Normandy Barriere

This superb Anglo-Normand manor is a hymn to regional architecture. On seeing its pastel green timbering, its chequered stonework and its turrets, one can easily understand why the hotel has been attracting the world’s greatest men and women since 1912. The Normandy, symbol of the extravagance of the Edwardian-era luxury resort, is situated in the heart of Deauville, opposite the sea.
Each of the 291 rooms and suites below the myriad little roofs of mossy tiles provides its guests with all the
most up-to-date comfort plus that touch of nostalgia which imparts its special charm. Green Normandy half-timbering around an attractive turquoise pool where the translucent roof opens in summer onto blues skies.
A little bridge in azobé wood recalls the seafront planks and leads to the fitness centre where state-of-the-art equipment mingles with very British wood panelling.
Steam baths, sauna, muscle-training and stretching room, rest room: all is laid on in the hotel itself to help you regain or maintain your form. And there are specialists to give you massage, UV or beauty treatments (paying services).
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