i have known that france has held other countries in history as their own providences. I was very surprised to find this article. http://slate.msn.com/id/2089008/ Finding this article where france is still occupying territory in Africa to make profit for themselves mainly shows me how hypocritical France is. The united states is going into iraq for security issues, and france still occupies territories in africa for profit. Before seeing this i was debating if i was going to ever go to france. I want to see europe, my grandfather faught there to free the french and many of his friends were burried there. After seeing this article i can clearly see now france is purely in many situations for profit. I am not going to support a french economy with my money when france is occupying outher countries for profit, and out of the other side of their mouth fighting against the U.S. when they are simply trying to protect themselves. The U.S. is occupying Iraq at great cost to its citizens where France occupys africa for great profits for its country, and we are the misguided ones? My decision now is clear after finding this article.
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91 Comments On France is what they claim the United States is
Well said man. I could’nt agree more. The French people think that they are all high and mighty, but the true remains their no better than us.
microtalk…. or would teenytalk a better name for you?
You state that you won’t support a country which occupies another country for profit. Well I guess you better stop supporting America because we are in Iraq to steal their oil. America now occupies two countries. To bad you don’t hold America to the same standards that you hold the French.
Hey again LesInOKC,
I am getting tried of dealing with thick headed people like yourself. We are in Iraq to free the country and try to save the would for mass destruction!
angel_313 wrote:
We are in Iraq to free the country and try to save the would for mass destrion!
Why save the world just so you can destroy it? ROFL And what exactly is destrion anyway?
Come back when you can construct a sentence that we all can comprehend.
You know, you guys are all kind of stupid. I don’t mean to sound harsh but its true.
First of all, France (like every other nation in the world) needs to make money. Whether they do that by getting it from other countries by holding on to them or through exports doesn’t matter. They need money just like the United States. Like the one guy said, if you’re not going to "support" France’s economy because they do something you don’t agree with then fine, just shut up about it. Nobody cares about your beliefs. In the big picture you are insignificant just like me and the rest of the people on this miserable little rock we so lovingly call Earth. Second, I’m sure if you did go to see Europe your few hundred dollars you might spend in France are not really going to effect its economy much. If you think so, then you’re dumber than I first thought. Just go see Europe and have fun. It’s a wonderful place with wonderful people (yes, even the French).
If you think France thinks they are "high and mighty" then take a step back and look at the United States. Americans think more of themselves then anyone else. Take a look at the American culture. The first thing you see is Me, Me, Me. Self-gratification is the way things are run. Everything has to be for ourself and nobody else. We are the fattest nation in the world, we are the largest consumers of oil, coal, wood, etc. We are the largest poluters in the world. We cause more damage to the world than most of the developed countries combined. Our foreign policy is horrible. If a country doesn’t do what we want here come the economic sanctions, political pressure and if they still don’t give in we bomb the hell out of them. Another thing is this, Americans think because we are the wealthiest and strongest (HA!) nation in the world we are "better" than everyone else. Filthy Frenchmen, stupid British, and don’t get me started on those camel f*ckers in the middle east, so goes the American thought process. Look, the United States is by far the worse country in the world. We have screwed more things up than fixed and continue to do so. France and the rest of the world has a right to be pissed off at pompace Americans. We suck.
The United States is in Iraq for a number of reasons but here are the most important ones. 1) "W" wanted to finish what his daddy couldn’t do. When George Sr. was in office during the first Gulf War he wanted to march into Bagdhad and kick ol’ Saddam out. Congress and the American people, though, started to think it was more of a massacare than a war and wanted it to stop. So, Bush couldn’t do what he wanted. Retard "W" gets in office and then says, "hey, lets blow up Iraq without proof!" and does. Why? Because that’s what his dad wanted. 2) OIL! Look, the US uses more oil in a given day then any other country on this planet. We need lots of oil so why not take over a country (I’m sorry, liberate) that hasn’t yet begun to scratch the surface of their oil reserves. If we can get a friendly government in place just think of the good ol’ AMERICAN oil companies that can start pumping that black gold and sending it our way! My, my, the skies the limit. 3) Anyone that thinks we were over their to "liberate" the Iraqi people fell for the ol’ switcheroo and are, I’m sorry to say, stupid. If you remember correctly, the "original" reason we sent troops to Iraq was because Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But of course he didn’t. We never found any and never will. When it became clear in the early part of the war that there weren’t any the White House spin machine quickly changed to focus from ridding Saddam of weapons of mass destruction to "liberating the Iraqi people." The White House changed the game plan, changed the message on the American people because guess what… we just spent billions of dollars on a pointless war and are about to drop another 80 billion for nothing. I’m sorry, we’ll make that back when we can start drilling for oil.
It all comes down to this people. The USA sucks. Plain and simple. We are users, abusers, and bullies. We rape the land, polute the earth, and whenever someone pisses us off we blow them up. We think we are better, when we are clearly not, because we have lots of money which happens to be the main focus in American life, instead of family (note the 50% divorce rate), and we think we are better because we have a "strong" military. Although a major war could break out now and we couldn’t fight it because we are stretched too thin. Our crime is out of control. We have the highest rates for murder, drug related crimes, rape, theft, etc then any three countries in the world. Basically, we are the Roman Empire and sadly, this country will fall just like the Roman Empire. When depravity, immorality, corruption, and egotism gets to be to high this country will colapse. That’s just what happens when you are the worse country in the world.
Also, no, I don’t appreciate the "sacrifises" people gave for the "freedoms" we enjoy. I couln’t care less about some idiot dying for pointless things. I didn’t choose to be born an American but if I did have a choice I would have most surely have picked somewhere else. Anywhere else. But it doesn’t matter. I’m here and I’ll make due with what I have.
AMEN kingmonkey
I couldn’t have said it any better.
Yeah! You tell ’em!
One of the freedoms that you possess being born in America is that you can leave…Don’t let the door hit you in the a– on the way out…
Another great freedom that I have in this country and 99% of the rest of the world is that I can point out it’s major flaws , including patriotic dickheads like yourself . I’m glad your all for your "country" and all but there are far , far , far , far more important things than the "united states" and bullshit like that . Look , patriatism is another form of brainwashing . No one country is better than another we’re all in the same pile of s-hit and every single country stinks . Stop believing that the United States is the best thing since Jesus and start realizing that it’s nothing more than a corrupt tool and it is not out for your best interest . No country is . I support it because I have to and not because I want to . If I were living in France I would like it either . Screw it . I’ve got better things to do .
It is unfortunate that your parents didn’t practice birth control. Seriously, I think you could use some professional help. Donerail
Look, I think that anyone that gets so caught up in their own country and refuses to think about anyone else (ie Americans) are the ones that need help. Americans seem to forget that there are others in the world. Prime example: I took a trip to Georgia a few days ago to meet up with some friend I had there. Now, I’m in Atlanta so I’m expecting a little bit of class and a tad bit more knowledge of the outside world. I meet my friend, who happen to have someone from England visiting them. Well, one of my friend, who happens to be very well off lawyer decides they need to pick up some papers from their office. We all head down their with them because we were going to get a bite to eat afterwards. Now, we are all trying to decide what we want to eat and this one guy (Harvard educated mind you) walks up to our friend from London and says, "Wow, you have a really thick acsent." Her reply, "Well, yes I do." His reply (he being very serious) "You must be really southern."
Here we have a Harvard educated lawyer with twenty years experiance thinking like a typical American. There is no one else in the world but them. The US sucks but then again, so does everyone else. The moral of the story: I don’t have one but I am going to go get beer.
