Hi everyone!
Just moved to Boston from London and love it. I can’t wait to start my new life in New England and make new friends. USA is a fascinating country. I’ve created a blog where i’ve been reporting all my new experiences since i moved over here in november 2004. Check it out. your comments are most welcome.
Take care!
56 Comments On Notes from the US
I’m an American,and I think this is a great country. The real preblem with American attitudes is ,no one likes to be told "I told you so" It’s like threekids fighting over the rules of the game. The third playerbeing England. I don’t think anyone is sorry Saddam is gone. But my country has done this at the expense of thosands of lives. I’m reminded of the words of a folk song I lesrned years ago " think not little darling on dieing (wrong spelling) thought this whole world be sobing but fee, we’ll fight to the last as long as liberty be"
puppyshoes2: I must confess, from your post I could not tell which side of the issue you come down on. Donerail
As an American Francophile (spelling?), I vehemently defend the French and try to show people that "the ugly American" is alive and well while traveling through Europe. I try to equate the way the French feel about how Americans behave in their country with how Americans feel when people visit America. The problem that I feel (and I am definitely NOT an expert!) is that Americans and the French are more alike than either side wants to admit. Both sides are nationalistic to a fault, and both sides absolutely do not want someone else telling them what to do.
I don’t think that either side should blame the citizens of either country about the decisions of their governments. I am personally against the war, and I understand both sides (especially because my boyfriend is a huge supporter of the war), but I also do not want to be judged for the decisions of a President who I did not vote for (either time) and do not support now.
I don’t think it’s appropriate, either, to use the thousands of deaths of our soldiers as a way of proving we are "right" in what our government has done. The soldiers in Iraq have fought because they were told to do so. Period.
No one has the right to say "I told you so" over the war in Iraq. For or against, it is what it is. I think it would be better to have an intelligent discussion and understand what each side is saying (you don’t have to agree). That is the only way Transatlantic relations can begin to heal.
It is not hard to figure out why France was against the Iraq War? Number one reason, 1/3 of population is Muslim and they are much closer to Iraq than we are…
The other reasons that they gave for not invading…I agree…I do not think that we should have gone into Iraw…There were other ways…We already controlled Afganistan…We could have infiltrated Iraq and got some CIA’s agents on the inside and assasinated Saddam…
This was just an excuse by Bush’s neocons to go to war…They have to test out their new weapons…to make sure they work…also, the oil, don’t forget the almighty oil…And of course, you know, Bush I and Cheney made their money on oil…energy…still are…
It is a frighting thing to see your government lie to your face and get away with it…and be re-elected to office…but, of course, Bush Cheney scared the majority of Americans into voting for them…and of course used the two big wedge issues to gather up the evangilical votes…This country is going to the dogs real fast…We are now run by one party…it is almost like being in a dictatorship…
Also on Social Security…Bush does not care if he wins or not…he is trying to gather the young because they like the program…so they will be good little Republicans…and the Republicans can be in control for the next forty years…leaving the Democrats with the Dinasaurs…
Are you getting any of this?
I don’t know what I wrote to make you think that I was not on your side… but I apologize for not making my point more clear. I know the reasons why France did not join the US in invading Iraq, and I agree with them.
If you reread my post, I DID NOT VOTE FOR BUSH, EITHER TIME! I don’t agree with the people who did, and I certainly don’t agree with the governent now.
I take offense to your comment, "are you gettting this"? I am not stupid. The point of my post was that I wanted people to not lump me in a category that since I am an American, I love George Bush, and I agree with everything my government has done. I am not the president, I did not vote for him, and I’m counting down the days until his term is over.
Obviously, you did not get the point of what I wrote, whether it is my fault for not being clear or otherwise.
This issue is extremely emotional for everyone on all sides, all I wanted was to facilitate discussion, not insults, or belittling people. If I offended you in any way, I apologize because that was not my intent. But you offended me back.
I agree with you. I wish you would have seen that in my first post instead of insulting my intelligence.
As to the Social Security thing – I wish I knew more about it. I am generally opposed to everything W tries to do b/c his is a huge liar. My major problem with the Social Security plan is that… well… they don’t have a plan… and I’m afraid that he is going to put some scary Enron like CEO in charge and the money will be gone… that’s what I’m most scared about b/c I want my money that I’ve invested in the SS system to be there when I get to retire!
I agree that if the Dems don’t get their act together, this country is in big trouble, but I think that this country goes in cycles. Naturally, almost everyone I know who voted for W voted for him out of fear. Not that he can protect them anymore than anyone else can, but they seem to think so.
