To all you Christians out there, stand for what you believe. And if anyone opposes you, love them. There’s nothing better you could do. Know that whatever people think about you, God loves you ten times more. Love Chesh.
60Top Tours
To all you Christians out there, stand for what you believe. And if anyone opposes you, love them. There’s nothing better you could do. Know that whatever people think about you, God loves you ten times more. Love Chesh.
60 Comments On Christians Stand Out
Chesh: Get a grip. Donerail
hi there i think u are totally right im a christian too and everyone who is a christian should stand up for what they believe in people who tell u its a load of rubbish dont know what they are missing being a christian is the best thing in the world ive been a christian for 2 years now and my life has been turned round its great i love everything. God has a great plan for your life he is going to do so much for you. There is a new film comning out and i would recommend u go see it its called the Passion of jesus christ well u can email me if u would like to chat to me about anything my emal address is
hope to hear from u soon
love jackie
hi there i think u are totally right im a christian too and everyone who is a christian should stand up for what they believe in people who tell u its a load of rubbish dont know what they are missing being a christian is the best thing in the world ive been a christian for 2 years now and my life has been turned round its great i love everything. God has a great plan for your life he is going to do so much for you. There is a new film comning out and i would recommend u go see it its called the Passion of jesus christ well u can email me if u would like to chat to me about anything my emal address is
hope to hear from u soon
love jackie
Chesh, who told me to "shut up, SalB" is a Christian? Quelle surprise!
I didn’t feel loved. I felt hated.
BTW, donerail, thank you for defending me.
SalB: You are the "class act" of these Forums. Your advice is really outstanding and I, for one, appreciate your time and effort. I have already benefited greatly from your wisdom. (Just bear with us as we mud wrestle in some of the other threads.) Donerail
I’m a Christian, too and i take it seriously….and yes i saw The Passion of the Christ…
don’t hate me because i’m catholic donerail
Why in the world would donerail hate you because you’re Catholic? He seems very open minded to me. It seems like an odd thing to say. Perhaps you are joking? It’s very hard to tell in print.
SalB: sorry…just being a wise-ass…did you see the wink next to the comment?
Yes, but it’s rather difficult to determine what one is winking at in print. If I had felt without doubt that you were serious, I probably would have been a bit more firm . . . although, as you have no doubt determined, "firm" is not my style.
At any rate, I’m glad you verified the joke.
Donerail: You have gotten way too ahead of yourself. You have a huge mind, and some of your comments offend people, like me. Sit back a little, and let people speak their minds as well, instead of giving a teenager a little crap because she was seaking her heart as much as you do.
SalB: There is no reason for you to feel hated, because there’s really no way that someone can hate you when they know you off a site on the web. I don’t hate YOU, I hate what youi said to me. How come a teenager isn’t allowed to speak his/her mind, and you are?
GOODCHARLOTTE: Thanks for your reply. I’d love to keep in touch. Thanks for backing me up in what I said, it really means heaps. There are a few arrogant people out there, but I’m trying my best to love them, and everything. Even people on a site like this. My email is Love to hear from ya! God bless, Love Jen.
LaVieilleBranche: Good on ya! Was the Passion as good as I’ve heard it is?
SalB and Donerail: You have to know that Christians aren’t perfect, wether you like it or not. We try our best, so don’t hate us when we stuff up. Everyone does, so the first without sin, cast the first stone.
Love Chesh.
Donerail: I have a grip… on my faith. Chesh.
My goodness, Chesh, What makes you think I’m not a teenager too?
On the subject of your question, "How come a teenager isn’t allowed to speak his/her mind, and you are?" You (the teenager) are the one who told me to "shut up" in the previous post. You are the one not allowing me to speak my mind. So How come a nonteenager isn’t allowed to speak his/her mind, and you are?
So, teenager, please allow us nonteenagers to speak our minds if you want the same respect. Respect is a two way street and I would have told you that when I was fourteen when you might have allowed me to say it.
Chesh, Overnight I’ve been thinking about what you said. How in the world was I supposed to know you were a teenager? I can’t discriminate against you because you’re a teenager if I don’t know your age, can I?
When you’re on an Internet Forum, you become ageless or even anonymous. In ways that is good; in ways it is bad. If it’s an adult travel forum and you are contributing, people on the forum are going to assume you are an adult. I assumed you were an adult and treated you as one. So did the others, e.g. donerail would never have asked you to compare Australian and French wines if he had known you were a teenager. It also explains why you didn’t answer him.
