visit the french riviera?

I would offer the following advice and information:

Expense – The cost of a pizza is about 15-30 euros each!

Clean? – The area is quite dirty with lots of dog poo and wee

Pollution – noisy, many ear splitting mopeds and cars that do not take any notice at crossings or of pedestrians.

Amenities – not many if you don’t like sitting in very expensive cafes and looking at empty tables because the tourists have gone elsewhere.

Helpful – with some exceptions the staff are surly and give the impression they are doing you a favour

Overall – give it a miss in my experience. Go somewhere where they appreciate visitors and offer something first.

Also in my view the local media and chamber of commerce do not like criticism even when they should listen to it. They even tried to ignore the heatwave this summer when even the locals left and many old people died.

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