The good thing is that I don’t think the Republicans can find anyone that can use the Religious Right the way that W has for 2008. I think that W lies about being a religious nut just like he lies about everything else. He used them b/c they are the largest, most consistent voting constituency in the US, and they usually don’t get fired up about much. And if W does everything that they want, they won’t vote anymore. Trust me, I’m from a Red State originally (Kansas), now safely transplanted in a Blue State (NJ). In fact, half of those crazies didn’t vote for him the first time b/c they thought he was "not conservative enough." He used them to get elected, and that’s about it. I hope!
The GOP has a problem coming up… their most popular guy is Arnold, and he can’t run, Rudy Guliani (sp?) won’t win the Red States b/c he’s "too liberal", and John McCain won’t get the crazies fired up the way that W does, so I think everything will even out in the wash come 2008. Hillary in 2008, Perhaps?
The way it appears they want to set up the "new" Social Security, the American productivity would have to increase about ten-fold for it to work. If productivity increases that much, the present system would not be in trouble. In other words, if W’s system works, we don’t need it.
I read someplace (and this could be wrong) that the British have done something similar to W’s suggestion to tie retirement accounts into the market and they are already having trouble. Some British paper actually suggested the American model of Social Security was the best thing going.
So . . . if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I suspect a tiny tax increase would fund SS for the next 100 years. It certainly isn’t the crisis Bush is making it out to be . . . but then none of his crises are.
holmgirl15/SalB: Interesting but probably a futile discussion. After living on this planet for almost six decades – and 99% of it in the USA – I am convinced that Americans just love to muddle and fiddle with things. Look at what our Government (i.e., you and me) has accomplished: A health care system that is marginal, a public education system that is deplorable, a system of taxation that is beyond bizzare, and a welfare system that pervades the whole economy (to the latter I would include the Defense Industry and the Military)and a hoard of politicians that make you want to puke. The only reason that we haven’t suffered more from this ineptitude is threefold: (1) We have huge natural resources; (2) we have a relatively high degree of freedom which breeds creativity (notwithstanding the Administrator wanting to censor our posts); and,(3) the rest of the world has been more inept due to their religions and need for nationalism. The more I think of it, maybe the answer is to just stop giving the government more money – or figure out how to make the bureaucrats accountable for their actions. With regard to Social Security – I remember Professors telling me 40 years ago that it was a joke and a scam and you better not plan on it. I took that advice to heart. My reward for being financially prudent is that I expect the Government to screw me bigtime in the near future. What I love about France, they muddle as well but things work there and the people seem to have a much better quality of life. Now it is costing me a fortune in order to share their experience thru periodic visits. But on the bright side, the Red Sox open up in less than a month. Donerail
I am having a hard time figuring out what exactly is real and what is just posturing to keep the Red States interested. The Gay Marriage thing was an obvious ploy and I don’t see anything coming out of it anytime soon… I hope! Pure genius… That Karl Rove is amazing at what he does…even though he scares me a great deal.
Do you get the impression that we’re all just pawns and we all get ticked off over politics for nothing? I feel like such a puppet most of the time. It seems like a few people set the debate and the rest of us are left to be sheep and make our minds up about things that in the grand scheme of things, really don’t matter/relate to 90% of our daily lives??
I’m way too young to be this cynical… )
HG15: Since the U2 incident in the 50’s with IKE and the Gulf of Tonkin with LBJ in the 60’s, and Nixon in the 70’s, it is never too early to become cynical with American politics. But don’t give up. Another poster on here (ikorrelim) made me a believer that you have to become involved. That then gives us the right to bitch and moan. That is a good analogy that you made. We are somewhat all like puppets. We just have to hope the info that we get from our various sources is real – or real enough. And yes, Karl Rowe does seem to possess an amazing skill set as to how to get the puppets all excited. I guess we have to hope that these things have a tendency to "even out" in this country over the years. Donerail
Hy there Donerail,
So it’s me again coming from my trail that sent me to Munich/Germany.I know it’s been a long time since I didn’t post any words but believe me ,I finaly found the woman of my life and we’re very very much in love that we decided to get married in the fall.
I’ll leave USA and settle in Germany…I don’t know a word but love counts and I am following my road of happiness wherever leads me.
Few years back an old medicine man told me to go where my spirit tells me and I asked him why should I go when I don’t want to,and he said I’ll find for myself at the proper time….
I know I use the nick of the greatest warrior hero of all our people,
but my real name given by the elders is Little Eagle(Huya-Na).
