t.
Well you are wrong again. If you really watched the news you would heard them say, that the Osama tape was dropped off at al-jazeera. Then al-jazeera broadcasted it. And that is where the U.S. news organizations got it from.
I was born an A Hole, but there is no excuse being stupid. And as for my brother being an only child, Ha Ha. As far as my family is concerned I’m the saint because I threw my brother in jail twice for 2 years. Once for burglary & once for DWI. So remember any person who can throw their own brother in jail has no issues about doing it someone else.
First you idiot President Clinton had multiple chances to get Osama for eight years, but he did nothing except drop a couple cruise missiles on an asprin factory. Second, It is a proven fact that Syria had Osama in their custody and offered him to the U.S. & President Clinton said no. And Finally this war with Osama started way before G.W. ever took office, it started when Osama bombed 2 embassies & the Cole. But again BILL did nothing, you’re just mad because G.W. had the BALLS to act & BILL didn’t. And just remember it was your buddy Al Gore who broke a tie vote in the senate to raise the from 50% to 80% on social security income. They really help Americans.
And no, it’s the Teachers jobs and if they can’t handle it maybe they shouldn’t be teaching.
And is that a threat, oh I hope so. I’ve nailed people for less.
No, I was distinctly watching Fox News and they said that this was the first time it was dropped off to an american authority before it was broadcast on Al-Jazeera. That’s why, ten minutes before it was broadcast on middle-east television, the gov’t was studying it to determine whether or not the video contained secret messages and what could be aired.
"And no, it’s the Teachers jobs and if they can’t handle it maybe they shouldn’t be teaching"
Okay, so if you can’t prevent every crime that happens in your area, you shouldn’t be a police officer.
Secondly, it’s as much the parents’ jobs to teach the children as it is the teachers. Teachers can’t teach our children everything they need to know, so it’s up to the parents do fill in the gaps, or get them what they need to fill those gaps in.
You were talking about Clinton not doing anything about Osama, well look at G Hiram Bush.
"And lets see Bush Senior wanted to get Saddam out of power back in 1991, but he couldn’t do that because of FRANCE’S, GERMANY’S, & RUSSIA’S whinning about that is not what the U.N. Security Council Mandated."
So Bush Sr. is a pussy who bends to the will of foreign powers even if it puts the U.S. at risk? Wow! and the weapons of mass destruction existed back then, even were used on our troops. If Bush Sr. didn’t think that they were important enough to oppose the U.N., why did his son think they were? Because George W wanted to be a wartime president to overshadow his failures.
"It is a proven fact that Syria had Osama in their custody and offered him to the U.S. & President Clinton said no."
can you show me that document, and the proof that Syria actually would have been willing to give Osama up (considering Syria’s considered a terrorist state)
"But again BILL did nothing, you’re just mad because G.W. had the BALLS to act & BILL didn’t."
Look, get your facts straight. If it started during Clinton’s presidency, it started with the first Trade Tower attacks, the bombs in the parking garage. But the losses of what, damage to the super-structure of the buildings, two overseas embassies, and a gaping hole in a small warship… compared to what? Four hijackings of OUR aircraft, a direct attack on the military headquarters of the US (that even suceeded), the Pentagon. Two planes impacting with the figureheads of capitalism, the World Trade Towers, and bringing them down, and another plane that, if the passengers hadn’t been as willing to die for their cause as the hijackers, would likely have been aimed at the White house, George W. Bush probably would have been LYNCHED if he hadn’t done anything.
LourdePersonne/LVB/ManuNice: I don’t think we are going to have much success in trying to educate kfowler5. He is a captive of the NRA and the religious right wing. Then again, most police officers make their living "working" construction details or otherwise shaking down the business community. Maybe he is just too tired to absorb common sense. As my Harley helmet sticker would state: He is not completely useless. He can be used at the bad example. Donerail
my question is why is he still here? Is he trying to educate us? LOL…
Happy Election Day to all forum buddies! (I was too busy to to go online these past few days)
kFOOLer: First of all, it really does SUX to be you! I thank God I’m not you: nasty, hateful, spiteful, evil little man. I cannot imagine HOW you ever got a daughter, did you buy her on the black market? I cannot imagine ANY woman sleeping with you willingly. You must of raped somebody.
Second, Osama’s father and Bush Senior WERE having their annual Carlyle meeting in NYC on 9-11 when the towers went down, you idiot! Bin Ladens have invested billions with Bush family businesses over the years. The Saudis have also invested billions over the past 30 years with the Bushies. If you think that kind of investment money doesn’t buy loyalty in "not finding" his son Osama, then go back and re-read paragraph one here with your name on it.
