I am 30 year old girl from Turkey, I graduated from university in 2000. I am working as a secretary, on the other hand I am attending to the fashion design course. But I don’t think that this course will give me enough info for my future job. I want to get education in France. It is a pity that I don’t know French.I want to learn this language before starting the university.( I am not sure but maybe I can learn French in university courses) I want to get education in France. I am not a rich person for this reason I can’t give money to the fashion design couses in France. I don’t know anything about Universities’ education system in France. Is it possible for me to get education in France? What is the procedures of the universities for the foreign students?Do they want any exam from us?If someone answer me, I will be thankfull…
I need informations about universities where I can study art…
Thanks for now…
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Hi there,
I recommend that you check out the options re: Fashion course with any of Alliance Francaise (or EduFrance) centers in your country.
Best regards n wishes,