The old man told me to break the cage and fly to take back my sky,and be free ,so now since few months back I found my answers and am really happy to be flying and continue to live in the everlasting present,the NOW in which I believe.
I chose to write you because you’re a special soul and a good soul,you are blessed and if you do not know now you’ll know soon.
But all brothers from the site are special in their way and I love you all the same.
I’m leaving for now but I’ll be back someday,only the wind and the skies will know and tell….
" I seek strenght,not to be greater than my brother,but to fight my greatest enemy-myself"
Chief Lakota-sioux Yellow Lark
"Creator gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth so you can listen twice as much as you speak".
Lakota-Teton Two Hawks
"Never pass up a chance to keep your mouth shut."
Lakota medicine man Godfrey Chips
Crazy Horse
I’m really really sorry to write this, but isn’t Geofrey Chips the guy who created the Dorito’s ?
Well, I am sorry that I offended you…I was on a "rant"…When I said, "Are you getting any of this", I guess I was thinking of the 51 million Americans who didn’t "get it" in the last election. I am still amazed that those 51 million Americans voted for Bush…
Are you aware that the Red States (southern) Republicans are really offshoots of the dixiecrat party? That most of them are "white American good ole’ boys"…? They believe in God, Country…or so they say…Actually, the Red State Southern Republican is very much prejudiced…but, to hear them tell it, that is not the case.
Truly, I did not mean to offend you…you sound very educated and up to par on what is really happening here in America. I just wish the Red State Republicans would or could become more educated about what is going on…Unfortunately, they don’t want to…they like things just the way they are…White power, no gays, let me keep my gun, no abortion(s)…Did you know that more abortions are performed in the Red States than in Blue States, that more divorces occur in the Red States than in the Blue States? It is hipocracy at it’s best or worst, whichever way you want to look at it…and did you also know that the Blue States support the red states financially?
We have a very good chance of taking back some seats in 2006. I am very hopeful that we can turn the tide on the Good Ole Boys…Santorum (the most conservative right winger of them all) is going up against a good candidate…been looking at him on internet…can’t spell his name…but he looks good…Also, NAACP ex chair in Maryland is running for Senate…he will probably win…we have a lot of good possibilities…and I intend to do my part…in anyway I can…I have become a political activist…since becoming involved in this past election cycle…and I say, We MUST take our country back…before it is too late…
It is GOOD that the American people are starting to be suspicious of this government…a survey states that 73 percent of Americans want a more open government…This is the most secretative administration that this country has ever had…Kinda scares ya…wondering what they are covering up…But, they have told us so many lies…that it is hard to believe them…kinda like, "Chicken little, chicken little, the sky is falling down…Oh Shut Up Bush, we don’t believe you anymore…That is one reason he is not getting much traction on his supposedly "ownership society" plan…People don’t believe him anymore…they want to see it in black and white…His mouth has overloaded his a– too many times already…
Anyway, sorry for the offense…it was truly unintended…
To err is human…so from my part no offence.You made a mistake,it is not "Geofrey" but Godfrey Chips and the latter is in his early seventies and an american indian from the Oglala Lakota tribe,a tribe from Montana and Minnessota,another close tribe releted to this very large and famous tribe is the Dakotas(from N and S dakotas).
Godfrey Chips is the only very famous wicasa wakan(holy man)alive and relly a great medicine man.
He is well known here and abroad where he is invited to give lectures at universities related to the traditional ways of healing the body and soul,the old indian way.