Question: Do you think teenagers should be treated differently on the Forum? If so, is there some way to identify them and some way to make special rules for them? It seems reasonable and worth discussion. Obviously you are here because you are interested in France and hopefully you will travel there someday if you haven’t already.
Are you from Australia? From your first post I assumed that too. I’m not doing well in the assumption category lately, so thought I’d ask. Also, have you been to France or are you just interested in the country?
Thanks, and I’ll keep your age in mind in the future.
An old lady . . .
Chesh: "The Passion of The Christ" was hard to watch….hard to watch the torture and suffering Jesus went through…what agony! the scourging was terrible! those hooks ripping into flesh..when they put the nails through His hands i looked away… every christian should see this movie to get a real understanding of what the Crucifixation really is, especially in this time of Lent. There is a LOT of catholic symbolism in the movie, so if you’re not catholic, you might not quite understand what Mel Gibson was doing…but you’ll understand 99% of it nonetheless…
the romans were brutal monsters..i’ve since learned that romans didn’t crucify their own (roman) citizens…romans convicted of capital crimes were beheaded…crucifixation was considered far too brutal and painful for a roman citizen…but not too barbaric for a "barbarian."
last weekend i bought an illegal copy of the movie on the streets of New York City for $5 and am sending it to a russian orthodox priest i know in russia. he has no access to the film.
Look, SalB,
I am really sorry for my arrogance. I guess that I thought that everyone could tell by my smart-ass comments, and never really stopped to think that adults could do that too. I apologise for telling you to shut up, I have a problem with speaking my mind, even if it hurts people. I also apologise for not being who I should be- a respectful teenager, not an obnoxious biotch. My respect is for you.
Love Chesh.
I haven’t been to france, but I was learning French last year, and found it really difficult, but loved the fights that go on on this site! It’s really funny!
LaVieilleBranche: Thanks for the insite about the movie. My parents have seen it, but are cautious to let a 13 year old see all those scenes. I support your views, and your actions to get the copy of the movie for the preacher man. Good job. I feel that ever person that has the ability to see The Passion should see it, even though I myself haven’t seen it yet. I’ll see it soon enough, though. Take care and God Bless, Love Chesh.
Chesh, You’re a really nice person. Gosh, you should let that shine through all the time. Being a smart aleck is okay once in a while with friends, but all in all, even they would probably like you better as a real person.
I’m kind of with your parents on the movie. I wouldn’t let a 13 year old see a movie with that much graphic violence no matter what the subject. I’m not sure I’d even let them watch the news unsupervised these days. The movie will be around for years and years and years so I’m sure you’ll see it when they think it’s okay. There are not many years in one’s life that are innocent and young people today have far less than many of us had. Enjoy what you have and appreciate parents who care enough to monitor what you watch.
French is difficult, especially the way it’s taught in most schools. If you find a conversational French course, you might like it better. I was very fortunate to have a wonderful French teacher at a local university. She made it fun and exciting. I admit I studied about 4 hours a day and did all the homework twice (or more), but it really was worth it with a good teacher. The most fun way to learn French is to go to France! See if your high school has a foreign exchange program. When you are a sophomore or junior, apply to go to France as a foreign exchange student. You live there with a French family and go to a French school. If you like the arguments here, you would love France. French people love to argue . . . they call it discussion. They even teach logic in their high schools so the kids can all discuss things intelligently. You would love it.
Thanks and I’m glad you’re here.
Chesh: You had me fooled. I assummed (incorrectly) that you were much older than 13. I applaud your participation in the forums. Your Faith is apparently something very important to you and is something that should remain very personal to you. I wish everyone would keep their Faith very personnally to themselves. As you study History, you will be exposed to many things that will challenge your intellect and quite possibly your Faith. Don’t close your mind to these things. I believe a person’s Faith (or lack thereof) should be able to exist peacefully with Logic and Proportion. You may have opened the most profound of these forums and it is relevant to the French, at least historically and culturally. Let me ask you a question: What do priests, ministers, rabbis, mullahs, ayatollahs, monks, bishops, etc. bring to the modern civilized world? Donerail
LaVieilleBranche: I hope you are enjoying your trip to LaFrance. I hope also you are able "to get a grip." The Passion is a movie. It is a movie – not something live from CNN. It is based upon Gibson’s perception of what the ancient Scriptures relate. But it is a movie. Those times were brutal for everyone. No doubt about that. If ancient documents are true, it appears that Christianity was pretty good at it as well. Which would you prefer: being crucified or being burned at the stake? Or just being thrown into a pit within the Bishop’s residence to die a slow and brutally cruel death? The Church and State were both brutal when compared to society (generally) today. I wonder if religion is the reason that only a few states retain the death penalty. On a side note, an event from history was related to me while touring the Louvre. A painter was under contract to paint for the Bishop or Cardinal a scene from antiquity. He had to have it finished by "x date" or he and his family would be sacraficed. Yup, those were tough times. Donerail
Donerail: Priests ect… bring hope to the hopeless, love to the unlovely, and peace to the unpeaceful… if that’s a word. To you all, I’m sorry for my past arrogance, and that I didn’t really reveal who I really am, but an arrogant twit! I’m sorry that I’ve disturbed your peaceful site, but you guys needed a bit of a shake up, there were too many arguments! Love you all, and God bless yas all! Love Jen (- that’s me. Used Chesh for protection, but I’m not hiding anything now!)