Third, I HAVE read parts of the 9-11 Commission, you tiny, little man, and it doesn’t blame ANY presidential administration for Osama, whether Democrat or Republican. But judging from your sentence structure, your spelling, and overall use of the English language, it seems that you are semi-illiterate. Thus, you’d not understand WHAT you read.
How did you get into college (or collage, as YOU spell it,) anyway, did you bribe your way in, as Bush Senior did to get Bush Junior into Yale? or did you threaten phony police charges against the Dean?
And lastly, YES you f**king idiot, cutting Police contracts WILL happen where you live. You’re a public employee and therefore vulnerable. Don’t expect any teachers union to help your sorry butt when contract negotations start, the city is looking to save money, decides to cut police salaries and benefits, and tells the police to accept it, or go find a new job. I’ll be laughing at you!
And for the record, if i was going to go into hiding or "disapear", you’d NOT find me.
"The residents of our town also told the teachers to keep their political & liberal views to themselves. " This is America? This is Freedom of Speech? I guess it’s freedom of speech for yourself and for others who only agree with what you’re saying. All others should just shut up. Hitler would be very proud of you and your "town".
It really must SUCK to be you!
P.S. You can threaten me and everybody else all you want, however, your threats and racist remarks posted here are conduct unbecoming an officer, Mr. Kevin Fowler. As a policeman you have a DUTY and an obligation to ALL people you meet, not just the ones you agree with. Your behavior here is conduct unbecoming an officer, and your "frog" name-calling is considered HATE speech. I COULD file a claim against you, as you called me Frog, and I’m French-American. That is a racist remark directed at my heritage/ethnic background. I’m sure the police chief, the mayor and other local influentials where you live would be VERY interested to see your posts. You don’t deserve to wear a badge.
Has any one else noticed ? When SalB’s away, language on these boards tend to … mmm … get a little more *liberated*.
Donerail what do you think ?
Lourdes: Wonderful post!
however, you’re wasting your time. Simpletons such as kfowler don’t have the mental capacity to understand any logical arguement and reply in a similar fashion. The only thing they understand is hate, violence and abuse.
kFOOLer: when the Doctor did a C-section on your poor, unfortunate mother, did he cut your brain open, too and sew it back up?
crc: SalB will be back soon enough. Until then,. we can have fun
Happy Election Day! School is closed because terrorist threats to public schools in NJ forced the city to close its large schools with thousands of kids in each building.
I got to sleep later this morning
Wednesday afternoon, after work, I’m off to the NJEA Convention in Atlantic City. I wish they could pick a different place to hold the convention, however, it’s the ONLY city in NJ with enough hotel rooms to support a statewide convention of many thousands of teachers at one time. Therefore, I won’t be here starting Wednesday afternoon. I leave my friends donerail, Manu, crc, and Lourdes to effectively kick kFOOLer’s virtual butt in here.
As for Election Day, time to kick da Chimp outta office!
you got to sleep later but got up at what, 7ish ?? Hellooooo Mrs Nerdson from Dorkistan !!!
Yesterday we had the day off here and I got up at 12:30. Now THAT’s living.
crc: I got up at 8 a.m. I would LOVE to sleep until noon, but I get terrible back pain (if I stay in bed for 12 hours) courtesy of some American high school kids who smashed their parent’s big Buick into me and my little Renault. 20 years later I still feel the pain on a daily basis.
Of course the police didn’t do anything to help me.
I can still work out on my exercise machines, swim, push a piano around, carry luggage to France
So I’m ok
OMG !! Did you drive the Le Car ??
crc: Nope. I had the Renault "Alliance". I had gotten it used for just a few thousand dollars, my first car, right out of university/conservatoire
Those kids totally smashed the car, with me in it. My father was smart enough to fight the insurance company, and I got the car repaired. It lasted one more year before it died, from complications resulting from that accident.
I had a place reserved in the Ecole Normale Superieure, to do my Masters Degree in music/piano. Needless to say, that accident destroyed my chances to go, as I had problems playig piano for a LONG TIME, and the Ecole only held my place for a certain amount of time 🙁
I’m not as stupid as some people think 😉
wow, Normale Sup is big here. You MUST be smart after all
Only the crème de la crème attend to the ENS. The science one moved to Lyon about 15 years ago. French equivalent to your M.I.T.
It amazes me how stupid you really are. First, it ia the teachers responsiblitiy, that is why we pay TAXES. If it wasn’t the teachers responsibility and the parents, then the children would be schooled at home.