Crazy Horse
ikorrellim:: most people that voted for bush (at lest where I live) did it for two reasons, fear and He keeps changing his mind. I couldn’t tell where Kerry stood on most of the issues. Yes there were a lot of people that did vote for him out of fear but most of the people I personally know just couldn’t figer out where Kerry was on most of the issues. He was coastally changes his mind and that what hurt him. If he picked a side and stood by that then I think he would be running things now instead of bush. But he didn’t. I don?t like bush but I knew where he was on his issues. Like him or hate him he said what he felt and did what he wanted to. He didn’t change his mind on a lot of things constantly like Kerry. That’s at lest what I get out of it. And another thing. You say people in the red states are good ole boys and make them out to be bigots. Well I live in a red state and I’m not anti- gay and un educated. But that’s beside the point. Have a good day
You say you live in a red state, are not bigoted and are educated…Were you born in the red state? Or did you move to the red state? I live in a very red state, born here, moved around a lot, back now…You are in the minority…as far as the bigotry goes…It is "underlying" now, because of time, rules, etc…but, it is still there…The gay thing in the South comes directly from the Bible…belief is that God would shun gays…it is immoral, religiously wrong…sans God destroyed Sodom and Gormarra…because he could not find 10 rightous men in the town…God sent two angels, Lott befriended them and kept them in his house so that the "godless" would not get to them…They pounded on Lott’s door, demanded that he give up the two "strangers" so that they could "lay" with them…Lott offered his two virgin daughters…they refused…tried to beat door down, angels came to door, blinded them, and told Lott they were angels and that they must leave, the whole town would be destroyed because of the wickedness…they left…town destroyed by fire and brimestone (a form of sulfur)…Lotts wife looked back…she turned to a block of salt…I do believe the word sodomy came from this Biblical story…
The South (bible belt…I can tell you where this term came from if you’d like) is very much church going from the time they are babies…Sun morning, Sun night, Weds night, Bible Schools, Bible studies, etc…It is imbread from the time one is very young and small…That is WHY they voted against gays and abortion…the religious aspect…They do not believe it is morally right to take a life, even an unborn (thou shalt not kill)…however, I wonder how the evangelical preachers can "go along" with the killing in war…but, of course, God is on our side…and it is in the Bible that a war will be started in the Middle East…Many believe the end is near…we are in Amargodden…
Although I now believe (and I am sure it is from life experiences) that gays and lesbians should be treated equal and I believe that it is between a woman, her God and her family and physician as to how many children she will bear…I don’t think George Bush and his neocons have a right to tell a woman if she is to have another child or not…whether she can afford another one or not…that is her decision…and I do believe that committed gays/lesbians should have equal rights, benefits, etc…
I can say that the only relatives that I have that live in this red state that believe as I do have also had the xperience of living in other states, travel and getting more life experiences…Otherwise, they quote the Bible on the issue of gays and abortion…
It may interest you to know that as near back as the 60’s and 70’s, the Bible was quoted regarding segragation and inter-racial marriage…In the Bible it states, "Birds of a feather flock together"…Therefore, God did not intend for people integrate or marry inter-racially…
crazy horse and crc, you are both wrong,
Godfrey chips invented "fish and chips".
He has a chain of restaurants in my area
that are very good.
It seems that you have a great sense of humour.Keep the jokes coming in.Let me think….hmmmm…..maybe even me I was wrong and in the end
the great medicine man is not what it seems to be but the name of the person who created the wood chips?…Or maybe the character from "Good bye Mr. Chips?"Who knows?there are many chips in the world an in America too…like the govt. for example having a chip on the shoulder for killing so many millions of american indians in genocide?It is for you to know and find out Moe,and don’t forget:
"never pass up a chance to keep your mouth shut."
Crazy Horse
Crazyhorse : with all due respect to the victims of the genocide that moe seems to have committed, I believe that if Godfrey Chips was indeed a medicine man that healed bodies and soul, then he could very well be the inventor of Dorito’s. I mean, doesn’t a nice pack of super-rancheros Dorito’s with a good chilly beer at the end of your day heal your body and soul too in their own way ?
So there.
Crazy horse maybe you are the one with the chip on his shoulder
Mellow out and have a chocolat chip cookie, I think Godfry
would approve, don’t you?
I was born and rased in a red state.Sure, wouldnt mind learning where the term bible belt came from.Learning some thing new is always good.
Herr CrazyHorse: Congratulations on the fraulein!! I knew it must have been something serious for you to have gone for so long. I thought maybe someone had scalped you. I wish you two the best and I do hope you enjoy the Germany experience. I’ve been there a number of times and the folks that I met certainly loved to have a good time. Thanks also for those kind words. (There is another frequent poster on these forums that thinks otherwise towards The Good Donerail.) Since the net is worldwide I would hope you can still provide your wisdom and proverbs. I really enjoy them a lot. Donerail
crc95/moe: Actually, I think you both are almost correct. GEOFFREY Chips invented the fish and chips. He may have invented Doritos as well. GODFREY Chips is the Indian as described by Herr CrazyHorse. BTW, crc95 I was worried about you. I thought maybe you landed a job in the Finance Ministry. Donerail
Hey y’all: I’m back from Las Vegas, visiting an old friend and her family. Pix will be posted soon on my gallery. and NO donerail, there are NO nudie photos of Vegas
After the Civil War, during reconstruction when the North took over the South…Northerner’s noticed that Southern Ladies walking down the street had little bibles attached to their belts…They started calling the South…The Bible Belt…
Since the Bible Belt has turned Red…I now have changed the term to: Instead of Bible Belt…Republican Right Wingers…
LVB: Isn’t Las Vegas an embarrassment to the civilized world? Donerail
LVB: I am not sure what there would be in Las Vegas that you would want to take a picture of. As far as "nudie" photos, that is not my particular taste either. As for people wanting to go to Las Vegas, I usually recommend that they just send the Casino a check. That way they can save on the air fare and lodging. Donerail
Hey Folks!