Chesh/Jen, Good to see you back. Your answer to donerail was a good one. I think too many people read history books and see all the evil that has been done by religious leaders. What they don’t see is the good that has been done by other religious leaders (and followers).
Some people use religion to gain power. They do some pretty horrible things. Other people have a genuine calling because of a deep faith. They do wonderful things. It’s too bad the horrible gets the press and gets written in history books and remembered but so many of the wonderful things that have been done are forgotten.
We have to forgive the evil (but not forget). We need to learn to remember and celebrate the good that men do. The good is what should live after them. The smallest kind word or act can have a great impact on someone’s life. Most of the time you never even know it because it didn’t seem important to you at the time. But to the person receiving it, it was the most important thing that happened to them in a very long time. As you get older, you’ll have people come to you after many years and tell you about something you did that was an important influence on their life and you probably won’t even remember doing or saying it.
To me, this is what religion is all about . . . doing good anonymously just because it needs to be done. Every good act, however small, makes the world a better place.
Chesh or Jen: Thank you for returning. As I mentioned to you before, you may have opened one of the most profound threads on the Forum. At thirteen, you may be a tad young but you are certainly not a twit. Jen, arrogance is not a very terrible characteristic – if you possess the knowledge or skills of the subject matter. It may even be an asset as evidenced by some of our sports stars. Arrogance and confidence are traits that are difficult to separate. In any event, stay involved. I suspect you (and SalB) may be a challenge to some of my views. You have certainly added some life to this Forum. Donerail
donerail, I don’t think Chesh/Jen is arrogant. She couldn’t react to our posts the way she has if she were arrogant. (arrogant: Making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted importance or consideration out of overbearing pride.) The words unwarranted and overbearing are key here.
Arrogance is not a good thing. Mr. Bush is a good example of arrogance and the trouble it can cause. The belief that you know better than everyone else. It’s hard for arrogant people to listen to advice, and even harder for them to change their minds.
Pride, at least in its first two meanings, is something quite different. (pride: 1. A sense of one’s own proper dignity or value; self-respect. 2. Pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, a possession, or an association: parental pride.) When pride becomes arrogance, that is what "goeth before a fall." You can’t let your satisfaction with your accomplishment make you think you are better than others because of it.
Pride can be a good thing. You do something well and you’re proud of yourself. This is a positive feeling . . . and deserved.
Pride and arrogance are not difficult to separate. Pride is deserved; arrogance is not. Many of our sports stars could learn from this definition.
There is also much to be said for humility . . .
SalB: I don’t think I would want you on my Sports Team (well, football, basketball, hockey, hurling, soccer… anyway). Nor would I want you on my Army. Chesh or Jen was sorry for being arrogant. If I were her I would not be sorry for being arrogant – unless I didn’t not have knowledge of the subject matter. You can parse sentences and ponder definitions, but Pride and Arrogance are almost synonymous. It is true that Bush is arrogant – but the Iraq debacle did not result from his arrogance. It resulted from his stupidity. Eisenhower, Patton, and Swartzkoph were all arrogant. In their case, good things resulted but not attributable to their arrogance. They knew they had the best assets and they used them accordingly. Pride and Arrogance are attributes of winners. My argument is pretty strong except for, of course, Napoleon. Donerail
Give me a break. You’d love me on your sports team. I love to win and will work very hard to do it. You sure wouldn’t want me in your army though! I’d try to negotiate out of everything.
