French consultant tells Kerry: Be less Gauling

A French-born marketing guru has a pointed warning for Democratic wannabe John Kerry: You come off as way too French, mon ami.

“The whole French connection is ‘off-code,’ ” said psychologist Clotaire Rapaille, who helps Fortune 100 companies sell everything from shampoo to the PT Cruiser car by psychoanalyzing cultures. He calls it decoding cultural archetypes.

“The French are thinkers – ‘I think, therefore I am.’ Americans want somebody that is going to take action . . . All this association [of Kerry] with thinking too much and nuance and five-sentence answers is off-code,” he told The Post.

Rapaille’s upcoming book, “Archetypes of the Presidency,” will analyze politicians’ behavior as “on-code” or “off-code” – what meshes or clashes with American culture and what

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