Today was the official release of F 9/11 in French movie theaters. I went straight to see it of course. I attended the last showing, the 10:15 PM one. The hall was PACKED, something I don’t see often at this time of the day and in the middle of a week in july ! The crowd was rather focused and well-behaved during the movie, with occasional laughters of course, but then, it APPLAUDED at the end ! Something very rare in French theaters ! Last time I witnessed a round of applause in a French theater was 14 years ago at the beginning of T2 – Judgement Day !
This movie rocks ! I hope many Americans go see it, wake up, and get rid of Evil Chimp and his gang of neo-cons thugs ! So our two countries can be friends again !
65 Comments On Fahrenheit 9/11 opens in French theaters today !!!
10 millions viewer in 15days in the USA. It is a big hit!
Last night I saw Farenheit 911. I’ve always known about the Bush/Saudi connection as well as the pipeline deal in Afghanistan. HOwever, I wasn’t aware as to the depth of their (Saudi/Bush) relationship. What a frightening movie! To think that this cohort of criminals duped the American people into voting for them! I understand that some of the movie is opinion, Michael Moore stated that this is his opinion. However, the facts surrounding relationships and clandestine deals is there and that is not disputed.
Now I can understand why Bush withdrew from the international courts. He should be tried on war crimes against the soverign nation of Iraq and against the USA, for lying to Americans, for duping them and for illegally using the American army to promote his oil deals. The death of many THOUSANDS is on his hands.
Time to vote the Evil Chimp out of office.
Yep, vote it out… It is the sadest part of it, at least Nixon did resign for something less important!!! Can u believe that u’ll need to vote to get rid of this one!!!
let’s just hope that the Chimp loses the elections.
I’m getting emails from my siter and others. These emails slander Kerry’s wife as being unfit for "First Lady" simply because she is foreign born and rich. Because she has given some of her fortune to the Democratic party and its programs which may or may not be "questionable," however who is to define what is "appropriate?" She is a strong, powerful woman. America hates strong, independent, wealthy women who speak their mind. Mrs. Clinton is a perfect example.
Laura Bush and her lush, boozing daughters are just arm candy for Bush the Chimp. Time to vote that gang out of office.
What did they call it; Centigrade 488?
Bush/Saudi connection is a total fraud.
First of all if you’re talking about the Bin Laden connection, Bush41 didn’t join the Carlyle group until years after the deal was made. This was Bush41 the Skull and Bones guy that you’re worried about; not Bush43. I am not a fan of Bush41 either.
Clark said that he himself gave the order; not Bush. The Bin Laden don’t want to gave anything to do with Ossama anyway. They’ve disowned him.
Secondly if you’re talking about King Faud the Saud. Oh please make up your mind; Ossama hates Faud the Saud.
When asked about this More said that it he knew it wasn’t true, but it was just part of the satire. But in later interviews he starts acting like a documentarian.
LaVieilleBranche/SalB: I am starting to get worried. As the movie alludes, Bushie and The Gang may stop at nothing to get re-elected. A la Richard Nixon. Just off the press: Kerry had applied for a permit to have a Boston Pops/Fireworks evening at the Hatch Shell. Just as they do every year on the 4th of July. This was to be on July 28th as part of the Dem Convention. Kerry (either John or Theresa) was personally going to pay for all the cost. Our Republican Governor today denied the request for the permit due to "national security concerns." Wow. It has started already and the Bushies probably figure they got away with it in 2000, why not again in 2004?
CRC95/ManuNice: Do you have any extra rooms over there?
Amero-franc: You poor soul. Did you make the conversion properly? We call it "Celsius" nowadays.
Amero-Franc: Once again, you’re wrong. The Bin laden family still keeps in contact with Osama. It’s all done unofficial, under-the-table style, but it happens. Also, if you know anyting about Arab culture, you should know immediately that Arabs revere family and "blood" connections. They might not like Osama and his actions, but they won’t help the USA to find him and bring him to justice because he is a blood family member. The Bin Laden family has invested about 1 billion dollars in Bush oil ventures over many many years. That one billion buys a lot of loyalty.
If the Bush/Saudi connection were totally false, then there would’t be images/video of Bush #1 entering Saudi Arabia (while Clinton was president), greeting and being warmly greeted by the Saud royal family, among other photos, videos, etc… Bushies are OIL men. Are you really that stupid that you have no clue how things work among the rich and pwerful?
I think you’ve believed the Chimp and his evil propaganda.
I might be wrong, but I believe they still call it Centigrade in France.
"Osama and his actions, but they won’t help the USA to find him and bring him to justice because he is a blood family member."