If you think Bush went into Iraq because he was stupid, you’re not as discerning as I thought you were. He’s seriously into the oil business and he knows there is a pipeline stopped that has to go through to get us our oil. He went into Iraq to get that pipeline through. If you’re an oilman, that’s a smart decision (self serving, but smart) His arrogance led him to believe he could do it very easily because he thought he was better than anyone else. His arrogance led him to believe he could do what his father had enough sense not to do and his arrogance leads him to believe he can lead the 21st century Crusades.
He is using cultural and religious differences to exploit Middle East oil and he’s doing a very good job of it. I happen to think it is entirely wrong and what he is doing is obscene, but I don’t think it is stupid if you have his particular set of motives. What I disagree with are his motives! We need to get off our dependence on oil and we could do that easily if the money headed toward alternative energy sources. The alternatives have been there for years and big oil has studiously forced us to ignore them.
As for arrogance and pride . . . If I said Joe was arrogant, most people would immediately have a lower opinion of him. If I said Joe was proud of what he did, most people would immediately have a higher opinion of him. The two words not only differ in meaning, they carry different connotations.
Dear brother Chesh,
First of all,Wakan Tanka Nici Un(In Lakota=May the Great Spirit walk with you.)
Your subject and words are like an echo coming form centuries ago,long before the first colonial immigrants set foot on american soil,and long before Columbus(who by the way was a very cruel person)
came to conquer this land in the name of his queen….
The native americans were happy and simple and most of all very honest.Many of their thinking and sayings went from generation to generation by the words of mouth.
Such is the following saying:"Trouble no one about their religion;
respect others in their view and demand that they respect yours."
I have no religion,it is not necessary to have one to believe in God.
The whole Creation is God,we are sitting right inside his church.
I will never interfere with nobody’s religion or faith or creed,I believe that everyone has the right to believe in anything he/she wants,but I think it’s fair that I myself should be left alone with my own beliefs and not be forced or "educated"in any particular faith
or being warned that if I am not a christian,I’ll end up in …hell.
For example,how would you like if I’ll come into your house and start changing an moving your furniture or throw away your things because I don’t like them and tell you what to buy to replace them ?What if you don’t like my changes?In fact of course you won’t.Think about religions the same way.
Crazy Horse
"We do not want churches because they will teach us to quarrel about God,as the Catholics and Protestants do.We do not want to learn that.
We may quarrel with men sometimes about things on this earth.But we
never quarrel about God.We do not want to learn that."
Chief Joseph(Nez Perce-Iroquois nation)
Hi Crazy Horse,
I’m french, catholic, living in south america and I meet every day lot of native indian here. I’m really sorry about what our european people ( english, spanish, portuguese, french, deutsch… ) have made to the native Indians of all americas in name of God.
In France, you won’t find now a lot of christians being proselithic any more. Since the revolution, french clergy is not powerfull any more, and people are deciding by themselves in what they want to believe; Mainly, we european are knowing that the name of God or evil are now used to hide more dirty goals ( money and oil market control for example).
France has now voted a law to forbid proselithism in school ( which brought a lot of problem to us from the muslim religion ).
Faith is a personal affair between each one of us and God, it shouldn’t appear in that Forums. It can only bring bad discussion.
"Nez percé" avait aussi le nez fin…
ça m’a pas l’air terrible les connections internet dans le 97-3 !
Hi Chesh/Jen,Montjoly,
First of all dear Chesh/Jen,I appologise for writing to you as …brother,I didn’t know you’re a woman,the name sounds more like that of a man.
Enfin,thanks Montjoly for writing your comment after reading mine.
I am writing both of you as well as everyone on this site the Lakota prayer,older than the Bible,was always transmited by the word of mouth from generation to generation and to the day it is known as the same that ever was and will be:
"Wakan Tanka,Great Mystery,
teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these feelings
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance*
with the passing of each glorious Sun."
*Walk in Balance:have Heaven(spirituality)and earth(physicality)
in Harmony.
Crazy Horse(Tashunka Witko)
crc 95: y’a pas longtemps que le téléphone a remplacé le tam-tam ici, et le djembé fait de la résistance, alors pour l’ordinateur et le haut débit… En fait, quand je faisais "done", il me répondais "impossible de trouver la page": après trois essais j’ai décidé de réinitialiser la connection, et ô surprise, mon message apparaissais déjà 3 fois sur le site:-o!
Bôf, il y a longtemps que le ridicule ne tue plus…
Crazy horse
The words are true in your mouth.
To be in harmony with himself is the only door to happiness.
