Bonjour! J’mappelle Ashley. I am 16 years old, and am studying my first year of French. I think it is a beautiful language and would love to learn French first hand from someone who lives there. It would be a great learning experiance for me. Please email me if you are interested…
Au revoir!
3 Read MoreALLO! my name is nichole i live in the states, im looking for a penpal to help me refresh my french! im 18 yrs old, and im really smart.. i was born in austraila, and i love to travel the world. so.. please reply!!
5 Read MoreHi everyone, I’m a French guy living in Paris, aged 29. I’ve been to the US a few times already but never to California. I’m very interested in Ca though and I’m looking for a nice, educated penpal there (preferably girl ) to chat about our countries, our languages and all other topics we may have in common! You can mail me at .
Je suis francais mais j’habite en Inde J’appartiens pondicherry mais je travaille en rajasthan.contactez
0 Read MoreAllo !!! My name is Nichole, I live in the EUX and I am looking for a french pen pal to help me remember the french i use to know.. I took three years of french in school, but i have forgotten most of it! I am 18 years old and sweet at heart! please reply!
3 Read MoreBonjour. J’ai une femme chercher pour quelqu’un ecriver. I’m new to French and would like to practice writing it as much as possible. I’m from the States, I could help anyone out with their English if they would help me with French. My e-mail address is
The region has played a significant role in history throughout the ages. Conquered by the Romans, who founded the cities of Rouen, Lisieux and Evreux among others, Normandy was invaded by Christian Nordic tribes during the 2nd century and was occupied by them until the Franks came to dominance two centuries later.
Viking Invasion and Independent Dukedom.
1 Read Morehiii i wana to know abt french culture n abt france….can ny budy help me n be my pen me …
take care n always be happy