A few years ago, I was introduced to a fantastic dessert/candy, but I can’t remember for the life of me what it was called, and i’ve done searches on the internet…but alas to no avail. I believe its a specialty from Lyon. They’re slightly sticky, come in ball-like shapes, are quite rich, but surprisingly, not too sweet. Does anyone know what i’m talking about??? IF so, pass on the info! Thanks
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10 Comments On Can't remember this sweet treat…
Sounds like a Turkish delight! 😉 Just kidding. I was in Lyon last January visiting a friend and didn’t have the chance to get my hands on one of these things. Maybe I could ask him and let you know.
Where ya from? I’m Steve in California…
A plus…
classicgrl: I don’t know what that one was. I do know that France has so many great dessert treats that if I lived there I would be dead by now. Donerail
Hey Steve from California!
I’m in cold and slushy Toronto, Canada. How long were you in Lyon for? Did you get to visit any other parts of France? I visited France a couple of times and am pretty much hooked. Hoping to go again and stay for an extended visit.
Yeah, this dessert thing is super good and I wish I could remember what its called. Its too bad that the person who introduced me to them is my ex boyfriend. So I think i’ll keep searching on my own.
Bonjour y’all,
Donerail just went past the 100 posts mark today! 100 messages written in these forums, that’s a lot of typing! Yet his comments are always on the mark, helpful and to the point.
Please join us all in extending him our thanks for being such a wonderful presence on these forums! We are looking for more insights from you all…
Hi CG,
Toronto, eh? I’ve actually heard some great things about that city.
I was actually only in Lyon for maybe 2 days while visiting one of my friends who was working and going to school there. It seemed like a great city (with amazing food)–I wish I could’ve spent more time there.
I actually lived in Strasbourg in 2000 for about 6 months, which was also amazing. I got to do all kinds of traveling then. A couple buddies of mine and I rented a car and drove all over the country, which I’d totally recommend. You get to see so much countryside while driving as opposed to the train.
Where else did you go?
My friend that lived in Lyon just moved to LA this week, but I wrote him an email asking him about your dessert. I’ll let you know…
Congratulations to donerail. Glad he’s the one getting the kudos; he deserves them . . . very nice and very helpful.
SalB: Thanks. As I recall, you’re from California. For an a neat look at LAX, try the site: www4.passur.com/lax.html. Shows all the aircraft around – arrivals and departures – by aircraft type in real time. And you can track a particular aircraft. CDG is supposed to be a candidate for the technology in the future. By the way, the Hertz Neverlost system is supposed to get to France this year. Its a global positioning system (GPS) with cartography software. It is like having a Native in the car with you and is absolutely amazing. A rental car is a perfect application. Regards, Donerail
Hi Steve,
I’m getting the traveling bug just talking about this….my first trip to Europe was back in 1998 for a tour. I used to sing in a choir and we got the chance to sing in Germany, Autria and the Czech Republic. After the tour, a couple of friends and I took the train to Italy, France and England. That’s when I fell in love with Paris. Needless to say, it was a life-altering experience. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to move there. Then back in 2001 I visted Paris and Lyon. I wish I visted other places, but there really wasn’t enough time. So hopefully, in a couple of years when I have some money i’ll be able to explore other parts of Europe and maybe even stay for a longer period of time.
I’m just getting bored of Canada. Probably this miserable weather is what’s getting to me. It’s depressing. It’s cold. Summer’s kinda fun though.
I have to do my laundry before the laundromat closes. Bye! cg
PS: I really hope you find out the name of that candy thing from your friend!!!
Hi Classicgrrl, hope you find your dessert.
The trouble is there are so many in France it is difficult to know which one you had. Can you give a more detailed description? Sticky balls could be anything, but sounds like they could be profiteroles.
Hope the weather has improved in Canada
A bientot
ok, this thread is probably cold dead by now, but I just can’t resist the mouthwatering reply.
These treats you had in Lyon were either Coussins (green), Cocons (yellow), or Quenelles (beige). They’re all made the same way : soft chocolate nested in a shell of hardened sugar-coated marzipan mixed with liquor . They’re named after what made Lyon rich and famous : silk, and good food. They’re among the best sweets I’ve ever had, and I’ve grown an addiction to them, which sometimes makes me think that leaving Lyon was not such a bad thing after all 🙂
If you wish to make sure that what I’m referring to is indeed what you had, you may check the bottom photos on this web page :
Wow, they even let you order online … oops …