As I said, if you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit you in the a– on the way out…Have you ever lived in any other country? You mention your being in England. It is people like you who give this country a bad name…go peddle your idiotic ideas to some third world country…your attitude would be more welcomed…And I agree with donerail…Your parents should have practiced birth control…in your case…
You don’t have to support it…LEAVE…we won’t miss you…and set up your "orange crate" on some other corner of the world…perhaps the Middle East would welcome you? But, they are intelligent people also, and would soon tire of your nonsense…As I said, LEAVE…You say you have to support "it"…you don’t have to support "it", and it sounds like you are not supporting "it"…just mouthing off to whomever will listen to your dribble…
As stated before…Kingmonkey (and that tells a lot about your) don’t let the door hit you in the a–…LEAVE…If I were you I wouldn’t tolerate America one more day…pack your bags…get out now…But, of course, you are like Saddam…all talk…but in the end a coward…
It is easy to talk about people living other side of the world ( some patriot missiles again made mistake by forgatting that THEIR country were taken from its real owners 300 years ago and there were empires 3000 years ago in the home of all religions ( again for the misleading patriot )middle east) Saddam was the best partner of US till 1989. Iraq army were educated by us military during 8 year war. more us soldier were killed till todey by iraq people than that killed till the end of the war. Israel is the biggest arm produce rand supplier of the region. And again the only nuclear power. Filistin is under Israel occopation. And you misleading patriot still said that you make
iraq free. Well, nobody is perfect, yes there is no democracy in middle east, have you ever think the reason of it. AND don’t forget: McCARTHY show a list as an evidence to his red hunt. and years later it was found that this list that mccarthy showed was his laundry list… KingMonkey is absolutly KING. I am agree with him.
perhaps Kingmonkey can come and live with you…
I think it’s funny to see people like you get so defensive about something so stupid. You get so offensive because someone expresses an opinion about something. Great, I’m glad you love your country and all. Hurray for you! I, on the other hand, have better things to worry about than the "safety of democracy" and "protecting our shores." Countries come and they go. This one is on its way out. If you examine the rise and fall of the Roman Empire (amazing how much is resembles the United States) you will see that it fell because of political corrputions, greed among the people, and lord lets not forget that it was a very immoral empire. Strange, so is this one. Look, I don’t care one way or the other. You "love your country", great. I don’t. I don’t love any country. They are a means to an end for me. I have to have a place to live and food to eat and they happen to supply me with them. I’ll pay my taxes, I’ll put up with morons like you, hell I’ll even support a charity or too (in fact I’m revitalized two neighborhoods and own 15 low income housing units to help those less fortunate–oh, and I don’t get any income from those low-income housing units–I have a college fund for the tenents). Like I said, a means to an end. I’m more concerned about people than an institution.
In answer to someones question, yes, I have been to other countries. I’ve lived in England, Ireland, France and Australia and spend a lot of time in Mexico and Belize. So I understand how the rest of the world sees this country and that is why I can not agree with anything this country does. I don’t agree with new laws like the DMCA or the Patriot Act, I don’t agree with the war in Iraq, and I don’t agree with with anything else going on in Washington.
Now, when I stated that I didn’t support some morron going to fight and die for a pointless cause, I mean that. I don’t support the person that joined up to fight against a country that posed no threat to the US (Iraq) just like I wouldn’t have supported the war in Vietnam if I had been alive during that time. World War I and II, sure I would have supported because those wars were needed. You had a crazy guy that was bent on world domination. Sure, I can see why stoping him was needed, however, Saddam didn’t have the military or the money or the technology to do anything like that. A few more ecconomic sanctions and a tighter noose would have done its job. I mean really, the United States put him in power.
I’m done with this. You guys go ahead and yell and b.itch and scream about how unpatriotic I am, because I am, that’s fine. Because the great thing about this country and 99% of the world is we can express our opinions. Have fun guys. Word to the wise though…don’t take things too serious or you’ll become the exact opposit of what this country is suppose to mean…freedom of expression and freedom of choice and the freedom to question ones government. If you get too caught up in arguing your questioning those prime freedoms you love so much.
Freedom is a wonderful thing. You should get out more and enjoy it. You might also try improving your education. I wouldn’t have sent troops to Iraq. Bush made the decision to do it and, so far, it looks like it may just work out fine. Donerail
Well here is my two cents worth.
1. The problem with the US going into IRAQ is that they lied about the reason. They went to the UN with the presumption that they needed to invade IRAQ to remove WMD. The world perceives that the US does what ever it want no matter what and uses things like the UN only if it agrees with them or is convenient to them. If the US had wanted to remove Saddam because he is a bad guy, then they should have placed that logic before the UN security council and dealt with it there. I agree that the US has only changed its tune about why they are there because there are NO WMD. The US is on a slow decline now. Morally they are corrupt. They are not accountable for the thousands of innocent people they kill ( collatoral dammage). If police in the US bombed buildings where they suspected that there were bad guys and killed innocent people, the police would be in jail, but the US does this in many other countries and then wonders why people hate them.
2. The US can not solve the hatred or security problem with bombs and threats of death or jail. The most dangerous man anyone can encounter is a suicidal person. That person feels that they have nothing to lose, that life is not worth living anymore. That person, possibly does not have a job, does not see any realistic future in his current situation, possibly has had members of his family, or friends killed by bombs. A person that is already willing to die can not be threatened with anything. The more the US kills and injures people, the more they are hated and the more suicide bombers you will have. An american travelling in Europe has to hide his identity. As a general rule, the world hates americans, not because any one american is bad, but because of the policies of the country.
3. Keep it up. The safest place for an american is in the US. Leave at your peril.
If you did not live in the good ole USA…in many countries, you would not be allowed to express your idiotic ideas…As I said, go to another country, live…see the difference…do like Oswald…denounce the USA…go to Russia…go anywhere…just go…I am surprised that someone has not turned you into the CIA or the FBI for investigation, just to see exactly where you are coming from…You are very hostile…Get a life…Outside of the country that you hate…we can definitely live without your kind…
they also hate us because they are jeolous…i.e., we hate you, but give us your technology and your jeans…
…I am surprised that someone has not turned you into the CIA or the FBI for investigation, just to see exactly where you are coming from…You are very hostile
Wow, you sound just like the people investigating communists a few years back. If you do not talk the party line you are an enemy of the state. Perhaps you should read papers from other countries. Perhaps you should listen to news other than CNN. Perhaps you should travel outside of your borders to see that the rest of the world does very well thank you. You are the typical narrow minded american that can not see the world beyond the next starbucks or McDonald’s. There is a big difference between kids wanting the lastest pair of jeans or music and the culture of violence and bombs that are also exported by the great USA.
I know from personal experience. You CAN NOT threaten or intimidate a suicidal person. Unfortunately the only policy seems to be bombs and killing including the innocent. The world was aghast at the 2700 people that died in 9 / 11. How many people do you think have died in Iraq. We don’t get those statistics. All I see are the solders killed. Nothing about the thousands of civilians or any other casulties. It’s as if they don’t count. We would rather kill a thousand people from 30,000 feet than risk the life of one american. The rest of the world is not blind. Stay in your borders. You will be safer there. If you talked like you are talking here in most other countries they would treat you with the disdain that you deserve. I suggest you lock your doors and windows at night also. To protect yourself from all the bad things out there. Be afraid and consume.
now you have gotten on your "orange crate"…My suggestion that MonkeyKing’s background should be looked into…was to SCARE him…he is a coward…he lives in this country…but hates it here…he sounds like he is a prime candidate to be recruited for terrorism…I have lived in many countries, am very educated…thanks to the good ole USA…and I am an avid reader…perhaps more so that you…I KNOW the history of USA and many, many countries…
The remark was simply to scare MonkeyKing…as stated…he is very much a coward…I wonder what he does for a living?
