I’m so excited. We just got tickets to France for October. I’ve been all over the web at cheap ticket sites and was ready to give up and wait for Fall sales. Then I clicked on France.com’s airline ticket button way on the far right side of the screen. We always get our hotels here so I don’t know why I never looked for airline tickets. Live and learn!
At any rate, we had a delightful choice of tickets at far below the other "budget" sites. This is so exciting. We’re going to France for a month and we’re saving over $200 (over the cheapest other site) on tickets. That’s a lot of souvenirs!!
I guess I better calm down and go grocery shopping. Just wanted to tell you that if you’ve never tried the airline ticket section, try it. You’ll like it!
4 Comments On Great ticket prices!
SalB: I have tried the site but at what point do you find out the name of the carrier? We fly out of Boston and try to use Air France/Delta as its a direct non stop flight and we have a frequent flier account with them. Donerail
It’s a little scary, I admit. I had been shopping and was pretty sure we had an Air France flight because of the flight numbers and times. If you were doing it blind, you would be "in the dark." You have to purchase the ticket before you find out who the carrier is. You are told "major European carrier" or "major American carrier" or a combination of such information. We’ve done something similar on GoToday and we have survived. The only airlines I try to avoid are British Air and Virgin Atlantic because their carryon weight limit is so strict. I like to take my laptop and it’s heavy. (Guess I need a lighter one!) If it said "major British carrier," I probably wouldn’t have taken that flight. There were several choices though.
At any rate, we are going Air France and I just finished checking the Air France web site. Our tickets are nearly half what AF is charging for the same class, the same flights, the same times. It’s a good deal.
The only thing I can suggest is do your homework first. Find out flight times and numbers so you can do a match. Believe me, I’ve tried all the budget sites on this one and absolutely couldn’t do any better . . . by about $220 for two tickets.
We got our e-mail confirmation within minutes. I guess we could have waited until Fall sales, but that makes it difficult to make hotel reservations. We already have one hotel, our favorite in Provence, and are planning a couple weeks in Tuscany. One of the towns we want to visit is having an antique festival so rooms are already becoming scarce. It seemed like a good time to take a chance and we’re really happy we did.
Go ahead . . . live dangerously. It’s exciting. (I think you could opt out at the last minute. At any rate, until you plug in your credit card number, you’re safe. Since I’ve only done this once, I may be wrong and you may actually have to purchase the ticket before you get the airline name. Hopefully, someone on the forum who knows will tell us . . . or confirm what I’ve said.)
You blew our cover! We were going to announce this great deal we have made that allows you to get tickets at a cheap, cheap price, and you’ve found it before we could announce it! But wait! Because there is still better things to come your way… And I won’t tell you what they are, just yet 😉
It’s true that our airline booking engine offers the best prices out there. It takes a little time to research the best offers though. One of the things that can get irritating is that you have to check the availability for each flight. At times when the flights are pretty solidly booked, you need to do a few searches to find a bookable flight. But we figured that if you spend an additional 30 minutes to save $200.00 it should well be worth your time.
You have gotten the gist of it. You need to do a little research to find out the right flights. Usually you can have a pretty good idea of the airline carrier, especially on non-stop flights since few companies fly to France non-stop from any American city.
Remember that Delta shares codes with Air France, so flights that are shown as ‘Delta’ are most probably Air France on the transatlantic portion of the flight.
Now, one of the really good things of our revamped booking engine is that we can offer really great deals for *all* flights originating from the US. Not only for those going to France, but Hawaii, London, Rome, Las Vegas, Cancun… OK, you get the idea.
If you live in the US and plan to travel soon, give our flight engine a twirl, you’ll be surprised by what you can find.
Didn’t mean to blow your cover, but you shouldn’t keep such great things a secret.
Regarding your comment on saving $200 by doing your homework: We saved a lot more than $200. That was savings over another budget site. I checked the Air France site and we are going for nearly half price, i.e. we saved over a thousand dollars! You can buy a LOT of souvenirs for that! You can upgrade your hotel for that.
I checked flights to London on your site last night for a friend. We were curious. She got a great deal too. I have no idea if she bought it or not, just wanted to show her your site.
I really hope people pick up on this because it’s a great deal.