Carnival of blogs # 9

Napoleon is out ? – Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the greatest Frenchmen of them all? A TV series asks the question in an ongoing series that has French people vote for the most important Frenchman or French woman. According to Joe Hanley from the Guardian, the series is based on a British series and the results are quite baffling. Who would have thoiught Napoleon, of all Frenchmen would be one of the first to get the boot?

Oh, those crazy French driversElizabeth is a University teacher in Pennsylvania who was born and raised in France and moved to the US in 1983. Her musings on the life of a Frenchwoman in America include this blog about Rendez Vous a 10 minute film Claude Lelouch made in 1978, where you can see what it would be to drive through the heart of Paris at breaknec speed.You first need to read Elizabeth’s introduction, and then head to see the short a mindboggling feat done without any special effect. If you have never seen this short movie, do it now, and don’t try doing this at home!

Paris Daily photo blog -You love Paris? You have never been to Paris but you would like a sneakpreview? Go to this blog every day and you will find a brand new picture, taken by one of its inhabitants. Eric has a good eye for colours and catches amusing details of the City of Lights.This is like having your own private photographer in the heart of Paris.

Learning French on a budget – here are some tips from Why Travel to France and links if you happen to find yourself wanting to get a crash course in French before coming to France, Belgium or
other French-speaking countries. This blog has a very interesting collection of articles including some on Vegan wines in France (apparently not alll wines are vegan) and the Capitale Francaise du Secourisme, the 6,300 strong city of Montbiard.

The Carnival of France, Travel and Francophiles is a weekly round-up of news, blogs, travel reports, photos and other findings related to France

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