Hi there,
First of all, I am neither American nor French.
However, having lived in both countries for many years (More than 10 years in each one) I got to know these two great nations, their qualities and their bad sides as well.
One has to be clear headed and sometime refrain from playing games
to himself.
In Foreign politics, you are out for your economic interests.
That’s all !
There is no such things as morality in this domain.
And all US and French actions in this domain have always been as such.
Of course, one tries to make it look that it is for a high level ethical objective.
In the case of France, it has always been the French "universal
high level culture".
Remember the slogan around the African expeditions ?
The objectives were to "civilized" those wild populations (sic !)
In the case of the US, it has been to save people from Evil.
And to set up an US-like "democratic" system, chosen and approved
by….the US ( sic!)
This game-war between the US and France is taking place only
because the US went hunting on French "held" territories.
Everyone knows that the French, the Germans and the Russians signed
important deals with Saddam Hussein’s regime and were pushing to
get rid of the UN boycott of Iraq.
If this were allowed to happen, the US and the British would not have
been able to gain any of the juicy contracts and of course Saddam would have remained in power.
The US being militarily stronger couldn’t but react and put the
French camp in front of a "fait accompli".
This is the reality on the Foreign political and economical arena.
When it comes to other domains Americans, French, Germains and Russians like and envy each other and are on the same side…
THANK YOU OBSERVER. I enjoyed and agree with your comments…as for me, I have lived in other countries…I have worked for government for many years…however, I never fail to kiss the ground or the "cement" when I return to the Good Ole USA. I am not the only American to do this…It is embarrassing in a sense, when others see one doing this…however, "A picture is worth a thousand words"…
So move and quit taking advantage of the luxuries our greed provides.
Well Said…
Unfortunately, I have to agree with most of what you say. Maybe its because Americans feel a sense of frustration over the history of freedom and democracy. We’re certainly not perfect but we have an amazing amount of freedom, resources, and innovative spirit. There are good reasons why so many millions left their homeland for America. What we lack are centuries of history and patience. We also lack good French wine, cheese, food, and European quality of life. Until we can correct these shortcomings, we must travel. Happy Holidays and New Year to all. Donerail
ikorrellim you really are a ignorant aren’t you. Hey check this out: "Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech…" Hey guess what, I can say whatever the crap I want about the United States as long as I’m not saying I want to blow it up or some stupid statement like that.
Hey, why don’t you turn me over to the CIA or the FBI? Since your so gungho GI Joe, I’d love for you to do that. That would be funny. The CIA shows up a my door and starts asking questions only to find out that I’m just another American that dislikes what his Government does to the rest of the world, dislikes the moral corruptness of this country, and is sick and tired of the governement saying one thing and doing something else. They’d also find someone that takes pride in the fact that they didn’t like some dipshit raghead from Afganistan scare them into submission when they decided to blow up half of New York. They’d find someone that gave to those who lost someone that terrible day (only to find out the Red Cross stole all of the money and didn’t give crap to the families–yeah, that pissed me off). And, they’d find someone that has helped three families send kids to college who in turn earned a bachelor degree or higher in one case and moved out of crappy neighborhoods and went on to do something with their life. They went on to be someone.
Before you start screaming, "This guys a terrorist because he doesn’t like the crap his government pulls" step back and look at the whole picture. Do I like what the US does? No. Do I like living in a country that the rest of the world hates? No. Do I like living in a place were thousands of people are gunned down a year, where drugs kills hundreds, where sex and immorality rule the airwaves and the television? No. Do I like the fact that the leaders of this so called "free nation" are slowly taking away every single right people in the country enjoy (note the DMCA and Patriot Act)? No. What do I like? I like the fact that even though this country is basically a pile of s.hit (and note I’ve said EVERY country is) I’m still able to use it and its someone descent economy to help others less fortunate. I am able to help those that have nothing become something, someone. Not just another mouth to feed at the shelter or a number in the wellfare line.
You are a typical closed minded American that thinks they know everything, has never even or will ever consider how the rest of the world handles foreign policy, and will probably never go outside of its boarders. America as it is now is a pile of crap. But, the ideals and the roots of this country are amazing. I am always captivated by the history of this country. At one time it was a great nation established by the people and for the people but that time as since passed. Now it is a governement established by the rich, by the corporations and by the corrupt. Freedom my friend does not rest in your hands but in the hands of the Fortune 500, in the hands of the Senator that takes that kickback, and in the hands of a President that lies to the world for a chance at revenge.
If the United States had been honest and come out and said at the beginning, ‘We want to remove Saddam Hussein from power because he is a tyrant, he is a monster, he is the modern day Hitler forming an unholy alliance with Satan himself.’ Instead of conjuring up some half baked notion that he had WMD, none of which have been found and will never be found, and being honest with the world I would have said, "Hell yes, blow the bastard up and cut off his balls!" But because they lied I cannot and will not say good job. I’m glad the prick is gone but if this country had been honest you would have seen the whole world say "Yes" and the little bastard would have been removed with worldwide support.
Your comment that you made to "scare me" because I’m a "coward" is a load of crap. Please, tell me why I’m a coward? Because I refuse to listen to the dribble that is spat out by our leaders (much like our founding fathers)? A coward is someone that hides behind a flag, like you. You’re too afraid to stand up for youself, which is why laws like the Patriot Act were made (Read this for some good info. on the Patriot Act: http://www.eff.org/Privacy/Surveillance/Terrorism/20011031_eff_usa_patriot_analysis.html). You buy into everything your government throws at you without questioning why. Your elected "leaders" tell you what you want and what you should do instead of you telling them. They make laws everyday that do nothing but hurt you and instead of telling them, No, you just go about your life and accept it. The soul of this country died and so did the soul of every American. No longer is freedom the absolute but money is. Money is what drives this country. Not family, not freedom, not tollorance for others but hatred for those that don’t do what we want, the pursuit of happieness now means the pursuit of money and forget the family. Lets do what we want when we want. A good time is all we need. Our country is now monitoring everything we do from cellphone calls to e-mails to when we take a leak. Instead of putting a stop to it like a real American you just sit back and let it happen. That is a coward. You are a coward. You don’t try to stop the corruption you just let it happen.
That’s fine. Its going to happen anyway. You really can’t stop something like that and I know it. But I do try my best to help others and even though I would LOVE to get away I can’t. I have to much work here in this country to do. I wouldn’t want to live in France and I would want to live in England or Norway or Japan or even on Jamaica. You know why? Because its the same everwhere you go. I make the best of it by helping those I can. If that means buying a street bum a hamburger from McDonalds or sending an under privlaged kid to college, something I never did, or even helping a single mom out by watching her kids for the night so she can relax then its all worth it. That is why I haven’t left this country. I’m busy trying to help others and in the process I help myself. I can’t change the way this government does things and I can’t agree with what they do either, but I can help change other peoples lives or at least help them out some how in some way. Like the Good Book says, there is more happiness in giving than receiving.