CrazyHorse: Those Indian proverbs are really neat. Keep them coming. A lot of the Indian sayings remind me of my Irish ancestry. I wish I could quote that as well as you quote your’s. Donerail
Ok Donerail,
I know what you mean,I’ll tell you now few more,only yesterday I talked with my soul brother,a Navajo indian about many things.
Did you know that the navajo language is unique in the world in the sense tthat cannot be translated and is very hard to learn it if not impossible.IN WW II the navajos were used to send secret messages on the front,because nobody to this day is able to decode their language??
Anyways,I remember a couple of sayings,and someday I’ll write them down and tell to all of you more,if you’re interested:
this comes from a Cree prophecy,
"When all the trees have been cut down,when all the animals have been hunted,when all the waters are polluted,when all the air is unsafe to breathe,only then will you discover you cannot eat money."
I believe we’re not to far from these words-facts nowadays.
"How smooth must be the language of the whites,when they can make right look like wrong and wrong like right."
medicine Man Black Hawk(Sauk tribe)
"Day and night cannot dwell together.Your religion was written on tables of stone,ours was written on our hearts."
Chief Seattle(Sukuamish)
Did you know that in America used to be centuries ago about 600 tribes with its own langage and each tribe had diferent fractions especially the large ones like Lakota or Apache or Comanche or Iroquois?And each fraction had its own dialect.
I’ll write you more next time.
Crazy Horse
Crazyhorse: I had read about the Navajo code during WWII. Truly amazing. Keep those proverbs coming. The American Indian Museum opened this year in DC. What is your opinion of it? Donerail
Dear Brother Donrail,
I know about the museum,I didn’t have the time to go,due to my work but mostly because I was very sick and still am for 4 months now,but I’m improving day by day.vernon who is a photographer and also a great painter(he started to have succes now and sells his paintings done in the indian style-I persuaded him to do so)did some work for the museum and also phoitos for the Smithsonian related to very old indian artifacts,very precious.
Vern gave me a medicine made with certain herbs and roots(a secret)
blend in water with the dye-poison,of a certain bug who uses in defence a jet of this poison against his enemies.
It tastes very bad,but it worked!!!!
There is an old pawnee medicine man,about 95,who when he was 49 had
diabetes.Well ,one night he had a dream of the Buffalow Cow Woman(to indians=the whole Creation) who took him by the hand to this particular bush with berries and told him to make a juice out of them.
Next day he did so and found in the woods the berries.He drank its juice and in 2-3 days he was totally cured like he never had diabetes,and you know it’s a tough disease.
Before that he went to doctors who gave him pills etc and didn’t work at all!!!
He said that he can’t tell what kind of berries he had and he would not do so because the medicine is to be given for free and not to make profits,and if he gives away the secret,the medicine companies will charge people money to make profits.
In fact you should know that all medicine today on the market has at the basics some herbs and roots or plants long ago used by the indians,the problem is that these farmaceutical co. destroyed(on purpose!)most of these plants and herbs….so the indians should not be able to make their own medicine!!!!
Because they make it synthetically!!So they don’t need the real herbs.The indian’s sufferings never went away,was pushed into reservations and is not allowed to hunt or plow his field.Long ago they killed 2 millions buffaloes so the indian wouldn’t have nothing to eat and to be forced to move from his own land into places dried and rocky where he died of starvation!
I’m sorry but I have to stop here,I cannot continue without being sad and nervous in the same time for all this injustice.
Crazy Horse
"We are afraid if we part with any more of our lands the white people will not let us keep as much as will be sufficient to bury our dead."
Doublehead(Creek Chief)
"The white men put a great store upon writing;there is always a paper.The white people must think paper has some mysterious power to help them in the world.The indian needs no writings;words that are true sink deep into his heart,where they remain.He never forgets them.On the other hand,if the white man loses his papers,he is helpless."
Four Guns(Oglala Sioux)
"The earth does not belong to us,we belong to the earth."
Great Chief Sitting Bull(Teton Sioux)
Donerail, I’m glad you made yourself a new herbs-loving friend, but could you please tell him not to hog the blanket ? Thank you.
crc95: If you can concentrate long enough, there could be some good philosophical discussion in this. Technology. Has technology been good or bad for the world? I am guessing that Crazyhorse would argue – and with some validity – that it has harmed the world. Then again, without it all of us would not be here today. But we would still have wine and cheese. Donerail
I’m beginning to miss the search for the Chinese baby!
Let me see how this works.
crc95: Taquin, hein?
