Not All of Us Agree

In my experience, there are many French who make assumptions about American people. Many things are assumed about American people, in part because of the way their country acts, and in part because of the way they themselves act when they are travelling abroad. I would like to say something.

Not all of us agree.

It was just last night I was involved in an argument with a very old friend of mine. I had not seen him in a long time, and when I spoke to him he told me he intended to join the army. He did not have any very good reason why, except that he wanted to have a high-paying job so he could afford to marry his longtime girlfriend. When I was talking to him, he shared some opinions with me that he did not have last time I talked to him. He argued with me about America and what it is currently doing abroad. The information in his argument came directly from his Army recruiter, who he had just seen.

It was then that I started to realize that my opinions differed drastically from those of my countrymen about what we should be doing as a country.

I just wanted to say that not all of us Americans agree with what is taking place. The way the American government is set up, my voice will probably not be heard. It is likely that the Republican regime will control this next election, and if Bush should win and become President, I fear for the state of our country. Already it is not the free place it was only a few years ago. And if my country should be acting against my will, there is little I can do to keep my integrity. I suppose all I can do is make preparations to leave the US.

In the meantime, I think it is important to let other know: not all of us agree. The worldwide image of America is becoming an ugly thing, and although I do not want to lie about where I come from, I feel almost embarassed that I am American.

Just wanted to say these things. Please feel free to reply and let me know what you think.

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