We're more alike Than You May Think

I watched a French movie today, not pornography, and realized just how much alike we are. The US is a democracy, surprise.Pres. Bush has a 29% approval rating. Unless he can pull a rabbit out of a hat this next election, the Republicans are in trouble. Europeans seem to think that the churches in the US are running this country. Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, abortion is legal foe any reason up to to time of viabilty. Abortion is the thorn in the side of the evangelicals since 1973. Also, the evangelicals are against gay rights, yet gays in this countries have all the civil rights as anyone else. Now they want gay marriage, so far only Mass. has it, but time is still going on and I’ll bet in five years gay marriage will be an accepted fact. Lifetime commitment isn’t enough, because of inheritance rights and when someone ill and semi-consious, the next of kin has the say over who may visit. Even though the couple may have been together twenty years the sick person’s family has the say. These are only a few examples major differences in what the evangelicals want as law but are loosing. As for Iraq, no one I know has the slightest idea whey we’re there. My son is in the Naval Reserves, I just pray that he isn’t called up. France has been in Africa for so long that Americans don’t know why you’re there. I keep up on things but I don’t know why France is in an African war. It’s like my mother used to say, "Pot calling the kettle black."

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