That is probably true, but that doesn’t mean they had anything to do with it and they have helped give DNA iformation, beause they might like to know if he’s dead or not.
"The Bin laden family still keeps in contact with Osama. It’s all done unofficial, under-the-table style, but it happens."
So what?! What would be illegal about that?
Amero-franc: Once again, you are showing your ignorance. Giving DNA isn’t helping to find Osama. Giving DNA is NOTHING. As you said, they just want to know if he is dead or not. Hoverever, they already know he is still alive.
If the Bin laden family unofficially keeps in contact with their mass murderer family member, then they haven’t disowned him, as they publically stated. In other words, they lied. Or, to quote your words, (spelling mistakes are YOURS, not mine), " The Bin Laden don’t want to gave anything to do with Ossama anyway. They’ve disowned him." This statement is obviously not true.
Therefore, the family knows where he is hiding, they may or may not be helping him financially, but I suspect they are helping him because he is blood family member. The Bin Ladens won’t ever help the USA voluntarily.
Remember how the White House Admin put all the Bin Ladens on private and commercial jets and flew them immediatley out of the country, right after 9-11. Oil money buys a lot of loyalty.
LaVieilleBranche: I don’t think you are making any progress with Amero-franc. None of us have. Donerail
On a more general note, make sure that if something (I mean the facts given)was false or fraud on that movie, Michael Moore will be sued and on a trial even before the movie was out in USA I think this is not the case. Anyway I’m glad that the "Festival de Cannes" got some responsability in the fact that the movie is on US movie theatre right now, for those who didn’t know, before that the movie has receive it’s award: the "Palme d’Or" Disney (who owns Miramax) did refuse to distribute the movie in the USA, after that F911 receive the worldwide most important award, they could do nothing about it… YAY! Thank you so much Mr Quentin Tarentino (the president of the jury of the Festival this year, an American citizen!!!! After all u can’t always blame the French
Pour parler de façon plus générale, soyez certain que si quelque choses (je veux dire les faits) était faux ou frauduleux dans ce film, Michael Moore aurait été attaqué en justice et serait en proces même bien avant que le film soit sortis aux USA, et je crois que ce n’est pas le cas. Quoiqu’il en soit, je suis content que le "Festival de Cannes" ait eu une responsabilité dans le fait que ce film puisse sortir dans les salles de cinéma Américaine, en effet, pour ceux qui ne savait pas, avant que ce film ne recoive son prix: la "Palme d’Or", Disney (qui possede Miramax) refusait de distribuer le film aux USA, en revanche après que le film ai recu le plus important prix au monde, il n’on rien pu faire!! Youpi!!Merci beaucoup Mr Quentin Tarentino (Le président du jury du festival cette anné, un citoyen Américain!!! Après tout on ne peux pas toujours mettre la faute sur les Francais)
"If the Bin laden family unofficially keeps in contact with their mass murderer family member, then they haven’t disowned him, as they publically stated. In other words, they lied."
First of all, we don’t know that.
Secondly, so what if they lied. Lying is not illegal.
Thirdly, that doesn’t mean that they know where he is.
"Oil money buys a lot of loyalty"
The Bin Ladens are not Oil Barons. They are construction contractors. Your idea that somehow they are loyal to Ossama is really stupid. The Bin Ladens have made way too much money being loyal to King Faud the Saud.
LaVieilleBranche, I don’t think you are going to get very far discussing anything with someone who could say (and I quote) "Secondly, so what if they lied. Lying is not illegal."
LaVieilleBranche, je ne pense pas vous pouvez discute quelque chose avec une personne qui peut dire (et je cite) "Secondly, so what if they lied. Lying is not illegal."
Amero-Franc: Obviously you know NOTHING about Arab culture and family values. You know nothing about the Bin Laden family.
SalB is right about you.
Donner un démendi est mal, mais il n’est ni une crime prisonable, ni quelque chose tenir eux ici. D’accord?
Amero_franc: Your French is T E R R I B L E !!!!!
No wonder the admins deleted your French..they were doing you a favor!!
In Arab culture; please don’t take this the wrong way; lying is not frowned upon like it is in western culture. There are a few reasons because of this. Mostly because of the Koran where it talks about Allah being a greater sceamer. There are a few other reasons for that.
Voyons de vous parler en le Francais?
Aussi, si vous plaît, ou est-ce que je suis en erreur?
Amero-Franc: this sentence is COMPLETELY WRONG: "Voyons de vous en Francais?"
This is only 1 of many errors you do. I REFUSE to correct/teach you how to speak French correctly. Find somebody else such as crc or ManuNice to help you. I refuse.
so, is everyone having fun with the French translation yet ?
