Hello there.
I am almost 18, and living in the us, i have been studing french for almost two months, and would love to have a pen pal, either email, or regular mail.
I am almost 18, and living in the us, i have been studing french for almost two months, and would love to have a pen pal, either email, or regular mail.
Hello, I am a student in PARIS, 21yo, and i am looking for somebody to chat and to correspond.
I would like to discover the culture of an other country and particularly US.
Thus i can help u if u want improve your french or if u want to know someyhing about french
Au revoir
4 Read MoreHi everybody,
have a question about how to learn french in france.
Did any of you ever experienced learning french from zero in paris ?
Any good association, or company to teach you ? what would you advice to someone not speaking french at all to get started with it in paris ?
My name is Dana. I am 17 and will be until August. I have many interests. I enjoy almost all sports (playing not watching) for example my favorites are soccer and hockey, I love to go camping and do anything outdoors, and I like a lot of different kinds of music. I love talking to people from all over the world. Different cultures interest me. If I sound like the type of person you would like to talk to please e-mail me at drich24@msn.com. Bye!
My name is Erin. I am 18 years old, I will be 19 in June. I live in Michigan in the United States. I love to do anything outdoors..things like campimg, boating, hiking, fishing, and 4-wheeling. I love to learn anything I can about France. I love to learn about the history, the culture, and the language is very pretty. I have had 2 years of French in high school, but now that I am out of high school, I will be starting college this August to further my education in French. I am going to become a French teacher for high school students. I will tell you more about myself if you are interseted. Write me at…ilovefrance77@msn.com.
Hope to hear from you and about you.
My name is Akai Baker, I live in Orlando Florida and im looking for a nice pretty french girl to be my penpal to exchange the cultures. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
4 Read MoreLooking for that charming village where Chocolat (2001) was filmed with Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp. Anybody, have an idea or of similar villages?
I am going to the Rhone Alpes in a few weeks. I will be driving from Lyon to Annecy. Does anyone have information as to what sort of a drive this will be – in terms of time and things to see?
7 Read MoreBonjour a tout le monde!
Je suis slovaque frncophone et un peu desesperee car je n’ai personne a me renseigner comment se passe un mariage en Belgique. S’il y a des belges par ici, ecrivez-moi, s’il vous plait.
Je dois me rendre a Lille aussi, qu’est-ce qu’il y a d’interessant?
Merci pour vos reponses!
Bisous du coeur d’Europe,
Hi – My name is Rainne and 13 years old. I am in my first year of French. It scares me to realize how fast my summer vacation is really approaching. I would love to have a pen pal to converse in French with (to some degree) so it will all stay fresh in my mind. Please write.
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