Toujours ! J’aime apporter une touche de fantaisie absurde dans ce paysage autrement morne. L’autre grand-chef sioux n’est pas mal non plus dans son genre, sauf que lui, je crains qu’il ne se prenne au sérieux ! Y doivent avoir des champi terribles dans sa prairie.
Thanks for your words and answer to CRC.I don’t know why he or she didn’t write directly to me?You became now a middle man.
But I take this chance to answer to CRC.
Okay,so you try to say that I should stop writing about my indian brothers and sisters,if I offended you please forgive me,it was not my intention,I simply tried to tell few things about a history long
forgoten and Donerail asked to tell more,but now I am pushed in a corner and in fact it is not something new….I’ve been pushed for centuries….
But I could talk to you anything you’d like if other subjects are more of an interest to you.
You probably find me boring,but I’d like to know what is not boring in life in the end?Most of all I feel like I’ve done something wrong to you,and I don’t understand what?I never wrote a message to you and I never picked on you and wrote cinical remarks.
What if I will tell you(of course you will not believe)that all these modern things around us that we’re taking for granted will vanish one day not so far in the future from now?
That we’ll be back at bow and arrow?But of course,you’re laughing and maybe think I’m a fool
Anyways,I think I am not wellcome on this forum so,if you won’t see any writings from me,it means that I left your place and I thank you for your hospitality.
I’m just a traveler in time in the end.So long Donerail and Montjoly,you’ve been the closest to me.
Crazy Horse
"It is not necessary for eagles to be crows."
Sitting Bull
dude, please chill out. Stop being so paranoid, or I’ll have to call Gen. Custer !!
I am not writing against you nor feel you are not welcome. To be honest, I don’t really read your messages, they’re … mmm … not my type. But, you’re free to post them as long as you want, they seem to be of value to a bunch of folks here and that’s what matters. I’ve posted way worse that that before !
I was just complaining about you playing with your ‘enter’ key a little bit too much.
See, no big deal, no harm done, no need to get on the warpath
With love from Cergy-Pontoise, 95,
crc95 has no need to be defended, but I can tell you that there were no offence in what he wrote. Just irony, nothing you cannot laugh about. Please, let’s go back to a peacefull pow-wow…
… and stay in this Forum …
– De l’ironie!
– De l’iro quoi?
To all:
We learn more about ourselves watching and listening to the others.
Montjoly said.
Crazyhorse: Don’t go Kemosabbe! At least don’t go so quickly. I will be like SalB and speak for crc95. Crc95 means well and he is a wealth of information about French culture and things that are French – which is the reason most of us are probably here. But crc95 is also, well he is…, well, he’s also French. And by definition, the French are superior to all others. Once we all get to understand that, things go a lot better. Personally, I like those Indian proverbs and sayings and since you are an (Native) American, those pearls of wisdom are even more germane here.
crc95: How am I doing?
All jokes aside, I often worry about Americans’ sense of humour. I often run into troubles and through a whole lot of misunderstanding with my American friends about that. We in France like 2nd or 3rd degree humour, something quite refined, maybe a little intellectual I guess. Whereas many Americans, including young ones, seem to dig Buster Keaton – type jokes. Movies like American Pie or Austin Powers, with really down-to-earth jokes, were big hits in the US, something the French didn’t really understand.
crc95, Veut ne mettre pas toutes Américaines dans votre panier. Je savais exactement ce qui vous disiez . . . et malheureusement je savais aussi que le plus nouveau membre du forum prendrait [umbrage] (can’t translate) parce qu’il ne comprendrait pas. Je ne suis pas certaine il comprend même maintenant.
Quand il y a un conflit de la culture, c’est bon expliquer ce que vous avez eu l’intention. Je n’ai pas eu envie d’essayer expliquer et est tourmenté pour parlant au lieu de personne un autre. Je fatigue de ce.
J’ai remarqué quand je disparais ce donerail vous tourmente. Semble voilà être un besoin profond psychologique sembler supérieur à quelqu’un. Je suis désolée vous êtes la prochaine victime mais j’attends vous pouvez défendre vous meilleur que moi.
Crc95,Donrail,Montjoly et SalB
Je connais la francais un peu,j’ais la dificulte de ne pouvoir converse,mais je peut lire et du tranlaitre,et…j’ais des problemes avec les accents.
So far how am I doin’?I knew some people from the Iroquois nations,Upstate NY towards Canada who speak french,centuries ago they
were(as well as the Hurons)in good terms with the french(your people)
against the red coats.But I learned by myself.
