where can I find european pharmacopoeia(electronic version)?
hi there
i’m 25 years old, female
i live in philippines and i want to meet some friends from other countries….europeans….and to make real friendship with you. i’m inviting you to spend some holidays here in philippines, it’s a nice country and the people as well..see you…
I am trying to purchase a natural hair relaxer that straightens hair, and makes hair dark. Are there any French products like this available for sale to the public? Please email me at libertea@msn.com if you have any helpful advice. Thank you.
0 Read MoreI am trying to purchase a natural hair relaxer that straightens hair, and makes hair dark. Are there any French products like this available for sale to the public? Please email me at libertea@msn.com if you have any helpful advice. Thank you.
0 Read MoreI am trying to purchase a natural hair relaxer that straightens hair, and makes hair dark. Are there any French products like this available for sale to the public? Please email me at libertea@msn.com if you have any helpful advice. Thank you.
0 Read MoreAs some of you may now know, I plan to go to France at the end of the month. I just wanted to know, how good at French would a person be expected to be. I can speak a little, with some basic sentences, I also have picked up a few books so hopefully I can get a bit more up to speed. Though no matter how much I study, I don’t think I could carry on a full conversation.
4 Read MoreI am an 15 year old Estonian girl and I would like to have a French penpal who is 16-18 years old and who can speak English because I can’t speak French but I would love to studie itmy e-mail address is frozenrose19@hot.ee
hello,everyone.who can introduce some medicine professional websites which can search down "cefepime quality standard" ?
Bonjour, je m’appelle Lucas j’ai 28ans je suis Nepalais,actuellement je travaille dans une agence de voyage (Trekking) au Nepal,comme un guide de montagne, si vous etes intrassant de faire connaissance avec moi svp n’hesitez pas me contacter, merci