It's indeed a prestigious journey into the world of skeletons, organs and shells that the Galeries de Paléontologie et d'Anatomie Comparée hold in store! A spectacular way of discovering the organisation of living beings and delving into the world of animals of the past.
- A place for reading the story of the past
- Silent and venerable witnesses
- A mine of information on the past and the future
The complementary link between palaeontology and comparative anatomy is what the Museum's researchers wished to bring even more to the forefront during the partial renovation in 1998. The visitor is taken on a journey through time as he or she passes from one gallery to another, taking in the evolution of certain groups from their origin to their extinction, or discovering their current descendants. Several research teams, made up of anatomists, archaeo-zoologists, palaeontologists and systematicians work with these historical collections and continue to enrich them with new specimens.
The Galerie d'Anatomie Comparée
There are over 10,000 exhibits in the Galerie d'Anatomie Comparée. You can look at the structure of organs, compare them and thus differentiate and classify the species, and understand how the morphological adaptations to the different habitats came about.
The Galerie de Paléontologie
The Galerie de Paléontologie brings a gigantesque and often terrifying world of fossilised skeletons of animals from all the regions of globe back to life. Gone for ever, they are the witnesses of a history spanning 600 million years.
Practical Informations
Guided tours the 2nd saturday of the month at 3 pm (in french). Groups : on reservation only, guided tours in french ( contact : 01 40 79 36 00).
No access for disabled publics
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