First, you need to select a great hotel
You can do this in several ways:
1. Search by Region
Option 1: Click on the region you wish to visit on the blue map located at the top of the left navigational menu.
Option 2: Click on the "Select a Region:" pull down menu located at the top of the right navigational menu.
The following screen will list the most popular hotels in that region based on actual user comments.
Expanded Search option: You can always extend your search by selecting priority items in the "Sort By:" pull down menus located at the top of the results.
2. Search by City
Once a region is selected, you can display the map for that region by clicking on "Region Details" located at the top of the region results, or you can enter the name of the city in the "Search" field at the top left of your screen.
Expanded Search option: You can always extend your search by selecting priority items in the "Sort By:" pull down menus located at the top of the results. (insert thumb of pull downs)
3. Search by Name
Simply enter the name of the hotel in the search field at the top left part of your screen (see image above) and view results. Note: if the hotel is part of a chain, you will see multiple results.
4. For Hotels in Paris
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