So ikorrellim before you start screaming like McCarthy that I’m a terrorist in training or I’m "un-American" just stop and think about what America is suppose to be. Is it suppose to be a place where they push their thoughts and will on others or is it suppose to be a place where people can have a better life? A freedom we have is the freedom of choice and the freedom to disagree with our government and freedom to think the way you want to think. No, I don’t agree with a lot of what they say but I cried right along side you Sept. 11. I was mad just like you and I want that Bin Laden prick shot in the f.ucking head but not before he is casturated and beaten and tortured in the most horrific ways the human mind can come up with. There are things I like about this country, some things I love, and some things I truely hate. I make do with what I have and in the mean time keep on truckin’. Help a few people out and hope to God that all of those pricks that want to blow up innocent people anywhere in the world are all shot.
I’m a resident of America. I don’t claim it to be my home, I’m just passing through and hope I can help someone have a better life before I die. What’s your American dream? They are all different. Mine is to die knowing I wasn’t a sheep and just following along. To die knowing I helped someone out in this country. And to die knowing I didn’t fall trap to the mentallity of this country, that I was better than it, that I rose above it. I’m not the sm
artest man on earth but I do know one thing: The grass is NEVER greener on the other side. If I leave here I’ll find something wrong with the other country, that’s just the way I am.
So in closing I’d like to say have fun. Don’t drink and drive and please do be so freaking serious. We’ve only got a few years of life, try to have fun during that time. There’s better things to do than argue with someone you’ve never met. Go play with your kids or hang out with your mom and dad. Take them to the movies because I’m sured they took you a few times. Make out with your girlfiend or boyfriend and next time you see someone in need give them a few bucks it wont hurt you. If you want to be an American take care of those in your own country before you worry about someone else.
KingMoney (what an appropriate moniker)…you are all over the place with your comments…most contridictory to past statements…If I knew where you lived, I’d send you a dollar so you can call someone who really cares about your immature, uneducated opinions…and especially, the high self esteem you hold yourself in…you are truly a "work of art"…and I am using the term loosely…I will pray for you…you need all the help you can get…so long…I will not waste my time anymore onf someone of your caliber…
Call NASA and see if you can get on the next spaceship out of town. You are certainly a certifiable spaceshot. Failing that, try to get some professional help. DONERAIL
Hey guys, tell me, please why my views are "immature" and "uneducated"? Also, explain, please, for the good people in this forum why I should seek "professional help"? Is it because I hold a different view than you? If it is because I don’t see things YOUR way then that itself runs contrary to what the American system of government is. The whole way of life and society and laws are structured so that people CAN have different opinions. If my having a different opinion offends you, then stop responding to what I say. Simple as that. If you don’t want to hear it stop reading what I post.
Saying I need "professional help" because I view things differently is absurd! So far all you have done is cut me down and say I’m stupid, I’m idiotic, that I’m a mental case, in the views of one person who obviously is paranoid, I’m a terrorist and should be investigated by the CIA and FBI. You have yet to actually use any argument of my own (expect childish name calling) to enlighten me about this wonderful, magical place that does no wrong called the United States. Why, in your eyes it must be the most wonderful perfect place to live. I sure wish you’d share YOUR view instead of just cutting me down.
My challenge to you gents is to show me why I’m a crackpot and needs to be locked up. Show me why I’m childish and please prove how my views are uneducated and immature. What makes them so? What makes YOU right and ME wrong? Why? That’s all I want to know.
PS. Also, show how my views are contradictory to my past statements.
isnt there enough petty differences going on in the world as it is? Why cant we all just except that we all think and feel differently about things? Maybe if people were a little more excepting of things that were different then there would be no need for this conversatation at all.
I hope i didnt offend anyone,
To support the position that you are a whackjob, re-read some of your rantings in this forum. Its pretty convincing. The anger in your prose is a bit over the top. Regards, Donerail
Salut! I’m from Poland and unfortunatly my country for some strange reason decided to join the coalition. I was against this war not because I’m antiamerican or profrench ( well, I’m in love in France but that’s another story). I think that we cannot go to another country and kill or kidnapp their authorities, even if they are bastards. I would be for this war if Iraqians started some uprising. If there was any oposition. We can kill all people who support Saddam and what next? Who will take the lead in Iraq? Are there any people prepared to do that? No. You don’t have any grounds for developing democracy there. Iraqians aren’t prepared for that, they don’t understand it. Poland was the first country in Europe that had constitution ( couple of mounths before France) so we knew what it is and we still (ater horrible regime) have problems with building civic society ( I mean, the problem with catholic church that is too engaged in politic and building the responsability of the situation in the country in the society, not bleaming government for everything). You realy belive that it is possible to do it in Iraq that way? You won’t build democracy without deep need and understanding for that in the society. Iraqians would have to at first found out what it is and then you cauld help them. I can understand why France is disagrying. It was France that had The Great Revolution, where terrible murders and human cataclisms took pleace behind the words of freedom ( Liberte Egalite Frererite – we all know that). You cannot build democracy and freedom on the see of blood and you cannot do it by bringing it to someone on bombs. We cant turn back the time. What happened that happened. I’m just deaply concerned in what will be the future of Iraq. Who will take the rule? There aren’t democratic elites that could do it. You cannot bring democracy to anyone. They have too want it by themselves. In Poland , we overthrew terrible sistem by ourselves allmost bloodless without military help from anyother country, great mental and political support -yes, but not buy army. I’m sure that it would look lots different if anyones army entered our country. You cannot build democracy in Iraq in pleace of Iraqians.
And all this discution makes no sence if you are going to insult eachother, both French and American.
Again, donerail please tell me why I’m a "wackjob" as you put it because I view things differently. Also, you should realize that anger is not a criterion for being mentally unstable. If that were the case then…ah hem…most of your leaders would fall nicely into that category (if I’m not mistaken most were sort of ANGERY because of Sept. 11 and actually went to war for it, must be crazy people running the government). Please, this time give you comment some thought. Oh and dumb it down for me because I’m "uneducated" and "immature" as you guys have so eloquently put it.
KingMoney: Read the Book, "All I ever needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten"…that should dumb it down enough for you…and I still say, if you don’t like it here, leave…don’t enjoy the benefits of a country that you despise…that tells a lot about your character in itself…to "bite the hand that feeds you"…apparently, you like the food…Your parents did not perform their duties as parents to you…and to the person who made the statement, "Your parents should have practiced birth control"…I agree…
by the way, I am not a gent "in one of your long-winded, contracdictory statements…you referred to all of us on this forum as "you gents"…YES, Virginia…some women have brains…
Gocha: Hi. I did not agree with the invasion of Iraq either. Unfortunately, we could not get much cooperation from our strongest Allies and that played into Bush’s right wing strategy. Hopefully, we can sensibly extricate ourselves. Having said that, the world is better off without Saddam. We’ll send Bush packing via the next election. By the way, I cheer Poland’s freedom. It was a long time coming. I believe, however, that it was non-violent only because the evil empire of the USSR was coming apart at the seams. Democracy and freedom are wonderful. It is facinating that we can have right wingers in the White House like Chaney, Wolfowitz, Pearle, etc. while at the same time being entertained by wackos like KingMonkey pontificating on the Internet. Regards, Donerail
ikorrellim: Why don’t we nitpick. I’m sorry if I offended you by saying "gents." My God I didn’t think you would have a heart attack. Most people wouldn’t really care but I guess feminist lesbians always get defensive when someone doesn’t use a gender-neutral phrase…OOOOOOOHH!!! Holy crap I said feminist lesbian! Oh my God I’m a horrible person! Oh shoot me now!