Amero-franc, are you using a translation software ? Kinda looks like it. They can act funny sometimes.
Alors, est-ce que tout le monde s’amuse avec la traduction en Français ?
AF, utilise-tu un logiciel de traduction ? On dirait que oui. Ils réagissent bizarrement parfois.
LaVieilleBranche: What happened to that dedicated teacher? I am guessing that he said something like: "Would you like to continue in French? Also, if you please, tell me where i was wrong." I hope I am not too far off. I do understand the French road signs if nothing else. Donerail.
donerail: some students are so stupid (as compared to ignorant) that it is best to just give up on them.
mmmmmmm…fresh tomatoes from my garden already!!
I made a Moroccan lentil salad, with cumin and a little ginger, and I’m using freshly picked garden tomatoes in the salad, too
It pays to know Arab people 
LaVieilleBranche: I will work for food. Donerail
"Voyons de vous parler en le Francais?"
Could someone explain what is wrong with this phraze.
I was pretty sure I was saying, "Let’s see from you in French".
donerail: The salad is delicious! I made enough for 4 days
Oh, I forgot: I added fresh parsley from my garden, too
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🙂
donerail, you need to get into the kitchen and learn to cook
LVB is right, I don’t really like to tell you this but your French sentences don’t make any sense at all. They basically look like random words added together like a grocery list. I can’t even figure what you mean to say. This is why I asked you if were using one of these softwares, because that’s how they tend to act : they just translate a word after another and do not care about the whole. Which seems to be the case with ‘let’s see from you in French’.
A French would probably say something like ‘écris donc un peu de Français’.
I am not using some type of program. They are very inaccurate.
Again explain what it was I said that was wrong?
‘Voyons de vous’ just doesn’t make any sense. Never seen/heard that. ‘Voyons pour vous’, maybe, but that’s different.
Amero-franc, may I respectfully ask you where you’re from ?
How about just ‘Voyons vous’?
I idn’t just say Voyons de vous. I know that sounds a little weird, but is ‘Voyons de vous parler en Frencais’ since the ‘vous’ is in action?
No, I can’t really explain in details why, since I’m not a French teacher or grammarian trained to do so, but there’s no such ‘voyons vous’. It would be something like ‘voyons pour vous, voyons à votre sujet, à votre propos’ , or ‘nous allons voir pour vous’.
The right translation for what you wanted to say to LVB would be, I guess : ‘voyons comment tu parles ou écris en Français’. I think it’s pretty easy.
Thank you; you were very helpful.
Amero-Franc, I assume your démendi was supposed to be démenti. What elicited my statement was the very cavalier attitude you had towards lying. If you feel that way, no one who feels otherwise will be able to discuss the matter with you. Hence, LVB may as well give up.
SalB: I think Amero-franc has learned about lying from The Chimp. Maybe learned how to speak from him as well. Donerail
SalB: As i had said, some people are too stupid or ignorant…best to just give up on them…
By confusing of "démenti" by spelling it "démenmdi" might show that I knew it phonetically. That means that I had it memorized orally, but forgot the spelling. That would mean a little more than a word for word knowedge.
SalB: As a teacher, I am presuming you may be able to decipher what it is that Amero-franc is trying to say. The NYT crossword puzzles are much easier. Donerail
Amero-Franc, I’m not complaining about your spelling. I assumed you were spelling phonetically. That’s how I came up with the word that I thought was correct. I wrote it so that you could correct me if I was wrong in my assumption of what word it was since French is not my strong point.
The point you seem to have missed (while thinking I was worried about your spelling) was that what elicited my original statement was the very cavalier attitude you had towards lying. If you feel that way, no one who feels otherwise will be able to discuss the matter with you. Hence, LVB may as well give up.
I really don’t care how you spell as long as I can understand you. I am appalled that you can say, "So what if they lied."
I didn’t say that I was trying to spell it phonetically I was just writing fast and the phonetic sound is what poped up in my head.
Great confrontation today, Michael Moore vs. Bill O’Reilly. If you missed it, the video is available on Faux News website
crc95: I did get to see the Moore/O’Reilly festivities. O’Reilly is such a boor. Moore had him on the run but he could have done better. Donerail
I wouldn’t pay my money to see some crap movie by Michael Moore. He may have some points to be made, but I dont respect a person who has so many lies in his films. If you go online, you can find many inaccuracies, made up statistics, and interviews where key points of the other side were cut out completely, especially with his Bowling for Columbine movie. In blunt terms, I dont like things that bash France or America!
