Bonjour !My name is Mélanie
Je suis Française ! I’m French girl !
I would like to become pen pals with you.
I live near Paris.
I love USA !LOL! I like a R&B music : Justin timberlake, Alicia keys, jamelia ….
kiss xxx mel!
(Sorry, I don’t speak english very well !)
61 Comments On Hi ! I'm French girl ! I'm 15 !
Hello how are you? My name is Akai Baker. I live in Orlando Florida. I love the french heritage and culture and I would love to become pen pals with you.I could help you with english and you could help me with french. If you want to contact me my email is (
( msn messenger)
Hi ! I’m fine ! thanks you and you ?
How old are you ? please
What you want to know about France ? (culture …)
I would love to be your penpal ! =D. Hope you want to be mine too. I’m a girl in sweden, 15 years old..=). And…hmm.. what can I tell you about me? haha. I really want a penpal in france, in france or in england..=). I really hope you write back to me, but please, if you do, can you then write back at my e-mail instead of here? It’ See ya. Bye.
Hi I’m Noel, i am just just wondering is u
would be my first penpal. if so just reply
as quickly as u can.
Dear Melanie,
My name is Athanasios, I live in Greece, I am 19 years old and I am a medical student. I would like to be penpal friend with you. My e-mail is
hi my name is kyle i live in the USA!
hi my name is kyle i live in the USA!
Salut comment allez vous.
Je suis Gaurav de India.
j’aim francaise parce que ecrivez vous. Je ne sais pas beaucoup. si, vous voulez ecrit moi.
ansi ecrit moi sil vous plait.
Write me on It’s my login id.
Au revoir.
rien, mais je voudrais connaitre de vous.
Hi! I am new to I too am looking for a french or North American penpal. I am from Canada, and would love to visit France soem day
Note my address and write me over this address if you would like the penpal or send me e-mail over this :
DoctorSyed Ali Zeeshan
Sherazis Electro Magnetic Diagnostic Treatment Centre
99-R-2, Chishtia Park, Islampura, Lahore-54500,Pakistan.
Yes, I want to know about each and everu thing of FRENCH culture
also I am learning french french from ALLIANCE FRANCAISE in my city by Mr. Mathew the famous FRENCH literatutr and cultural professor.
Dr. Ali Zeeshan
J’m appelle Christina.
J’ai quinze ans.
Je suis americain.
Je suis des Etets-Unis.
I do not speak french very well. I am sorry for that, but I will try!
Tu aimes faire du sport?
Je adore faire du sport! C’est Fun!
Jn’aime pas faire le menage! et toi?
I have two sisters. One older and one younger. What about you? Do you have any siblings? I have 3 dogs and a bird for pets, do you have any pets?
I have never been to Paris, I wish to go to Europe some day though. I really want to go to Greece and see my family that I have never met before.
Where in the World would you like to go?
Well I better get going.
If you want to e-mail me my address is
well I hope to hear from you soon!
A teut a l’heure!
Bonjour Melanie!
Je m’appelle Natalie et je suis americaine. J’habite en Californie et j’ai 17 ans. Je parle francais parce que je prend des classes de francais au lycee. Je parle assez bien. Je parle anglais et espagnol aussi. J’aime les oldies et j’habite proche de Los Angeles.
J’aime toutes les choses francais et j’irai en france l’annee prochaine.
Au revoir!
Hey I’m American and i’ll be your pen pal. You can e-mail me @ . Then we can talk. We like a lot if the same stuff.
j’ai 13 ans , j’habite a detroit (USA) et j’adore la natation, je parle francais ,anglais, espanol, wolof et un peu d’autres !! si ca vous interresse ! BINGO !!!
bonjour,je m’appelle dora.J’habite en Greece,a voudrais une penpal comme toi pour devenir tou veux ,envoies un e-mail a cette adresse j’attend.A bientot!!