No really, I don’t mean any disrespect I’m just pulling your leg. You know us ignorant trailer trash hicks from Texas just ain’t got no political correctness. I think its all the cow crap we handle…or maybe its the truck exhaust and tight wrangle jeans and big belt buckles cut off circulation to the brain. Besides how was I suppose to know you were a woman, I can’t really tell from, you know, looking at letters on a screen. So please accept my apologies for saying "gents" and for my "feminist lesbian" statement. I was only kidding. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to go dip and spit in a can while I rope some goats and listen to country and western music. Oh yeah, I need to install that gun rack in my truck too.
See y’all later….
(Note to readers: This entire post is pure sarcasm and I don’t have a problem with feminist or lesbians and yes I am from Texas, born and raised, and no I don’t rope goats or have a gun rack in my truck…it’s too small, my shotgun won’t fit&he, he, he…)
ikorrellim: You’re still don’t get it. In this country I’m ALLOWED to disagree with what my country does. And I suppose I should clarify my position about this country. What I DISPISE is the GOVERNMENT IN IT’S CURRENT STATE. I don’t like what it is doing to the enviroment, its subjects, or other world governments. What I LOVE is the IDEA AND THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY. Back when Clinton was in office (yes I liked Clinton as President, no I didn’t like his morals) the government was on the right track. They improved relations with forgein governments, improved the economy (we had the best 8 years since WW2), and believe it or not were actually moving in right step to improve the ecosystem. However, when "W" got in office that all pretty much went down the tubes. We are now running in a HUGE defficet (Clinton had a surplus and would have had the National Debt paid in something like 5 or 10 years), George wants to start drilling for oil in our National Parks (that’d look good…oil wells in Yellowstone. Look mom! Natures wonders! Oil dereks!), and every country that means anything to the United States now hates us even more because of the morons mishandling of forgein affairs. I could go on but I don’t want to.
Anyway, my point is, this country has one of the best systems of governemnt (in principle not currently in practice) ever conceived by man. If you read the books and letters from the Founding Fathers you could really see nothing but genius working there. Truely amazing. Growing up in the south I know how nice people can be (in reallity most Europeans are a little smug, except for the really back country folk). See, your attitude is one that really doesn’t fit the history and tradition of this country. Your attitude is "well if you don’t like it then leave." The whole meaning of this country is "if you don’t like it fine…that’s your opinion and you’re allowed to think the way you want." You are completely opposite. Go back and read the founding fathers and their views and you’ll see what this country is suppose to be, not what it is.
This is suppose to be a country of tollorance and a haven for freedom of expression and freedom of choice, your attitude however, is showing how far from the original intent for this country we actually are. No longer are you allowed to view things the way you want but you have to fit in with the majority view or you’re a piece of trash and deserve to die. I’m sorry my friend, but that is not the way it is suppose to be at all. Would I leave if I could? I have. Like I said, I’ve lived in other countries before. Why did I come back? Mainly because of my mother but since I have been here I’ve been able to help others so I don’t see a need to move. Besides I don’t like the metric system and driving on the wrong side of the road.
Again, people, calm down and look at life this way. It’s all a piece of crap so you might as well just have fun and stop being so serious. There are better things to do than argue with someone on the internet you’ve never met and more than likely will never meet. The only reason I’m even responding to these messages is because it gives me the chance to work on my typing skills. I’m on to 60 wpm and move on up!
Peace guys (and gals)!
Check out this website it’ll crack you up!
Go to main menue, then toons, then features, then pick Strong Bad E-mails. I highly recomend Dragon, New Hands, Techno, Japanesse cartoon, and guitar. VERY FUNNY! When you’re done with Strong Bad E-mails go back to features and look at Teen Girl Squad. Cracked me up!
You state that you have lived in other countries, but you did not like driving on the "wrong" side of the road and the metric system. You state you are from Texas. Obviously from a rural area. I am starting to get a "bead" on you. From observance, you are narrow minded, have tunnel vision. and I really don’t think that you have ever lived in another country. and it would interest me to know your age…I bet you are about 5’3", skinny, wear glasses, still have zits on your face and were or are now bullied by your high school friends. that is where all of your anger is coming from. It has nothing to do with this world or this country…it is what you are carrying around inside of you that makes you angry…The real cause of your anger, you do not say, you are "bitching" about this country and having to drive on the "wrong" side of the road and the metric system because you have deep seated hostilities that have a lot to do with your childhood and the way you were raised. I was a psychology student and can feel your hate…but it is not for America, it is inner hate for yourself…You could benefit from some counseling. The reason I keep coming back to this site…is that I find you very amusing and an interesting case…a real basket case…You hate America and then you bitch about other countries over something like, I don’t like driving on the "wrong" side of the road…Who is to say it is the wrong side of the road…You? I am very glad that I do not have to know you personally, live near you, or work with you.
I have relatives in Texas…but they are very well educated, civilized, well breed and it is pleasure for me to visit them…I will have to find out the "slang" name that the educated, well breed Texan has for you…
Anyway, I find you very amusing…and harmless…
freedom is an illusion you are not free ashcroft has an eye on you
dawaj po nas jak najszybciej
dawaj po nas jak najszybciej
I was trying to be gentle with KingMonkey. I think you will have driven the poor creature to the rubber room. Very entertaining. Regards, Donerail
Qui! Cordialement, Donerail
ikorrellim: Actually, I’m from Dallas, Texas. Im a city boy, born and raised. I come from a some-what affluent family most of whom are very well educated. I, however, chose not to go to college because I found it boring. I went for about two years to SMU and dropped out. I had better things to do. So, I made my money through various businesses such as fast food franchises and real estate investing and I was partner in building company but sold my interest in it. So I mainly deal with single-family homes now, helping people that are in foreclosure save their credit and most cases keep their house. I don’t live in Dallas anymore I got tired of it. I live outside of Dallas now in a small 1500 sq. ft. home with my wife, my two children, Alissa and Charles and oh yes, I’m 26 and Im 61 and a currently recovering from gallbladder surgery. I’m not rich and I’m not poor but I’m doing all right.
You do not have a "bead" on me. Your description of me was almost completely wrong, although the "zits" thing was right. I have to take prescription acne medicine because cystic acne runs in my family. And if you must know I take a medicine called Accutane. It is very harsh on the skin, especially the lips. I have to do a treatment every year to keep my condition under control. Other than that you are completely off.
Face it, no matter how hard you try you’re not going to make me look like a moron just because I have a different view. Besides, anger with ones government that they think is screwing things up is natural. Just like when you get made at the phone company for charging you too much (okay, bad example but I dont care). Anger is NOT a bad thing, is a very human thing. Besides, I wouldn’t characterize my feelings towards the government as "anger" more or less supreme disappointment and disgust. Anyway, I’m done with this. It’s been fun guys but like I’ve been saying, there are better things to do than argue with someone I’ve never met. Now, I’m going to go meet with some people today that want to sell their homes (Yes, I work everyday) and hope you guys have a great Sunday.
Signing off for the last time,
oh yeah, one last thing, the thing about driving on the wrong side of the road and the metric system was a joke. Get a sense of humor and stop being so serious. Stupid. HA HA
It sure looks like ikorrelim has pushed you to the edge. You can’t even raise the white flag with any sort of dignity. What a pansy! Regards, Donerail
Hi !
First, I’m a french college student.
I just want to tell how (on the french officials side) we see the intervention in africa :
First, don’t talk about france, but europe. It is the first time that europe is making an operation alone (without america).
France don’t made it on its own, althrough it represent the biggest part (around 800 of 1000 mens)
So, well, on TV you always see the European HQ with interview of several military officer from different country telling that "well, it’s good for europe because now, we don’t need to call OTAN for every trouble, we can handle it ourself, etc…."