Sorry I haven’t responded in a while, I am visiting my grandmother in Florida (my grandfather passed away last week), so I have been sans computer for a while.
IK: thanks for the clarification. I’m glad we’re all on the same side!
I am so sorry I missed the Bible Belt discussion! I am from the most hardcore bible banging state: Kansas. It is intense there, let me tell you. there is a religous right group there that is for the war in Iraq b/c they believe that it will bring about the second coming of Christ, and they will all go to heaven. God Bless them!
And, the Bible Belt is not only the South, it is also the midwest. Kansas is not in the south. We were a free state in the Civil War, and we are very proud of that.
That is why I now live in New Jersey. Everyone hates everyone equally. Amen, brothers and sisters.
PS: I don’t care if I had no idea where Kerry stood… he wasn’t W and that’s all that mattered!
PPS: do you think Jesus gets embarrassed about all of these religious kooks? I’m sure he’s impressed with all of the things people claim he "said" that he really didn’t say…
hg:: Then how do you know if kerry wouldnt mess up wayyy badly then gw? For all you know he could of gone ahead and renstate the draft and maybe even worss. Not that I blame you for wanting mr gw out, but for all you know kerry would of been no better.
ps::sorry a bout your loss.
HG15: I share your sentiments – exactly. That must have been something growing up in Kansas. I don’t know how they do it. Donerail
You do have a point, OD, but I absolutely will not vote for someone who caters to the opinions of the religious right. whether he was just using them to get back into office or not, I know how destructive those people can be if they have too much power, so I will do everything legal within my power to see that does not happen.
If I could only convince people who aren’t from the red states that this is a serious problem, we would all be fine and dandy, but no one out here takes the threat of them seriously. They are just as scary as any terrorists we are fighting since 9/11, but with the Jesus freaks, the core values that make America so great are in jeopardy.
I wish the "real" Republicans would take their party back from the Yahoos… Three Cheers for Moderates!!!!!
Anyhow, off of my soap box… talk to you all soon!
HG15: How did you ever escape from Kansas? They probably have Wanted Posters out there now with your picture on it. I agree with you totally with regard to the religious right (don’t forget the religous left, either.) Can you imagine if the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson ever came into power? There would be Goosestepping all over American while Washington, Jefferson, Adams, et al went spinning in their graves. Donerail
Donerail- I should keep an eye out for Wyatt Earp! (another famous Kansan) It was surprisingly easy b/c they don’t want people who can think for themselves (no "flip flopping" allowed). I very much enjoy living in a Blue State now.
Thought I would provoke another thought process for everyone today. Here is a quote from the National Defense Strategy of the USA, March 18, 2005:
"Our strength as a nation will continue to be challenged by those who employ a strategy of the weak focusing on international fora, judicial processes and terrorism."
What do you all think?
HG15: Being involved with the Defense Industry, I find most things that come out of the Pentagon to be very scary. I would add that quote to the list. We would all be well served if the defense budget was cut in half. Donerail
Eh I find some truth to what that statement says. No matter what we do. IF it’s popular or not like with Iraq, Countries and other enemies will come at us. Like for instance, we might end up going to war with china if they attack Taiwan (spelling) but I guess that’s different but still. America has all ways had a big bulls eye on it. Even be for bush was in office, its just now coming to light because some media like to show just one side of the story, and some times it is the truth. I personally don’t think cutting our defense budget would be wise. The last president that did that was Clinton, and look at where our military is. We had way more troops but then Clinton starts closeting down base. Such a move I feel would make us weaker and give other countries more reason to invade or attack us. I don’t think our friends would come to our aid ether. I think in that case we would be on our own. But that’s just my opinion.
Actually, knowing some high-up people in the military, Clinton was not the one that cut the military. The cut of the military occurred after Desert Storm during the Bush Sr. administration. Not Clinton. The GOPs are just good at turning the story around.
The US has always had a target, yes. Many people are jealous, but most people who hate us hate us for the arrogance that the quote emphasizes. People who really want to "win" the war on terrorism (which politicians don’t b/c it keeps them in office if Al Q is still around), they have to figure out the triggers of it.
For example: repressive governments, poverty, idle young males, US arrogance, US policy toward Israel, and many more to count.
Figuring out how our actions impact the world is not a strategy of the weak. It might just save us in the long run.
