I was very surprise the other day because I find a lot of site against french and France and i was trying to find the same in the other side but nothing
Me I fight against your government but I don’t blame all the american for an economic problem, i boycott mac donalds and coca cola for the symbol of the capitalism (it dosn’t mean that i am communist)and also because i don’t want to have healthy problems like a lot of american kids (or older) have
and i wanted to say also that french people react but they react on everything they are not so patriotic, they are proud of their wine, their food but they don’t follow a stupid president
and for the war i think that the media manipulate a lot the mind of the people, me i was against but i didn’t read just the french newspaper i also read the ny times to see how the journalist give the information and i think that my point of view is really mine and not given by a journalist
I saw also some tv program like j leno , and if you see everyday some media that manipulate your spirit like that you think that you made your own opinion but it’s not true
But I m really tired of these dialogue that i read and if you don’t want to buy french don’t do it but when we are waisting time in talking your GI get killed and if your president was a little smart he would wait a little and find another way to put sadam out because they can’t find any weapon yet even if they find some plan of an eventual idea of weapon and the irak people don’t accept the american organisation so it was not the best idea
for me bush is responsible of these death, and i feel very sad for these guy that didn’t want that and believed in their president, he full them just because he was attacked in his proudness
so i believe that american people are not like their president and i hope you will make the good choice for the next election