As I said, it is the "official" point of view.
Because like in America, TV and press shut up about the "dark side" of what happen (sorry, I didn’t find any other words for it)
But i must say that as an European, I feel relieved to know that europe is starting to have a real military power (it’s not big, but it exist, and that’s enough for such trouble)
But in france, we don’t care much about it… You know, Irak is much more spectacular (dozen of dead a week !), so medias don’t talk about "cote-d’ivoire" any more (I think I’ve heard about 1 french legionnaire dead, maybe more…) .
And just one more thing : I saw a nice table with all the country air-bombed since 1945 by the US…
The caption was : How much of these 20 country (1 war every 2.5 years) are now REAL democracy ???
I found 5, no more…..
And about france, we leave african colony in ruin, that’s no better
remember : africa don’t own half the petrol of the world (maybe some diamonds 🙂 )) ….
I hope that you understood what i wrote …
KINGMONKEY and everyone else out there ::
you have alot of balls talking about the united states presidentlike that and the war in iraq. let me refresh your memory and bring your FRENCH ego back down to earth, to my knowledge the prim minister of Franch refuses to help out the president in the war. and for you to sit there and talk about how much of an idiot our president and what he is doing you should take another look at your prim minister, becuase he isnt doing anything. till then i would advise you to just sit there and shut up,our president is making a difference in the world what is your prim minister do other than sitting on his ass?
This topic were good because there weren’t so much stupid people like you !
You seems to forget that US got the largest debts of the world. No country need more the other to survive ….
And france is trying to get apart from US since 1960 (You know Charles de Gaulle ?). Now, with Europe, it’s partly done.
But the US need the others country to live (you produce too much goods for yourself), like the others country needs (it’s called globalisation, you know ?).
And about your money … where is american money ??? we gave money back after the one you gave for rebuilding (and excuse me, you didn’t give it just by kindness, but you needed trade partners to sell your
one more thing :
French exports to US : 25 billions
US exports to france : 26 Billions
650 000 americans employment depend of french company : you see, we’re not taking apart your money nor your jobs (650 000/280 000 000 peoples)…
And please : try to get informed by what happen outside the US… You’re not alone…
Your prose indicates you are of low intelligence. You should get out and visit countries in Europe and then make your comments. Donerail
for your information i have been to france many times and i plan to go back to europe in 2005, all i was saying is that you shouldnt dis our president . i have experienced both french and american lives, and beside the language difference both countries are alike in many ways.
With all due respect, our President probably means well but he is unduly inflenced by the right wingers Chaney, Wolfowitz, and so many others of the Military-Industrial complex. Either that or he is an idiot. France has not been a political factor for a long time and probably won’t be. But France is a beautiful country with a beautiful culture and I think we share that same sentiment. Because French politicians envy us and do not want to wage war – I think those are admirable traits. Vive La France and their cheese and wine. Regards, Donerail
Charles DeGualle(sp?) was nothing more than a figure-head and a coward to boot…He insisted on being in the lead car when the American’s rolled into France…all Dressed up like a real live hero…like he had really done something…A car backfired…and he literally jumped into the back seat and hid…How do I know? Ask Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes…he was there…as an enlisted man…France is a taker, not a giver…go see Normandy…if you wonder what America has done for France…France, Germany, Russia did not want invasion of Iraq becaue Iraq owes them lots of money…also, there present contracts (worth much) would have been in and are in jeopardy…A very "eloquent…and I’m using the term loosely) French Statesman said of the Vietnam War…"We don’t want the war to end, France is making a million dollars a day off of it"…If it were not for America and putting ourselves on the line…you would not be speaking French now…but German…and God forbid if you are Jewish…you would not be here now…So…trash the US if you must…but, that shows just how much you know about history…or even care…If you paid attention, most of the weapons used by Iraqi’s even now are French, German and Russian made…does that not tell you something?
As far as your cheese, wine, etc. goes…I can do without it…We make very fine wine and cheese in this country…and we certainly don’t need your overrated products…your yogurt either…nor your clothes…and certainly not your Old European attitude of "breeding" and superiority"…Because of your "breeding" you now have a problem with your Jewish population and your Muslim population…What now France? Call on your "old barbarian friend"…the USA to help you solve your internal differences? I think it is time to let France go it alone…I see that the French and the German’s in every photo I see lately are glued together…Oh well, I guess there is safety in numbers? At least Putnim has balls…I have respect for him…but as far as France and Germany go…the only reason I went to visit German is that my Father fought with Gen George Patton over there…to save your hides…and I do believe he was in France for a short period of time…and I visited Japan because my Uncles were there…as far as visiting France…I never had the desire…since I found out just how many lives were being lost in Vietnam so that France could continue to make a million dollars a day…Viva la France? More like God Bless America and our Troops…
Dear Monkey:
Well, now that I have you at parade rest…I would strongly advise you to seek some anger management counseling…it will improve your attitude…and hopefully, you are not taking out all your frustrations and anger on those two little children of yours…It is a shame that they will have to be "conditioned" in a home by a person with your obvious distain for just about everything…I think you are very unhappy…about a lot of things…You stated about five e-mails back that you were done with this site…and us morons…well, I can’t understand why you keep coming back…Perhaps you sense that your ideas and beliefs are not what they should be and you are seeking guidance? There are many self-help groups all around this wonderful country that us "morons" have built and are so proud of…a lot of them are free…thanks to us "morons"…perhaps it would behoove you to seek some help so that you will not color your children’s views of this world and our country…And like I said, you are at Parade Rest now…so…I feel that I have accomplished my mission…to either set you straight…or at least come to a draw…and in closing, I say, God Bless America and Our Troops…
The media portrays these events differently all over the world. No one can be right or wrong about this coz the truth is we havnt got a bloody clue what the real deal is. One thing for sure though is that George Bush has gone about things in a way i dont agree with, how can you agree with so many innocent people being killed.
the BIG question is, when will people learn? our so called leaders have watched the leaders before them make the same stupid mistakes, and yet they still go around killing and destroying anything that gets in their way!
Re: kingmonkey of Oct 10
You are correct in most respects, although a bit simplistic about some things such as ‘rape the land’ and ‘bomb anyone who disagrees’ but overall you hit the mark. We are a crumbling empire. The last 20 years prove it. Too many items bear the mark of decay. Yet as much as I’ve progressed beyond a more radical outlook such as let’s all hate Amerika…and still laugh at conservatives who don’t see the point of continued abuses such as the recent mutual fund scandal(s)…I have to say one of the main reasons for the invasion was purely political in my opinion. The corporate scandals were coming to a head over the summer and the dems could’ve run with that and the Firestone tire scandal ( as always in my opinion, it all comes down to accountability, lax/non-existent regulation, beuraucratic wink-wink)and so the ‘finish what the father’-weapons-oil litany…It was a smokescreen to win the election. You’re smarter than some others who’ve posted here, but the history of nations and their exploitation of weaker members is more complicated, as are the "reasons" for Bush’s
war. I won’t even approach lumping all members of a society together as in ‘all Americans’ or ‘the French’…
You are sounding a lot like KingMonkey. Although our wines are somewhat competitive, our cheese cannot compare to that of the French. You really should travel to France or Germany and you would appreciate better what a society can do with its resources. Both countries have a higher standard of living than we do. They have better products to buy. They have better infrastructure. Meanwhile, the USA has a great Department of Defense (or should that be Offense), lousy product selection, hopeless public schools, a fractured health care system, and an economy that is heading toward disaster. Yes, the USA did save the French and Germans from themselves and yes we did outspend the evil USSR. But this is now the 21st century and we should lead – not pillage. Donerail.