Anyways,I was just ready to put my colors on my face and chest to come and scalp you,but I changed my mind,so I’ll stick around for awhile or more time,depends whta the wind will tell me.
It’s nobody’s fault but mine,I didn’t understand the jokes and also still don’t know what’s the deal with the "entries"?I thought that anytime I want to write a message I fill the box and then click"done" or"enter".What am I doin’ wrong?
If I do something wrong please tell me so I’ll know in the future.
I liked the yellow hair(Custer)joke you wrote.That bastard,he really deserved to die,was a mean person.The Little Big Horn is in history…Crazy Horse was there,Red Cloud,Sitting Bull,Black Elk(was only 14).Crazy Horse was 28 only,a year later (1877)he surrended to the wasitchus and one killed him …in the back with the bayonet,like a coward!!Nobody dared to stay in front of Tashunka Witko.
So in the future I’ll try to be much more open to your jokes and also understand them.Lets live in love&peace as it should be.
Crazy Horse
"If my warriors are to fight they are too few;if they are to die they are too many."
A bientot,
Et il parle français en plus…
Crazyhorse: welcome back!
forum_admin: serait-il possible de rajouter le c cédille dans la typologie, parce que ça, ça ne fait pas très sérieux:-)
Forum_admin: désolé, maintenant ça marche, tout à l’heure je n’avais que des hiéroglyphes style A@ #$ à la place du c cédille et des autres lettres accentuées, et n’étant pas Champolion…
Je sens que crc va encore se payer ma tête…
T’as déjà essayé avec le symbole de l’Euro ? C’est l’euror !
P.S.: ayant récemment vu un documentaire aussi intéressant qu’instructif sur Champollion, j’en ai quelque peu démystifié la légende. Ils expliquaient comment il a fait pour déchiffrer son caillou, et en fait, c’était hyper simple, pas de quoi casser trois pattes à un donald.
Crazyhorse: I am glad you are back and that crc95 or myself did not have to drag you out of a Casino. The more that I learn about Indian culture, the more that I admire it. There seems to be a certain poetry about it that is particularly fascinating. What inspired you to search out this site?
Crc95: Well, I see The Teach has chastised you in your native language no less. Somehow she has managed to view our banterings back-and-forth as torments and you are a declared victim. I do enjoy our bantering and if either of us overstep at times I think we are intelligent enough to sense it and deal with it. I think we are certainly intelligent enough not to get carried away about it. I am starting to feel sorry for her as the defensiveness and paranoia is unrelenting. Couple those tendencies with her belief that I need to be in some way psychologically superior to her is amazing. I dont know about you, but although I think she means well, her condescending approach is ponderous. To me it appears she just isnt used to lecturing people without having control over them. Can you imagine what it would be like if we really did want to torment her? Wow, that could liven up the Forums.
SalB: I am sorry that you feel that I torment you. I certainly dont mean to torment you. A lively discussion and exchange of views is usually all I want. I am sure you agree, if indeed I am your tormentor, the tormenting is of very high quality. And you perform a good function in addition to nice travel tips. When you are here I apparently don’t torment crc95 (as much).
Montjoly: I do you manage to get so overworked?
Apparently someone really needs to learn some French
Donerail: I don’t konw if I’m understanding well, you’re talking about what I wrote on the "bush or Kerry" forum, when I say that I was working quite the double than 35h a week? It’s not so true today, maybe this is why I’ve time to answer to you, but it was true three months ago, and it will be true again in november and following months.
I’ve two businesses : shoes and furniture.
The shoes business is growing and I’ll open next month a second shop in another town in french Guiana, and I spend my "holydays" in Sao Paolo – Brazil – chosing the new collections twice a year ( summer and winter collection ). It’s work, but as you chose with the help of models, really magazine girls, who are at your disposition to wear the shoes for you to chose, it’s a bit of holidays also:-)))))
I will close by the beginning of next year my furniture shop which take me the bigger part of my time but not for a lot of profit. So it’s better to close it. With this free time, I’ll take another job and I’ll work for another furniture shop here, as an employee this time, but only for an half time job ( 30 hours per week max.).
Before having my baby, I was also giving boat driving lessons ( by night ) and helping my sister at our restaurant. But my wife was not agrying any more: I sold my part of the restaurant, and I give up with the boat driving lessons.
I finish my work at 8h00 pm every days now.
I think I will use this time to take perfectionning english or portuguese lessons, I don’t know yet.
