Welcome to's Forums

The Forums are meant to facilitate dialogue for the following main purposes:

1. Provide information to those looking for information not otherwise found on;

2. Members needing assistance with this site or hoping to have someone help them locate the information they need;

3. Members wanting to express their ideas, impressions, or suggestions about most anything French or related to France;

The basic ground rules for discussions on the Forums are quite simple: be polite and respectful, use common sense, and don't post any message that hints at advertising.

Members wishing to solicit sales may not use the forums to do so.

Opinions, advice and all other information expressed by members in discussions are those of their author. Therefore, you rely on such information (including 3rd party advice) at your own risk. Members are urged to seek professional advice for specific, individual assistance and not rely solely on advice or opinions given in these discussions.

We wish you a good time amongst us!

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