Second, Bill Clinton even admitted it himself that Syria offered Osama to the U.S. and he said no. And as for G.W. wanting to be a wartime President he didn’t have to invade Iraq to do that, he already had the war on terror to do that. But, G.W. considered Iraq part of the war on terror. So, by your logic since Germany wasn’t the country to attack on December 7, 1941 and Japan was. We should have gone after Japan because Germany wasn’t a real threat to the and Japan was. But even F.D.R. saw the big picture back then and you go after as many of your enemies you can at one time.
And as for Bush doing nothing about 9/11, lets see there were no specific threats against U.S. targets. So what was Bush supposed to do SHUT DOWN EVERY AIRLINE, TRAIN, & PORT FOR THE NEXT YEAR. That would have been real good for the economy. Or was Bush supposed to beef up security in the airports, train stations, & shipping port waiting for something to happen. And if something didn’t happen, Bush would be called an idiot for wasting money and resourses. Either way Bush was in a no win deal. And it is also a matter of fact that americans don’t care about the plight of other people until it effects them directly, which makes most of you Americans a bunch selfish people. A very good example of that is America wanted nothing to with WWII until the U.S. was attacked by Japan, And no one can tell me that F.D.R. didn’t know the attack on us by Japan wasn’t coming.
And speaking of the First Bombings on the World Trade Center, Kerry voted to cut the Intel budget right after that and even Senator Kennedy called Kerry an idiot.
So, the lives of OUR PEOPLE in the Embassies, and the lives of OUR SAILORS on the Cole MEAN NOTHING!!!!!!!! That makes you look selfish!!!!!!
Lets see I am looking up what is considered an act of war. WOW, it says any deliberate attack on U.S. Base, Warship, Civilian Vessel, Embassy, or other U.S. interests or holdings around the world. Well, I guess that means when Osama attacked our Embassies, and the Cole he committed an act of war. But Bill did nothing. But again it was only the lives of a few Embassy personnel, and the lives of a few Sailors. Tell the family members of those Embassy personnel & sailors that the lives of their family members meant nothing!!!!!
And before you go off on what about the 3 thousand that died in the Second attack on the WTC and the Pentagon, if Bill did his Job instead of getting a **** Job 9/11 wouldn’t of happened. You tell the family members of the 9/11 victims that.
All you liberals are the same, not giving a **** about anything or anyone that doesn’t affect you directly. I think it is time for you to grow up and if you are going to talk the talk, you better start walking the walk. I already have, I served 8 years in the U.S. Air force, while you were probably getting drunk at some party.
And all you teachers are the same. You say you care about the students, but when you find out that you’re going to get what you want in your contract you go on strike. Care about the students, my but. I loved it when they threw the teachers in jail for going on strike in New York City.
I assure you that I have never walked off the job during a contract dispute.
Thats right I love the N.R.A. and my second Amendment right to carry a firarm. Got news for you liberal morons you will never get that out of the Constitution.
And you probably want to amend the Constitution to get rid of the electoral college and have the President elected by popular vote. Even though have the President elected by popular vote wouldn’t fair to lower population areas of the countries, but what am I saying liberals don’t care about fairness.
First of all when I got married I had my wife sign a pre-nup, which means if she divorces me she gets nothing. Second, I adopted my daughter from girl who got herself knocked so she could get on welfare like a true liberal.
And as for how I got into collage, I paid for it. I didn’t whine like a liberal saying it isn’t fair because I don’t have the money, I think the state should pay for it.
And as for Police contracts, in my town we got a raise with our new contract. What can I say, the residents respect the fact we are willing to DIE to protect them. What is a teacher going to die from, a paper cut.
There is no FREEDOM OF SPEECH ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. If that were the case we would be able to post the TEN COMMANDMENTS on school property, since it is part of the same AMENDMENT.
And by the way I looked up the law, FROG is not a racist remark. On the other hand profanity is.
And it great to be me, every slime ball moved out of my neighborhood because I made their lives a living hell legally.
Lets see I am part English, Irish, Scottish, Wales, French, & Indian. GROW UP!!!!!
Sorry Lav,
my mother went through natural child birth. Whats your excuse, were you the victim of partial-birth abortion.
Ya Lav,
you want Kerry in so you can get more WELFARE CHECKS.
kFOOLER: yes, you fool, Frog is RACIST remark against the French and French-Americans. YOU used it quite a bit in your first posts in this string. That makes you a racist dirtbag who does NOT deserve to wear ANY police badge.
