Hi everyone i’m fourteen i live in France near Paris (MELUN)! so I’m French …and I’m looking for a teen british,American or Australian pen pal. (13-17 years old) to improve my english and you can improve your French too
mail me if you want : cyrilisims@hotmail.com
.thank you see you. cyrilisims@hotmail.com
9 Comments On Hi i come from France, and I'm looking for a pen pal
Bonjour, {Hello }
I am an American girl looking for a french guy to help me improve my french a little. I am also wanting to help him improve his english or whatever he needs to be improved. I am from Chester, South Carolina and I live in Ohio now. I would appreciate if a french guy would just write me or email me at { thebombgirl162003@msn.com }. U can write to:
Adrienne Kennedy
P.O Box 222
Greenup, KY
I’ll be looking for someone to help me soon.
I just turned 16 December 2 and I would like a guy from the ages 16-21 to chat w/ and receive help w/ my french from.
C’est quand ton anniversaire? { I think that is how you spell it and word it!!! }
{Nickname Dark Angel, Lil’ Witch]
Salut i am a 15 year old male from California looking for a french 15-16 year old french gurl who would enjoy helping out with my french studies, i am willing to help out with american langurage as well, i hope we can before good pen pal’s. You may e-mail me at llpacker316@gbpackersfan.com or llsd345@hotmail.com
Mon aniversare es el 9. Octobre
Je Mapple L.L
Au Revoir
hello, my name is rosario and i think i can help you to learn english and you can also help me learn french. email me ok
Buonjour,im American, well im spanish but i was born in America I want to learn french im 15 wanna be friends my name is Helen im from New York.
Salut! J’mappelle Rainne! I’m 13 and from the United States. I would love to be your pen pal. I also need to pratice my French. Je parle francais un peu, mais ne bien pas. And not often either
. I hope to hear from you. Salut!
Hi everyone! Je m’appelle Katie!J’ai quatorze. I am from America and I would really like to have a penpal from France who is my age and that is a girl. The reason why it to have a friend to help me improve my French and help them improve their English!
E-mail me if you want: sweetkeki@peotic.com
I was wondering if you would like to be my penpal? If you want please e-mail me at sweetkeki@peotic.com.
Bojour! Salut! I am an American looking to master French and Japanese or japonais. I would LOVE for any French boy or girl to be my pen pal! I am 14 years old and live in Pennsylvania, USA. My name is Jesse Stout. Send me an e mail or letter at animefreak80@hotmail.com or my address,
2415 Beacon Road
Bath, Pa 18014
a revoir!,
PS- ANYBODY can send me a letter SPREAD THE WORD! Give my address! ^_^
American girl looking for a pen pal. Jenmcbend1@netzero.com