I’m ready to study any proposition from somebody who would want to open a brazilian shoes shop in his country ( France métropolitaine included ): I go there and study the project , it would be a new destination for my holidays…( un-serious get away ).
Crc95: la proposition ne tient pas pour cergy-pontoise, avec le portrait que tu en as fait à Myfarside, j’ai pas envie d’y aller non plus. Par contre, si tu as un local sur les Champs… Ah! Paris…
First of all,to everybody at the forum,Wakan Tanka Nici Un
(May The Great Spirit Be with You),
Donerail:Thanks for the insight,it helped me to learn few things about some of the forum brothers and sisters.I came to this site by accident,looking for some reference for a commercial I’ve done for American TV the product being Gallo wine and it happens in France(countryside),so Looking on Google or different sites I found this one and it has a forum and I said why not writing and getting in touch with different people?
And I started to like you all,at least you,CrC,Montjoly(nice name)and eventually in the future I’ll get closer with SalB too.But in fact I like you all because I can feel you are honest people,despite few little fights here and there.
I am not quite sure though who is male and who is female?The nickname doesn’t say much.I should start reading old subjects,maybe in this way I’ll find,because is embarrassing to call someone a she and in fact is a he…look,now I start to sound like Lou Reed…
I will tell you all someday my encounters with very famous muzicians,rock stars and actors,in part through good friends of mine in part because my job .I already told you that for many years I was a famous comic book artist(for Marvel and many other)and for about 7 -8 years I work in advertising as illustrator for Tv commercials.
On top I really like french people and France,I like Italy too,my wife is italian-american.
It is interesting though how from the proposed theme we ended up writing about something else…human nature.
I know that the cross is the christian symbol,and indeed Jesus was a great medicine man and brave warrior.
The indian believes in the circle,being a geometrical form that unite
people together.
he doesn’t like the square(as a flat for ex.)in the circle all are one and one is for all and all for one.Smoke the pipe with peyote and pass it from one to another and everybody is allowed to talk,to have an opinion and to be honestwith himself and those around him.
At the end the medicine man has the last word after the chief,he is the wise man,he’ll make a decision.
We are all different,but what I see is always a circle,it’s a shame we don’t have peyote to pass it around.Ha!It’s good stuff.
A la prochaine fois mes freres et soeurs,
Crazy Horse
"Brother,we do not wish to destroy your religion or take it from you.We only want to enjoy our own."
Chief Red Jacket(Seneca-Iroquois)
crc95, Je sais mon français n’est pas bon., mais est-ce que vous m’avez comprise, n’est pas? Évidemment, quelqu’un n’a pas compris.
Si vous pensez je vous châtiais, je m’excuse profondément.
J’ai écrit en français éviter ce genre d’une réponse de lui.
donerail, I was NOT chastising crc95 and I hope he read my lousy French well enough to know that. You don’t "torment" me; you annoy me. Don’t give yourself airs . . . and get a better French dictionary.
salB: Your french is not so bad, maybe you need to practice a bit more. Do you know how do I do to know if my sentence is not too bad in english? I say the sentence to myself trying to do it with my best Oxford accent, I mean, as if I had a hot potatoe in the mouth. If it sounds well, I write it ( Every one would laugh a lot seeing me writing this posts…)
The use of the dictionnary is not good because it makes you make mistakes… At the beginning, it’s better to use simple words and simple expressions: as an example, you said that you didn’t want crc95 to "put all the american girls in his basket": He’ll need a big basket, won’t he? But keep on trying, there’s no shame to have about it…And I’m sure I made yet some mistakes which may be very funny for you…
crc95: Tu lis Achille Talon? Il y a un personnage qui parle comme SalB dedans, comment s’appelle-t-il déjà ?
SalB: Annoying is not good. I was hoping it was tormenting. In any event, I was using my newly learned translation skills plus that on-line free translation service Babel If I remember correctly, I think it was you that recommended Babel Fish.
Crazyhorse: Wakan Tanka Nici Un (Sounds Japanese to me…)
What a neat job you must have! I am somewhat of a wine fanatic – as I think a number of the folks here are as well. When I finally retire from my Day Job, I would love to do something involving French and Californian wines. My wine collection is still somewhat in the confused state as every new appellation that I visit tends to become my favorite. Just kidding but I am in love with Burgundy. I have never tried peyote (at least not knowingly) but passing around a nice bottle of wine could be a substitute. BTW, the name here is the same as the 1913 Kentucky Derby winner. Keep those quotes coming…