I thought you said the Taxpayers were paying for college…oh excuse me…you don’t attend "college". You attend COLLAGE! Good, YOU can pay for that! LOL
Actually, you simpleton, there IS freedom of speech in schools. It’s called The Constitution of the United States of America. Every citizen has the right to freedom of speech without repercussions. You might have to go to court to sue for it, as there are always slimeballs like yourself who would try to take away others freedoms to suit your narrow-minded little mind. However, it’s in the Constitution. If you don’t like it, TOUGH LUCK!
The 10 Commandments are about RELIGION, NOT freedom of speech. Go look it up, if you don’t know the difference, you teeny tiny little mongrol.
Let’s see, so you’re part English, Irish, Scottish, Wales, French, & Indian? You’re like an ugly mongrol dog that somebody leaves at the animal shelter. Eventually they put that ugly mongrol "to sleep". Interesting comparison, isn’t it?
kFOOLer: Your mother took drugs while pregnant. You’re the end result.
I see the votes coming in. Kerry won Connecticut. Kerry won New Jersey (no suprise there). I guess there are SOME normal people in CT after all.
"If it wasn’t the teachers responsibility and the parents, then the children would be schooled at home."
I said that it was the teachers AND the parents’ responsibilities to educate the students. Besides, you said yourself that Conneticut allows home schooling. (I don’t know of a state that doesn’t allow it…)
"he didn’t have to invade Iraq to do that, he already had the war on terror to do that."
But.. but… I thought the war in Iraq was PART of the war on terror…
"Either way Bush was in a no win deal."
So he chose the no win choice that cost the United States several thousand people and had a significant effect on our economy…
I’d rather be blamed for doing the right thing and making sure my people were safe than be blamed for doing nothing and letting it happen.
"What is a teacher going to die from, a paper cut."
Or a student wielding his second amendment rights…
"Lets see I am looking up what is considered an act of war. WOW, it says any deliberate attack on U.S. Base, Warship, Civilian Vessel, Embassy, or other U.S. interests or holdings around the world."
Thanks for making a point for me. By that means, Kent State University was in revolution in May, 1970 because of the arson of the ROTC building on campus. I guess the four that died there shouldn’t have been the only ones!
"But again it was only the lives of a few Embassy personnel, and the lives of a few Sailors. Tell the family members of those Embassy personnel & sailors that the lives of their family members meant nothing!!!!!"
Sorry, that was personal opinion showing through. I am a Liberal, and registered as a democrat, but actually, I consider myself a fascist, and see people as the ultimate renewable resource. *Shrugs*
"I served 8 years in the U.S. Air force, while you were probably getting drunk at some party."
I have two sisters who’re in the armed forces, and I spent two years in Air Force ROTC, and would still be in, but I was not accepted because of a heart defect. (No, it ISN’T a "bleeding heart"
"Thats right I love the N.R.A. and my second Amendment right to carry a firarm. Got news for you liberal morons you will never get that out of the Constitution. "
Don’t know who you’re talking about, KFowler. I’m a liberal, but I can’t wait until I’ve saved up the money to purchase a Desert Eagle (I love supporting the Israeli Military) and a sniper rifle.
Either way you moron you’re still a LOOSSEERR!! G.W. got another 4 years with 51% of the popular vote, well I guess the majority of the U.S. thinks like me. And we gained 2 seats in the House and 5 seats in the Senate. Wow, it looks like this country really is sick of liberal morons.
If you read the first Amendment, which I have in front of me. It says the Government shall not regulate speech or religion. What part of that did you not understand, I suggest you look it up.
I might be an ugly mongrel, but you and your kind are still 3 way LOOSSEERRSS!!
No, you are the end result of a mother who got knocked up, who took drugs, & collected a welfare check. I am the result of parents who believed that you fight to protect the little guy, & that no one is entitled to a free ride off the American taxpayers and don’t give anything back in return.
It is a matter of fact that the American people don’t care about what goings on around the world until it effects them directly. Remember WWII, when Germany was invading most of Europe and Japan was invading China. The American people didn’t care about that until December 7th 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Most of America are a bunch of selfish self-involved idiots.
Sorry, but northeast 9 out of 10 times goes Democrat. But it doesn’t matter G.W. still WON!!!!!!!
Kfooler, you made one big mistake. You shouldn’t have written you had some French blood. You should had kept this info for yourself. Now, without you knowing it, your post has been secretely transmitted to Asscroft’s dark room archives. It is now being processed, and when it comes through Chimp will have had a not-too-comfy cell booked for your sorry ass in Gitmo.