Donerail: Far be it from me to sound like Monkey…but you must admit that France needs USA much more than the USA needs France…and if "Uncle Sam" did not have to support half of the world, perhaps we could have this wonderful place called France…
Unfortunately, our "separationist" policy ended…and now anytime a country gets into trouble…they run to Uncle Sam to help them out…France included…Although Europe is trying to unite and become the "super power" or the second "super power"…the Europeans do not seem to have the drive that it takes…and they are fickle…looking out for themselves above all else…Point…Italy…WWII…siding with German’s until it was evident that the war was going the other way…then Italy changes sides…isn’t that very interesting? I understand that the English guarded a POW camp in Italy and after the "turn", they put the Italian’s in charge of running the camp…and told them that when and if the German’s came…to shoot…when they saw the German’s coming…they all ran into the hills…and left the prisoners unattended…I suppose it was time for some more wine and cheese…
If I sound bitter…not in the least…I am very much into America coming from a long line of military ancestory…dating back to the Civil War…(Confederate…South…my home)…Not one generation since that time has failed to honor their committment…which is taught in the South…Honor God first, family second and then country…My youngest son is carrying the banner right now and is in his fifth year of serving his country…(and yes, he was gone for 7 long months when this intervention with Afganistan and Iraq started. Yes, as a Mother, I worried everyday…but thank God…the military has something now called e-mail… My son is my HERO…His Father is retired…His Mother served..and I have brother, cousins who retired from military and have gone on to serve their country in other ways, Government Service, school teachers, physician’s. That is why you see so many young men and women from the South in the military…it is what they are taught…and our belief system…If we, the United States, as a people…even with all our inhouse fighting…did not stand up and take up for our way of life…believe me, it would soon perish…The Muslims believe that at the end of time, Allah will send them help to wipe out the Jews…Isn’t that interesting…How can the Middle East and now France with it’s huge Jewish and Muslim population ever get this to work? Teaching tolerance is the only hope for mankind…
If I could change a lot of things about this world, I would gladly do so…I would first start with "Charity begins at home"…and feed, cloth and educate the many American children here first…then take my genarosity elsewhere…However, all I can do is donate to charity…help those around me who I see who are in need…The world is a very strange place, when one really thinks about it…and most wars through time have been fought invoking the name of "God", Allah, Jesus Christ, etc…that seems to be the battle cry from day one…Why is it that we all believe in one God, whatever we call him/her and we all believe that we are right and we all believe that it is OK to kill others in the name of God, Allah, etc…I have a few Muslim friends and they tell me that the terrorist are mis-interpretating and misleading others…and as I have been explained to from a Muslim friend…Some Muslims are like Christians…they say they believe, but they do not really…they have other motives…
Well, I have been on this orange crate long enough…God Bless America and our Troops…
I thought I detected some Rebel characteristics in your writing. You make a lot of sense (for the most part) and I applaud your family’s service and contributions. I hope your son stays safe. Those who serve are, indeed, heroes. I worry about religion, however. More souls have been killed due to religion than any other cause. The two hundred years prior to the fall of Rome are particularly interesting. I took some time to read passages of both the Bible and the Koran. Some pretty scary prose. In any event, have a nice New Year and send some of that warm weather northward. Regards, Donerail
America needs enlightenment. If Americans dont have any balls any more to stand up for truth as individuals, and sell out to the power which gives us false morals to live by, then what comes is what we deserve. What america is is an example of is the use of highly sophisticated system and technology for unsophisticated values. People will naturally always want their goods better, their lives more secure. But we are outsmarting ourselves and the culture values material things, but not spiritual ones. I am one of many who has more than enough material goods, but is extremely distressed about the culture which I live in.
Because of the great difference in knowledge used in different occupations, and hence different culture, there is a very real disconnect between different parts of the population. Television and mass media is all of what unite people’s thoughts. The media is controlled by an decreasing number of more powerful conglomerates with their own agendas. Peoples thoughts are controlled by what they percieve, and they are being trained in america to stick their heads in the sand (or in this case the television).
Because you are rewarded materially for believing in their illusion, questioning doesn’t happen too often. Of course people always look to the media to do that. But its the media companies which control what questions are asked. America is addicted to materialism.
The system was created to give us control, but now its controlling us. Its easier to be a coward and follow the crowd than to stand for what you know is right, but you will only be ignoring your conscience, just like Robert de Bruce in braveheart.
Interesting…I somehow got the impression that you probably lived in Florida…As far as weather goes…South Carolina is like Texas…if you don’t life the weather…stick around for a few minutes and it will change…We do enjoy the mild winters…but sometimes, I sure would like to send you the humidity that we "enjoy" in the summer…I went to a friend’s funeral in Maryland the end of August…I was amazed at the difference in temperature and humidity from here on Thursday to there on Friday…it is only 600 miles difference…but what a difference that makes in the weather…I have lived "up North"…and just transferred a little over three years ago from Maryland to SC to be with my Mother…who needed me…South Carolina is my home and I love it and it’s land, it’s people…there is nothing more enjoyable than visiting southerner’s…we talk a lot, laugh a lot and generally enjoy being around other…Some of my Nothern friends who have visited here with me and family…say, "They just like to sit and listen"…they like the way southerner’s sound…and I can tell a true Charlestonian just from his talk…
If you ever hear Fritz Hollings on TV…that is the Charlestonian sound…The blacks in the Charleston area are also distinctive in their talk…with their spin on the words and sounds…They are called Gullah’s…and if you ever hear them, you immediately know where they are from…
Anyway, it was nice to hear from you…and yes, I am very southern…don’t have an accent anymore…got teased out of that many years ago…by those (Yankees) who laughed at the way I talked…however, my heart still belongs to Dixie…
warmest regards…ikorrellim
I know that I should stay outta this, but what are y’all talking ’bout? You guys can’t talk something out like civilised peoples. This all started out by some mature person wanting to have a say in this world and you go ahead and wreck it all by having a childish fight. I’d say to y’all, GROW UP. Hopefully your brains will catch on. Anyways, all the best and take it easy, Chesh. (By the way, don’t go off at me, I’m only thirteen, but I have more sense than you’se.)
If you’re only thirteen, you should not try and get involved…For right now play hard, study harder…and learn as much as you can about anything and everything…Learn all you can about American History and World History…Sometimes people just want to have a place where they can "voice" their opinions and get feedback…whether it be negative or positive…Perhaps you could start your own site called "Teens Speak Out"…why not look into this idea…
I have to hand it to you. Only 13 and you’ve managed to go thru thru the four pages of this thread on an obscure site titled "visitfrance.travel." Ikorrellim offers some very sage advice. Knowledge and understanding are key drivers to success in this world. I suspect you are on the right track. What you are observing in these emails is what is generally referred to as "constructive conflict." Donerail
If you don’t like France then their are plenty of other Countries to Visit or you can stay home. However, we are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs. Karen
Fact of the matter is, no one’s perfect. And yeah, every country looks out for themselves. You say that France is occupying land in Africa for profit? True, but the US also "saved" the Phillipines from the Japanese and I don’t think that the Phillopinos are too happy that we’re still there. We also persecuted the Native Americans and stole their land. The British? They once occupied a vast majority of land in Africa- and so did Germany, France, Austria, Italy, and Belgium. The borders of Africa were not made by the Africans- they’re there because of European imperialism, and the effects still last today in places like Sudan and Rwanda, where there are kids as young as 12 becoming gunmen. Russia, Prussia, Austria, Germany and France all once put a monarchy on the throne, against the people’s will, for their own countries interests. Japan once occupied Manchuria in China and used that land to worm their way into Korea- then tried to rule the entire Asian continent. Israel took Palestinan land- or Palestine is being greedy and trying to gain back land that is rightfully Isral’s. Hitler tried to eliminate the entire Jewish race, Napoleon tried to take over the world, and Columbus, the man we honor with Columbus Day, is the only person to sucessfully complete genocide.
