hi so lute sumo i need a marriage did you understand ? please don"joke my heart is hurt i want a marriage to breack the lonelyness are you a miss kid baby bobinha introduce me to responsive woman ok!
Hi !
i’m Virginie, 24 years, living at 15 mins to Paris, france, by car or rails.
i love USA and my dream is to visit it when my baby will be older.
i love everything about USA ! i alreaddy have a penpal and when she sent me something i always be crazy !!!
i LOVE so much the USA and i would like to know all bout USA (eat some food, looking tv program, know more about the history, the traditions, ….. EVERYTHING !!)
i like internet, pets, the USA, the tv program "Friends", photography Paris, …
so, if you like France as i like USA and if you speack english a little bit, please write me i’ll be verry happy
PS / please use simple sentences because my english is verry bad
anyone interested in china ?
if you want to know something about china ,just write to me
and i want to know all you too !
by the way , i really really and make a french friend,and learn french
mail address salutsun@yahoo.com
Bonjour! Je’mappelle Joshua McCall. J’ai 16 ans et je regard pour un penpal.
I am a first year French student, but I am jetsetting to France in December. It will be quite the adventure, as I do not know where I will stay yet. School is great, but speaking with a French speaker should advance my learning before I land in the country.
I’m 23 years old, live in Texas. Anyone else in their 20’s or 30’s that speaks French and would like to learn English as a bonus should please send a mail.
I understood,somewhat, way Americans were angry right after that comfrontation at the UN. That was somrtime back,why are Americans so angry at France. ou don’t see this atitude tord Russia or Germany..,and the other coutries oposed to the invasion of Iraq. My name is French,there are very few people in this ciuntry,so people ask me what country my name originated in, I answer ,France. You would not believe the looks I get, you would think I was a traitor. I love the US, I also love France. Is that so bad? Lady Liberty is a French symbol,not Americann. Let’ overlook our differences and look at all we have in common,please before it’s too late.
I understood,somewhat, way Americans were angry right after that comfrontation at the UN. That was somrtime back,why are Americans so angry at France. ou don’t see this atitude tord Russia or Germany..,and the other coutries oposed to the invasion of Iraq. My name is French,there are very few people in this ciuntry,so people ask me what country my name originated in, I answer ,France. You would not believe the looks I get, you would think I was a traitor. I love the US, I also love France. Is that so bad? Lady Liberty is a French symbol,not Americann. Let’ overlook our differences and look at all we have in common,please before it’s too late.
TEST – Sois honnête !
Ceci est un petit test, qui ne contient qu’une question, mais qui en dira long sur toi.
Il est important de répondre sans précipitation, après mûre réflexion et en ayant pris soin de bien tout lire.
Une réponse honnête permettra d’évaluer ton sens moral.
Il s’agit d’une situation imaginaire, dans laquelle tu dois prendre une décision.
Sois honnête !
I’m still planning my first trip to France. I was wondering what’s the concensus on eatting lunch at the Eiffel versus dinner. Which is the better experience/view? (besides the price difference).
Hey everyone!
Im a 16 year old Australian girl looking for penpals from all over the world. I learn French so i’m hoping to improve a little and i’m also planning to travel around Europe a bit in a few years’ time.
I’d like to hear from people around my age so write to me!