China, France vow to work for solution of global issues

     On promotion of sustainable development, the two countries pledge to make concerted efforts to fulfill the millennium development targets set by the United Nations in September 2000, and strive to eliminate poverty, hunger, diseases, environment degradation, illiteracy and discrimination against women.

    On environment protection, China and France reaffirm their support for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, recalling that both have ratified the Kyoto Protocol.

    In a bid to draw more international attention to environmental issues, the two countries support the strengthening of the role of the UN Environment Program (UNEP) and broad discussions on the reform of the UNEP.

    In the joint declaration, the two countries voice their supportto balanced international trade and globalization based on mutual benefit. They also reiterate their emphasis on the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the multilateral trade system.

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