What’s my point? It’s unfair to point fingers unless you’re completly blameless. And by the way- you’re not.
You have an excellent command of history. Shouldn’t we be learning from it as opposed to justifying current flawed policy? In any event, the French sure have great food, wine, and fashion. Regards, Donerail
That s what you american ppl think, taht s not what bush , rumy and co think… here is the difference, in Europe we undersood that a long time ago…you still don t get it.
I couldn’t resist. I had to see what was going on. First off:
Mel: I’M NOT FRENCH!!!!! IDIOT! GOD YOU’RE STUPID!! Born and raised in the great State of Texas (too bad ol’ Bush was gov’ner fer a spell–he, he, he).
Second: When are guys going to realize I’m not "angery" but disappointed? There’s a big difference. Right now, this country bites ass (and new HUD regulations are making it harder for me to make a living—bastards! No I joke, they are good for protecting home owners). Anyway, I hope you guys checked out that website: http://www.homestarrunner.com, there are some VERY funny cartoons on there (no political stuff if that is what you are concerned with). Always good for a laugh.
Peace guys. I hope ’04 is a wonderful year for all of you!
King Monkey
God bless you, kingmonkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As a european, I salute you and congratulate you for your brilliant mind!!!! Surprising, really!!!
It is foolish to argue about petty things and label French as "this" and America as "that". That just creates resentment and seperates people. Everyone is better off if they work together and dont hold ridiculous, childish grudges.
People in their own respective countries should be aware of what their leaders are doing, and be critical of their policies. It is only by being critical and questioning that the truth reveals itself.
I hope more people stop selling out and giving in, and realize that although it may be less comfortable to accept the truth, ultimately humanity is better off.
Our governments have the ability to do great things, either to benefit the world or to ruin it. By seeking only self interest, and having a divisive attitude of distrust and ignorance, all parties are hurt. By seeking the underlying reasons behind both our own values and others’, we can form beneficial relationships.
When governments become self-interested, they do so at the expense of the people.
I like your clear argumentation.
You are right. I love American culture and American people but I hate American Offense Ministry and policy.About the Iraqi war :I do not gatecrash a party if I am not invited. About the war in Serbia: Americans bombed hospitals and playgrounds there. It does not solve anything. I am not for the dictators, but I am definitly against using military power without international permission.
Zsolt from Hungary
and if you were alive in WWII you would have loved American policy…because where would you be now if not for America? Let’s face it people…If the United States had a mine to, we would have owned almost the entire world by now…"The spoils of war belong to the victor?"…You love American Culture…and American People…but not the policies? and do you have an inside tract as to what those policies are? Try to have some vision…be a visionary…look at what can happen in the Middle East if we get Iraq on track…It will be a showcase and an example for all other Middle Eastern countries to emulate…and it will be more peaceful for all people’s around the world…and with Saddam gone and Iraq free to govern itself…make it’s own way…I am sure that Isreal and Palestine will be able to come to some sort of agreement and live in harmony…10-20 years from now…if you are still around…look at the Middle East…and say, Oh, I remember someone seemed to think that this was going to occur…
I truly don’t think that we will live to see peace in the Middle East. They were not brought up that way.
La Femme Nikita
I truly think that you are right…but it is always good to hope.
ikorrellim: Tell them about the Marshall Plan. Donerail
Every empire is devil.
Dear Ikorrelim,
If I didn’t like your country I wouldn’t speak your language. By the way I don’t keep up quarrels with fanatics. And you are a fanatic.
Viva Texas! Viva Kingmonkey!
you speak our language because English is the Universal Language…stop breast-beating your ego…No I am not a fanatic…Hitlet was a fanatic…and why was he a fanatic…Because countries like Hungary "allowed" him to be and become what he was…so, there is your shame…so, stop trying to beat down America to try and make yourself feel better about how your ancestors handled their past responsibilities…to YOU…their FUTURE…If you want to be angry…address the issues of your country’s past inhumanity to your grandfather’s generation…then address the issue of your country’s past responsibility to you…the FUTURE generation…and how it has affected YOUR future…Then when you have cleaned up your own "yard", then you can come and try and clean up somebody’s elses…
zsolt73: It is good to get your perspective on these issues. Your commentary represent viewpoints not readily available to us in the usa education system. Ikorrellim’s hairbrained rantings give great credence to that fact. One good thing about the usa, though, is that we generally improve over time. Of course, there is the occasional speed-bump – like the Bush administration – but we’ll get over it. Regards, Donerail.
Bravo! i couldn’t of said it any better! Thank you to zsolt and kingmonkey for saying it the way it is!
ikorrellim is the typical "American"…egotistic, arrogant and full of themself. Glad she is getting OLD so she will die soon. 🙂
Thankyou for your support of a youngster speaking out their heart. You have a real integrity to be standing up for others who carelessly speak their mind as I did. Weall have a right in this world and I’d like to thank you for giving me a chance! God bless! Chesh.
Hey, I’ve just spent the past hour and a half reading this whole post. I’m fond of debates. I agree with Kingmonkey. The USA is in decay, and, eventually, every country will fall and more will be created, and we can all hope, that someday they will be successful and peaceful, though there is always harmony: the bad and the good.
I also agree with him about how our government tends to change its mind frequently. If I do recall, we were bent out of shape about Osama Bin Laden, were we not? Then it became a war on terrorism, and then it became the search for mass destruction, then it turned it to a witch hunt for Sadaam as well as Osama, and then we finally come out and say it: we’ve been there to liberate the country all a long! Its all propaganda, and every country has it.
Unfortunately, there is no way to know the whole truth, but like my father told me once, don’t believe anything you hear, be cautious of what you read, and think twice about what you saw. I do love this country, but I also love France, England, Italy, Spain, Australia, Brazil, etc…
I do understand that I’m lucky to be free and I have the ability to speak my mind, however every government is corrupt in many ways, and that’s the way it is.
ashnight: gawd, that must have been an entertaining hour and a half. i agree with your views with the exception of the the comment on KingMonkey. I don’t think the lad was wrapped too tight. In any event, he abdicated his throne when the debates got too warm. as bad as governments tend to be, is there a good alternative? The French government for example, with all its bureaucracy and idiosyncracies, has developed a wonderful infrastructure for the French nation. Relatively speaking. Donerail
you cannot reason with fanatics. ikorrellim is an american fanatic. she believes believes that the united states is a paradise, and everywhere/everybody else is nothing in comparison. you cannot reason or have a valid debate with people like that. if you disagree with them, then they tell you to "get the h*ll out." in a way i feel sorry for her because she is so blinded by "patriotism" that she refuses to listen to any other opposing views without disparaging them. she is too buried in WW2 and always trying a tit-for-tat response. i guess she forgot that france GAVE money, soldiers and generals to George Washington for help in the american revolutionary war. without france help, we’d be singing God save the queen instead of the star spangled banner. But people like her have selective memories when it comes to history.