Bonjour! Je m’appelle Lindsey! J’ai 16 ans et toi? Je adore le francais. I would lovew to have a french speacking penpal so that I can get better at my french. I just went to France this past April. Well if you would like to talk e-mail me at
Hey there!I’m 15 years old too!I’m greek and would really like to have a foreign penfriend!I like RnB music too!So if you wanna chat(or gossip….)this is my for your answer!!!;-)(-;
etudiant dan un universite amour a parle trop bon french.
sil vous plait help moi.
toi y en a vouloir causer la France beau ?
bonjour or bonsoir,
Comment allez-vous?
Moi? Çava trés bien.
I´m trying to learn French by the internet and, soon I´ll start my French course at the French Alliance, at my town.
I´m brazilian, what I have black eyes and hair.
I´d love to be penpals with you, or with anyone else.
my e-mail is: / (don´y ask LOL)
I´m fourteen right now.
cya !
salut melanie…
je m’appelle paramita,on m’appelle dhita,je suis indonesienne…j’ai 19 ans.
i wanna be ur penpals..u know what?i’m very interesting with france and right now i’m study in one of university in indonesia with major literature of france..r u still in high school??
i wanna be ur friends.and maybe u can tell me more information about france..i’m very interesting with that! reply ok?!
je m’appelle amanda et moi 15ans aussi !
j’habite en australie (sydney) ( dans une maison )
je suis fille unique et mes parents – papa (57ans) et maman (56ans)
Ma date de naissance cing septembre 1989.
ma sport prefere est le tennis et passe-temps prefere est ecrit.
This is my second year of french…. it’s not very good !
tu as des freres et des soeurs ?
a bientot,
Hello, am femi.hope u wouldn’t mind a friend from africa. je parle un peu de francaese et j’espere que nous pouvons etre tres amis. Merci. A bientot.
hya mela wanna friendship with me send me email at i am 19 m . we ‘ill have fun! i am waitin..
Forum ce très interactivité passionante découvrir je. Parler français complication dans tête moi entrainer lire dix messages après. Toutefois, progression de possibilité rester malgré évidente, persévérance du jour l’ordre rester à la doit.
Ciao ( en wolof bon parler )
Hello Melanie,
I live in USA, and interested to be your penpal. My French is not good, but may be you can help. If interested E-mail me at
Look forward hearing from you.
Bye for now, AL
bonjour i’m megan and im 14 ans et this is my first year taking french et i’m not very good at it… email me back at i’d appreciate it. i’m going to be visiting fance this year with my french class and i’m really excited about it but i need to know more about france and how to speak it better well thank you and i hope we can talk more ttyl bye…megan
hi im emily rose baduya from philippines. im 22 yrs old. and i have friends thru who’s almost from france. i wish that i can have a new friend to meet thru here….here is my email add>>….im friendly.
This thread sounds like a French meet market, or meat market. However you describe it, it is still the same thing.
Feel bad about this one last poster from the Philippines. She’s probably dead by now. Weird isn’t it ?
Not really
I am a 16 year old girl. I am american. I am looking for a penpal between the ages of 14and 18. I have to do it for a project in class. Would you like to help me? Would you also be able to give me a few food ideas from your region of France. That is also part of my project. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank You,
I would like to be your penpal.If you would like to be mine e-mail me at
Hey, my name is natalia and i`m from south america. I want and need a penpal like you because i`m thinking on going on a exchange program to france or somewhere in europe where they speak frech (french becuase i`m going with plans of learning french and what best way that asking someone from there. So what i want to know most of all is like a guide from you of what are the best cities, and i`m saying best in a way like a fun city, a city where people is nice, a nice city (not a poor city) and a city where i feel confortable! If you want i can send you a picture so you know who are your talking too. Ok i really would like you to answer and tell me yor e-mail so we can keep on touch. My e-mail is bye and i hope to hear back from your.
Hey, my name is natalia and i`m from south america. I want and need a penpal like you because i`m thinking on going on a exchange program to france or somewhere in europe where they speak frech (french becuase i`m going with plans of learning french and what best way that asking someone from there. So what i want to know most of all is like a guide from you of what are the best cities, and i`m saying best in a way like a fun city, a city where people is nice, a nice city (not a poor city) and a city where i feel confortable! If you want i can send you a picture so you know who are your talking too. Ok i really would like you to answer and tell me yor e-mail so we can keep on touch. My e-mail is bye and i hope to hear back from your.
