Chirac calls emergency meeting of top ministers

Late last night rioters shot and injured 10 police officers, two seriously, when security forces confronted 200 stone-throwers. One officer was treated in hospital for shotgun wounds to the throat, and another for leg wounds. The gunmen were among crowds attacking police in Grigny, south of Paris.

 Rioting was once again widespread. Youths seized a bus in Saint-Etienne, in southern France, ordered passengers off, and torched the vehicle; its driver and one passenger were hurt, officials said. In Rouen, in the north, rioters pushed a burning car against a police building; nobody was hurt, police said. Cars were also burned in Nantes, Rennes and Orleans.

A national police spokesman said a total of 2,200 cars were burned around the country on Friday and Saturday nights, including in previously untouched cities or towns like Nantes in the west, Avignon in the south and Evreux in Normandy.

Residents and local officials vented both anger and frustration as the violence, set off by the accidental deaths of two youths 10 days ago, continued to spread despite repeated pleas for calm.

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