I am a college student about to go to France for the semester for an immersion program. I have read that using credit cards yield the best and easiest exchange. However, for atms and debit cards, I have been told that some US financial institutions yield lower transaction fees than others. Advice please? Merci beaucoup en avance!
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3 Comments On Best Debit Card/US Financial Inst to Use in France?
Hello. Check with your bank for debit card fees. My husband's bank doesn't charge any fees except the daily exchange rate (inescapable) but my bank has a 1% fee with a limit. Needless to say, we use his card whenever we can which is nearly always.
If you've kept your credit card information brochure, it should spell out the fees. We use Capital One as do many others we know. Different kinds of accounts have different fees so you need to read the fine print carefully.
Since you're going to be using it for a while, you probably shouild call your credit card company and tell them what you are planning and ask to be put on a plan that minimizes your fees. You will always have to pay the exchange rate which is horribly high right now but fees are negotiable. If your card company (companies) won't help you, get another card after shopping around a little.
Bank of America has partner banks in France (BNP Paribas) and might be a good one to consider if you want to change cards and/or banks. We use the ATMs at Credit Agricole and Credit Lyonnaise with either of our debit cards. They are all over France and easy to find.
BTW, you will nearly always get better rates with a debit card. The credit card is last choice for cash. We use the credit card for purchases but debit cards for cash.
Before you go, call your bank and all credit cards and tell them where you are going and how long you will be gone. If charges appear from unusual places, they often refuse to honor the card since they assume it's been stolen and someone else is using it. We always call ahead of time. Your card company should give you a number to call from Europe to report lost or stolen cards too. The US number on the backs of your cards won't help much in Europe. Keep the European number separate from the cards in case they are lost or stolen. 8^)
Thank you so very much for all your advice. I have taken actions accordingly, so now hopefully I'll be all set. Thanks!!!
I have an account in Banque Tarnaud in France and a Carte Bleu debit card. Can I use any Carte Bleu ATM in France, or must I go to a Banque Tarnaud to obtain euros?
Thank you for your consideration.
William Sichel