Hey, my name is natalia and i`m from south america. I want and need a penpal like you because i`m thinking on going on a exchange program to france or somewhere in europe where they speak frech (french becuase i`m going with plans of learning french and what best way that asking someone from there. So what i want to know most of all is like a guide from you of what are the best cities, and i`m saying best in a way like a fun city, a city where people is nice, a nice city (not a poor city) and a city where i feel confortable! If you want i can send you a picture so you know who are your talking too. Ok i really would like you to answer and tell me yor e-mail so we can keep on touch. My e-mail is bye and i hope to hear back from your.
i am a 13 year old female i live in the usa and i am looking for a french penpal male or female. I don’t speak french very well and if you need help in english i’ll help you and you can help me with my french
hi,i am a chinese boy, i am 24 years old this year. i am enthusiastic and friendly. i like chatting with foreign girls. what do you think ? if you are interested in chatting with me please send a email to me. my email is .
donerail, what do you think about this one ?
My name is Keira. I’m 13 and I live in Manitoba, Canada. I’m looking for a penpal from France. My e-mail is E-Mail me and we can talk!!
look here. you can be my penpal. my e-mail is
crc95 – please let the chinese thing go. you are killing me. lol
styrilias- i thought you were 22 yrs old. hmmm?….
hay noel. this is beyonce i would love to be ur penpal but u will to write back quickly
you friend
hay noel. this is beyonce i would love to be ur penpal but u will to write back quickly
you friend
hay noel. this is beyonce i would love to be ur penpal but u will to write back quickly
you friend
hey, my names Mackenzie, i’am 14 and i live in toledo, Ohio (thats in the us.) I know some french, from ecole. We could help each other in languages, if we could figure out what one another was saying, lol. so email me back if ya want at lots of love, *Mackenzie*
Je m’appelle Jennifer. Je suiz americaine et douze.Please reply
Hi i’m an american girl looking for a french penpal! I love France and dream of going all the time.
Oups, fausse manoeuvre… désolé…
Je voulais juste dire à cette charmante américaine, Jennifer, qui nous dit qu’elle est douze, que j’eusse préféré qu’elle soit seize ( treize et trois ).
Bonjour! Je suis une fille Mexican, Je suis quinze ans aussi et je veux parler en francais avec une persone qui es francais comme tu.
I would like to practice my french and I would love to help you w/ Ur English. I live in the U.S.A.
Don’t worry, je suis tres amusante! (J’espere)
Bon Chance avec ton Anglais!
Bonjour! Je suis une fille Mexican, Je suis quinze ans aussi et je veux parler en francais avec une persone qui es francais comme tu.
I would like to practice my french and I would love to help you w/ Ur English. I live in the U.S.A.
Don’t worry, je suis tres amusante! (J’espere)
Bon Chance avec ton Anglais!
Bonjour tout le monde! I am a female Teenager who is looking for friends all over the world!
Si tu veux je peux parler avec tu. Je suis tres amusante!
my e-mail is=
P.S. Don’t hate. Love!
Hello Every one! I’m looking for penpals all over the world, I’m 15 and I love art, I’m fun, and I’m looking for people whom I can practice french with.
P.S. Don’t hate, love!
Hi! I’m an american girl! I’m 12 years old and in the 7th grade. If you want to talk email me @
just chat with me and improve your english teach me french.
My Name is v g dhruv
I m from India
I like reading, music, making new friends like you
and want to learn french language
Hey! My name is sabrina and i would love 2 be ur first penpal! And that means u will be my first penpal! cool! are u french or in the process of taking french?
please reply soon!
bonjour je m’appelle navaaz.
je suis indienne et j’habite a bombay.
j’ai 21 ans.
je parle pas mal le francais et je suis toujours en train de chercher les amis francais.
si tu veux contacte moi a
a bientot