Best of luck.
So what, I have nothing to hide. But it sounds like you mind, so you must having something to hide.
After reading dholland62’s allegations against France, I felt obliged to reply and tell the truth.
Regarding the oil vouchers, the French government NEVER received any oil vouchers. French individual influencers did like Pascal Magein (who works in the oil industry and is close to Chirac) and Charles Pasqua (a former French minister).
Hussein gave vouchers to people like the two mentionned above in order to try to influence governments and indirectly influence the United Nations regarding the sanctions against Iraq.
Everything is in the new Duelfer report.
Regarding the socialist party, it has nothing to do with the oil vouchers: Iraqi records say that the French socialist party may have RECEIVED one million dollar in 1988 from Iraq Secret Services. Off course, it still has to be proven.
So dholland62 is wrong when saying that the socialist party gave any millions to Hussein. It may have got money but never gave anything.
The new Duelfer report says as well that Hussein found other ways to bypass U.N sanctions in order to get more illegal money.
Two other ways were to surcharge oil companies or to get kickbacks from those companies. ALL the oil companies who wanted to trade with Iraq had to follow Hussein’s rules and pay this illegal money.
Those oil companies KNEW that they gave extra illegal money directly to Hussein’s regime.
Some of those oil companies are French like TOTAL.
But which country was the main and principal purchaser of oil? The great United States of America.
It means several American Oil Companies gave millions of illegal dollars to Hussein.
So dholland62, do American Oil Companies have blood in their hands? Are you going to boycott those companies?
All this dirty business wouldn’t have been possible without the opaque Swiss bank system. Hussein had many bank accounts in Switzerland and Switzerland is still reluctant to help the US investigations to find and give back Hussein’s money to the Iraqi people.
So dholland62, what about Switzerland? Any thoughts about them? Do you welcome Swiss people in your home?
For the record, 4 executives working for Total and who were in charge of Iraq in the late 90’s/early 2000s have been charged in France.
Pascal Mangein was as well involved in this bad business through several companies.
Pascal Mangein kinda fled France, he is now safe living in… the UK!
How many US executives have been charged for illegal oil trades with Iraq? As far as I know, none.
At last, the major chunk of the money (75%) that Hussein managed to get around the U.N. santions comes from illegal oil trade with Syria, Turkey, Iran and Jordan.
The interesting thing is that governements were aware of that. The US government was aware and even sent a note to the Jordan government just saying that it would be better in they can find another energy supplier.
One more thing before I conclude: who sold most of the chemical crap in the late 80’s to Hussein’s regime?
American companies with the blessing of the US federal government.
In conclusion, I would like ot say that the French government is certainly not very clean in the Iraqi situation. But neihter is the American government.
Stop thinking the USA as the pure white knight who is saving the world.
Every government in the world tries to do the best for its country and sometimes they do unacceptable things. And the Us government is no exception.
Bush went to war not to save Iraqi people or the world but for the oil, the US weapon industry and the US construction industry.
If Iraq had no oil, Hussein would still be in place today.
France is a little country whose influence and power in the world are declining every year.
France has done many bad things during the course of its History but has done as well many good things
France is not the enemy of the US, France is just trying to survive in this economic war.
The Iraq war and the 1,000+ dead US soldiers : it is NOT because of France.
$200 billions dollars cost for the Iraq war : it is NOT because of France.
20% of americans below the level of poverty : it is NOT because of France.
A big chunk of americans without healthcare : it is NOT because of France.
The Enron bankruptcy : it is NOT because of France.
The Indian outsourcing companies "stealing" jobs from americans : it is NOT because of France.
The 2000 US election laughing stock : it is NOT because of France.
Bill Clinton and Monica Levinsky : it is NOT because of France.
The Watergate : it is NOT because of France.
The Vietnam war defeat : it is NOT because of France.
The dotCOM bubble burst : it is NOT because of France.
If sending his kids to college costs a fortune, it is NOT because of France.
My point is I don’t mind if the USA want to rule the world but if things turn bad for the USA or if everyboday hates USA, don’t blame France or any other country. Don’t use France or any other country as your scapegoat.
Be responsible of your acts and decisions and blame your own government.
Last, I welcome all the amercians in my country (France, in case you didn’t guess). Even if I strongly disapprove the Bush administration
on many subjects, I will never associate all the american people to the Bush administration.
I know that pretty much half of the americans disagree with their government.
You cannot make accountable people of a country for the acts of their governement.
A good example is the friendship between France and Germany even after a tumultuous history between those 2 countries.
fcnico98: wonderful post