When I joined this forum it appeared that there was lively and sensible debate and discussion. Different opinions which is great as it is through debating different opinions that we can develop our own opinions.
However, recently there seems to have been some rather less constructive debate. People taking needless offence. When I receive comments like so go away with your opinions on how we do things…unless you want Britain want your a– kicked again I realise how many US people really are (plus other not dissimilar comments). (I do not take offence at this comment).
I’m afraid that this forum to a degree has re-enforced the US stereotype prevalent in Europe (certainly the UK). You want others to support what you do but then will quite happily tell them to keep their opinion to themselves. You require assistance from other countries (even get angry when they wont just do what you want without questioning things) but will then ignore them and tell them where to go and how irrelevant they are and how you really just don’t care.
Freedom also carries a burden of responsibility.
I feel somewhat disheartened as it is only through greater cooperation between countries that the world can really move forward. Many attitudes from US participants I have seen here indicate that the US is not ready for this – unfortunate and sad both for the US and the rest of the world.
I am departing not because I have been offended by anything – but rather because I seek sensible debate and cannot find it here.
3 Comments On Goodbye
Sorry you are going…but, you must understand…we Americans don’t mind debate…but we don’t like for a person from a "foreign country" critizing our country to us…"My country, right or wrong, but my country"…I cannot recall who make this remark, but that is how most Americans will react if you critize us…We can bitch, moan, complain, call our leaders a bunch of idiots among ourselves…but, we do take offense when someone not a US citizen does it…
This may not be right…but, then again…we are a very proud people…God knows, we have a lot to be proud of…what we have accomplished in our short history has never before been done…and probably never will again…Why are we the BEST fighting force…why is our military the best? Because we are a bunch or patriotic nuts who still tear up when we hear the Star Spangled Banner…Better yet…God Bless America…is sure to make the most macho come to tears…
Perhaps you have learned a lesson from Americans on this forum…I hope so…and if you want to return…you will be welcomed…just remember…Our country, right or wrong, but our country…
Well said
js, I understand how you feel. All Americans are not of the variety of "My country right or wrong." Many of us realize our country is not the best at absolutely everything and we could learn a lot from others in the world. Many of us realize there is much to be criticized in our government and our society. Many of us enjoy honest debate.
This forum is a very difficult one because the people who have chosen to post here (and it is a VERY small cross section of America) do not understand the principal of debate. They feel they have to be right all the time. If someone disagrees or points out a disparity in their argument(s), they attack rather than debate. (Don’t bother me with the facts type of thinking.)
You need a very thick skin to stick it out on this forum. I’ve tried staying out of the political debates but then occasionally someone like you shows up and I jump back in. Unfortunately, every time I post something a certain forum member jumps in and insults me . . . as though this will make him look more intelligent! Sigh . . .
What is going on here has been going on for a long time. People check in, observe the cruelty and leave. As long as certain people are allowed to insult other posters, it will continue and there will be no debate. There will be only insults and anger and the few who attempt rational debate will quickly discover the truth and leave.
Thanks for participating. I appreciated hearing your opinions.