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He will soon be out of office after governing France for the last 12 years. Let's take a look at the past and achievements of a major political figure in the last 50 years.
[img_assist|nid=1418|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=250|height=166]Finding the right hotel for your stay can be a time-consuming and frustrating task. can help you save hours on your trip preparation if you follow these easy steps:
Some but not all businesses in the 'Provinces' (outside of Paris) close for lunch. In the larger cities of the south some businesses and shops are open continuously, i.e. they are not closed during lunchtime.
The Hospes Lancaster, an institution in Paris since it opened in 1925. Having recently changed hands, the hotel celebrates Paris and the people who come to enjoy it for a romantic week-end.
[img_assist|nid=1688|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=100]We're happy to report that the hotel Brighton, a long time favorite of, has been awared a 4th star by France's ministry of tourism.
Controversy sparked by an 8.5-million-euro severance payment for a former EADS chief executive deepened, with French Finance Minister Thierry Breton alleged to have intervened to arrange the payment.
Right-wing candidate Philippe de Villiers headed to the south western city of Toulouse to appeal to undecided voters who, according to polls, still comprise 40% of France’s electorate.
In the last few days before the first round, centrist candidate François Bayrou is being seriously courted by the socialist camp, while Nicolas Sarkozy’s party is eyeing the far right. (Report: N. Charbit)
New photographs of what caused a tanker to sink and cause an environmental disaster have emerged at trial. (Report: France 2/G. Somerville)