HG15: You have pretty much captured it. Perhaps some international travel should be compulsory for our high school and college students. The level of sophistication of our youth is a national scandal. Donerail
Donerail, I couldn’t agree with you more. I think that my parents did me a great service by taking me to Europe when I was young. It gave me a great appreciation for other cultures, which is sorely lacking in this generation.
Going on a cruise through Northern Europe was the best thing that happened to my boyfriend’s father. He had never left the US before and he is an avid watcher of Fox News, enough said. Although, I think it’s already rotted his brain…
No disrespect intended, but anyone that can watch FoxNews for over 5 minutes at a time has been invaded by the Stepford Wives "attitude adjustment" squad.
I can’t stand to watch Fox…I try sometimes…but, it seems that they get Democratic leaning people on their program, so they can interrupt them when trying to make a point, downgrade their beliefs, laugh at them, and just really ridicule them and their beliefs…
Repert Murdoch must be very proud…
ikorrellim: I actually find Fox to be somewhat entertaining. In a perverse sort of way. For those that missed Joe McCarthy we can see his incarnation in the likes of Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly. It is pretty funny to watch those gasbags. Donerail
I use Fox News as a learning tool for my GOP bf and his family. They are absolutely terrified by the thought of another terrorist attack, so they buy into the bull quite easily.
Whenever I am subjected to watching it, after each story, I take the opportunity to say, "do you want to know what really happened?" and they let me talk about it (finally). They know that I am taking International Law classes in Law School, so they listen to what I say, which is very helpful. Like I said before, his parents went to Northern Europe on a cruise and visited Belfast, and I think that was a huge awakening on what real terrorism is like and having to live in a war zone.
Anyhow, whenever we talk about anything current, I have a policy of never believing anything that they say outright b/c they heard it on Fox News. They could tell me the score of a basketball game, and I would still double-check it. I think they’ve gotten the point. But it caters to their fears/opinions, so hey, I just like them for their other qualities and try to ignore this one, major flaw. (btw… East Coast GOPs have no idea what has happened to their party… they just ignore the jesus freaks, and it’s sad. I try to warn them, but they don’t listen!)
My brother and his wife like to "tell me things"…I always know it came from FoxNews…They watch evangelicals on TV, FoxNews and go to church a lot…Right Wing Republicans…all the way…
I can’t stand to hear Sean…he screams, sounds in a high pitched like a teenage boy when trying to make a point…I think he must be Rupert’s nephew. That’s the way he keeps his job…As a matter of fact, I e-mail him those very same thoughts…Not Rupert…his nephew…
ikorrelim: "No disrespect intended, but anyone that can watch FoxNews for over 5 minutes at a time has been invaded by the Stepford Wives "attitude adjustment" squad." <—–HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! This is one of the funniest comments I’ve ever heard! Bravo! )))
I don’t watch Fox News at all. I don’t need the propaganda….
donerail: Las Vegas was a hoot. However, I didn’t see much of the strip as my friend whom I visisted has various psychological,eating and drinking disorders/diseases which prevented me from seeing or doing much. I did however, get invited to a private club on top of Mandalay Bay where movie stars and celebrities hang out, and I got some interesting photos of the strip at night from there.
I did take day photos of the Paris casino. It was the weirderst thing, to see the paris Opera and the Eiffel Tower built exactly at 1/3 scale. I purchased night photos of the Paris Casino that said, "Paris, Las Vegas" for some Paris friends and I sent the cards to them. They got a huge laugh from them.
It was nice however, to have morning coffee on her back patio in the shade, in warm, sunny weather with flowers and birds everywhere. NJ was in the grips of a snowstorm and here I was, sitting outside at 8 a.m. in a summer bathrobe enjoying the warm air. Her and her husband own a Mediterrean style house where the back double doors open up to the sunshine.
I will be uploading the photos sometime this week or next week. You can all be voyeurs and take a little looksie then
I have a question. I have seen a lot of democrats say that there in the right or how cruel and mean the g.o.p is. But I ask this, the majority of dems I have talked to seem to be just as mean and insulting as the reps. Its hard to see some ones point of view when its all ways hateful quite frankly. Not to say the reps are any better but I have seen dems preach a bout how the reps should not stoop so low as to lie and what not when they are doing the same thing. What makes any group "right" in their views when they’re just as spiteful and hateful to those who don?t believe the way they do. Makes me loose faith in both parties when they have to act like children and stoop so low as to insults. Just want to hear your guy’s opinion on this matter.