TerrapinWarrior: Just go see the movie. Then vent. Donerail
I couldn’t agree more. Go see the movie first. If you manage well enough, you could even go see it for free.
About the websites that supposably uncover Moore’s lies : go to where you can read all the responses to these so-called lies.
You know, most Moore adversaries / Chimp supporters believe that the movie is just one big lie. But the part of the film where the connection between Bush and Bin Laden is shown is only one quarter of the movie. The rest of it is interviews : of soldiers, of their families, etc. These are not lies. And yet they are the real substance of the movie and what makes it great, to my opinion.
crc95: I think most people who have seen the movie will agree with you 100%. Somehow I can’t see a Bush supporter going to see the movie. They would be as nervous as a whore in church. Donerail
I read this piece a few weeks ago and remembered it : I think it brings some answers to the question.
Sunday July 18, 2004 2:46 PM
Associated Press Writer
LEWISBURG, Pa. (AP) – Maurice Brubaker probably wouldn’t have gone to see “Fahrenheit 9/11” on his own, but free admission helped change the Republican’s mind. Brubaker, chairman of the Bush/Cheney campaign team in Union County, was among at least 40 people who went to the Campus Theatre on Saturday to take advantage of a free showing for card-carrying GOP members.
“I don’t think you can consider it a documentary, because I don’t think both sides were represented,” Brubaker said of the Michael Moore film that criticizes the Bush administration’s response to the Sept. 11 attacks.
“I don’t think this movie would have been made if Al Gore had been elected president, and I don’t think Al Gore could have stopped what happened on Sept. 11. I don’t think anyone could,” Brubaker said.
Eric Faden, executive director of the nonprofit theater, offered the free showing to encourage an informed discussion of the movie between conservatives and liberals. Fewer than 50 seats in the 500-seat theater were filled, but Faden, down $280, said he was happy with the turnout.
“For a film in its fourth week of release, in a small rural county, to have that many people show up is fantastic,” Faden said. “This is what we wanted … people from all sides to see the movie so that there would be an informed debate.”
One Republican insisted on buying his ticket, as did eight other people who did not show GOP identification.
Mary Wilt, 87, tried to get several Republican friends to come with her, but they all turned her down. After seeing it, she called the movie “the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.”
But another Republican, Douglas Reed, described the film as thought-provoking and interesting.
“It had some good points, but I didn’t always agree with the way those points were made,” the Army veteran said.
Lewisburg is about 120 miles northwest of Philadelphia.
So, I went to see F 9/11 again. I hope you guys all went to see it. I also hope many Americans will think deeper than Britney Spears.
Well people, after F 9/11 , rated Best Movie Of The Year by patrons, you might want to go and see A Very Long Engagement, starring Audrey Tautou, you know, the chick y’all liked in Amélie ( a movie that I have yet to see …lol). Nice movie, opens in many theaters across the USA on Nov. 26th. Cool sights of France.
crc: Yep. I know well of Jeunet’s new movie. I can’t wait to see it!
crc95/LVB: With all due respect, French movies are a bit ponderous. Except for those old Brigette Bardot flicks. Donerail
donerail: You just like to oogle Brigette Bardot in a bikini and fantasize about her riding a Harley
Don’t worry donerail, this is a free country, you can still stay home and watch the NFL
crc95: Looks like the NBA now has potential as well. Donerail
LVB: I don’t fantasize seeing Brigitte on a Harley. I do fantasize seeing her sans Bikini. Donerail
Yeh, I say we get rid of more innocent people. It will increase the quaility of the world gene pool. Come on, you honestly think Michael Moore is going to tell the truth. Michael Moore is going to say anything to make ush look Bad.
Nixon resigned because he was stupid enough to record his own conversations, Bush isn’t that stupid.
Oh please, who didn’t party and weren’t a bunch of drunks when they went to college? And anyone who says they weren’t drunks and partiers when they went to college are liers.
Right, great conferntation between Moore & O’Reilly. O’Reilly chewed Moore up and spit him out.
kfouler5: I didn’t think it possible but your spelling is getting worse. Donerail
donerail: kfouler’s bad writing makes Amero-Franc’s posts seem like Ernest Hemingway in comparison! LOL
Wonder whatever happened to the guy? He forgot all about us!
LVB: Did you ever notice that amero-franc and danairozo were never in the room at the same time? Donerail
Amero-Franc got tired of us, but at least he was polite
danairozo and amero-franc in the same room ? That’d feel like spending the evening with Franz Kafka, the Monty Pythons, Timothy Leary and Hunter S. Thompson.
crc95: Not that bizarre. Donerail