Since becoming a political junkie during the 2004 presidential race, I watch a lot of C-SPAN (house) and C-SPAN II (Senate) debates…
The Republicans have become "drunk with power"…They feel that they are untouchable…look at what they did this past week…by a "unananmous consent)…in the Senate…ONLY Frist, Delay, Hastert and the almighty Santorum were there…(unanamous consent means that the ones that showed up voted…They FORGOT to inform all of members that they were meeting late at night)…Even the Chaplain wasn’t there, Rick Santorum gave the prayer…they passed this bill to to have the Schiavo case dragged through the courts AGAIN…after 19 judges ruled in the past after seven years of conflict…The American people by 80% (including evangilicals) oppose the idea of Congress and the President getting involved…The Repubs thought they had an "issue that would excite their base)…Well, it sure did…Not Terry Randall is screaming from Florida that if they lose this case that the Republicans "will have hell to pay"…That is what happens when we do not keep a separation of government and religion…Me thinks the Republicans dug their own demise in the election of 2006…I am elated…I hope the first two to go are DeLay and Santorum…the worst right winger of them all…Next I hope this nixes Dr. Senator Frist’s chances for the 2008 Republican nomination. The Religious Right Wing now want "payback" for putting Bush in office…They are 25% of the electorate…Why do you think Bush got on a plane and came back to sign the bill in DC when he could have easily signed it in Crawford, Texas…He and his Republican majority are being "blackmailed" by the religious right…The document could have been sent to him electronically and he could have signed it sooner…It is all politics at it’s worse…Using this tragedy for political gain…
The Democrats are staying low…I don’t blame them…this was a partisan issue, a partisan vote…and I hope the Republicans pay for their folly…
P.S. If you don’t have a living will…you might want to get one…I have one, I certainly do not want DeLay, Frist and the likes of Rick Santorum standing by my bedside…
On another note…if you want to have some fun…Video tape a mole, pimple or spot on your body…Send the tape to Dr. Senator Frist (heart/lung surgeon) and asked him for a diagnosis…You could say, "Senator, since you were able to diagnosis Mrs. Shiavo’s case with a video made in 1991, I am asking your opinion on this issue of mine…this should be easy for you"…
This was blogged about yesterday…wouldn’t it be funny if Frist’s office was enudated with millions of video tapes asking for a diagnosis?
That still doesn’t answer my question about the dems insults and what makes their side right. I do agree with you but so fare every one I have asked this that’s ether dem or supports dem will not give me an answer. (Sorry for spelling its late lol)Or thay tell me rebs need to be this and that.I do understand a bout this terri issue but what i want to know is how can dems say there the "right: group and stuff when thay act just like the rebs. Thanks for your feedback ik
Democrats are the party of the "plain people"…Their first president was Andrew Jackson. A rich son of a former president…Adams was in office at the time. (Sound familiar?). The people got tired of the rich getting richer and the upper crust getting everything. They formed their own party and called it the "plain people’s party"…They held b-b-ques, campaigned and won the election that year by putting Andrew Jackson in office…The party became known as the Democratic Party (or democrat for fair)…
Republicans are the party of Lincoln…so they say…Although they promised all freed slaves 40 acres and a mule…The slaves never got the 40 acres and they never got the mule. So they have been "riding the donkey" ever since, especially since the New Deal (Roosevelt-democratic) and Civil Rights (Johnson-democatic)…
The Democratics are for taking care of the "plain people"…When I was in fourth grade, I asked my grandmother, "What is the difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party"…She answered, "The Republicans are for big business, the Democrats are for the People"…That impressed me and never left…
Democrats are not half as "nasty, sarcastic, etc. as the Republicans…Usually, when a democratic gets that way, it is in defense of something the arrogant republicans have said…
Politics is a dog eat dog world…and that makes for strange bedfellows…Read the blogs…DeLay is in trouble now…I can’t wait to see him go down come election time…newspapers all over the country have escalated their news about him…since the Shiavo case…Not only did he cross the line by getting the government and president involved…he invoked the name of God…and told a group that the Shaiva case had been sent by God…and that he was being persecuted just like her…Frist has put a damper on his bid for the 2008 Republican nomination for pres. by this…and Rick Santorum (the worst right winger of them all) is hopefully going to be put down in 2006 by Bob Casey…Let’s HOPE…and shall we say PRAY…
Anyway, enough…perhaps more of my learned associates on this forum can explain it better…Donerail? LV-B (sorry can’t remember how to spell your name)…
ikorrellim: I could not improve on what you just posted. The amazing thing is that question you asked your grandmother. I asked the same thing of my mother and she gave me the identical response: "The Republicans are for Big Business and the Democratics are for the plain worker." It is, perhaps, an oversimplification but I believe it to be true. There are radicals on both the right and left but for the most part the average Joe would be better served by the Democratic Party. I can still remember the Republicans bitching and moaning over GI Bill, Medicare, the Civil Rights Act, OSHA, and a host of other productive initiatives. The Republicans did give us a reduction in the capital gains tax – and for that I am greatful. Donerail
That’s actually what Bruce Springsteen’s mother told him as well. She said something like, "We’re Democrats b/c Democrats are for regular people." Don’t quote me exactly, but that’s around the vicinity of the quote. It’s in Rolling Stone magazine from when he did the Vote for Change Tour, which was excellent at Continental Airlines Arena!
Anyhow… I would really like to know exactly what the GOPs stand for anymore. GOPs used to be, "No taxes, fiscal responsibility, states rights, little federal government," which doesn’t sound too bad to me (remember, I’m from a Red State, I can’t help myself!)…but we now have the biggest Federal Government with virtually unchecked powers, a horrible economy, an enormous deficit, and an increasingly smaller separation of church and state. What’s going on here??? Like I said before, if the real GOPs would take back their party from these nutty Yahoos (mostly Carl (k?) Rove’s doing anyhow), it would be a much better place.
Speaking of Mr. Rove, he is absolutely brilliant. Scary, but brilliant. The Dems need to get Bill going behind the scenes, or they’re in trouble. Bill’s the only one who can match Rove’s "strategery" (by the way, that’s my favorite word that W’s made up so far!!!)…
ikorrelim: I must say, I am completely impressed by your transformation from Republican to Democrat. And the fact that you are now a political activist and keep yourself well informed on major issues. Would be that all Americans would be as you are, whether they were Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or other political party of their choice.
I had asked my parents the same question as you asked your Granny, and my parents responded that the "Democrats raise taxes and the Republicans don’t. Therefore, if you want to pay more taxes and pay for more welfare people to live off your money, then vote Democrat. If not, then vote Republican." My father was an international physicist and electro-chemist, so he spoke from his wallet’s point of view. He had assets to protect.
holmgirl15: You must remember that Bush doesn’t care if he runs this country dry. He is for big business, for the wealthy ONLY. As he cannot be re-elected, he will do whatever he wants, whatever will profit him and his associates because he cannot be held accountable for his actions. The wealthy won’t ever really pay. The middle class are the group in this country that bear the financial burdens.
I find it interesting that a friend of mine, who voted Bush because he was a "Christian and a God-fearing man who would kill those dirty Arabs" is now furious with the high oil prices, etc. I told her, "you voted for him, I did NOT, so you got what you voted for." I can afford the higher gas prices, although I certainly do NOT like it, however, she cannot afford to pay $2.15/gallon for gas.
What kind of "Christian and God fearing man" would allow the death penalty as governor? I thought it was "thou shall not kill/murder." I guess this only applies to people who are NOT politicians…
I would post more, but you all know what I think by now….
donerail: you never commented on my Las Vegas post. Maybe you didn’t notice it? ;p
Thank you all for your feedback. I got good news. Im going to visit France during the summer. Well good and bad. Good because I all ways wanted to see France. Bad because I?m going to meet my girlfriend of three years parents who is wayyy anti-American, ant-war and what not. Well they don?t hate Americans but they believe where all a bunch of warmongers, and aragont. Im going to get it form them because well I support the war. They all ready know a bout me, but my girlfriend told me that they will most likely try to get me to debate my standings and believes. There stubborn and this got me worried only because I want this to be in joy able and not all a bout politics and stuff. Any ways what should I go see? What should I go do? Well be in lyorn or some thing like that (sorry cant spell it lol) We will be there for a three weeks.Thanks for any addvice you all could give me.
oddone: I is going to be difficult for you with the g/f’s parents. Good luck trying to defend an indefensible position. Donerail
Thanks for the good luck donerail.If it comes down to a debate all im going to say is how I feel and thats that,Of couses I’ll be very respectfull to them . My girlfriend and I get in to heated debats a lot sence she is’nt for the war,But she is understanding and respects my veiws as I respect her views.One of the manny reasons why I love this girl and plan on asking her to be my wife .I just hope they like me.
I definitely wish you good luck! Just make sure that you listen to their side of the argument and realize that the "American Way" is not the only way to do things. As long as you treat their opinions with respect and understand their reasons for not agreeing with you, I think you will get along fine!
hi i am an american and was wondering how do you like it so far?