New Tour: 6-Day tour of Bordeaux and Dordogne

resultBy combining a wine tour of Bordeaux a visit of the most dramatic sites of Dordogne, this tour is sure to please the France connoisseur as well as the first time visitor.

In the Bordeaux region, your tours will include visits of Medoc, Pomerol and Saint-Emilion. wine tastings in the three appelations will have you discover the subtlety , smoothness and richness of these impressive wines.

Next, you’ll go to Sarlat where the tour will turn into a gastronomic feat, a visit of some of the most amazing hillside villages you’ll ever see, including Rocamadour and the Padirac Chasm. Finally, you’ll come face-to-face with one of the earliest of your ancestors at Les Eyzies, and the National Prehistoric Museum, one of the most complete in the world.

See the detailed itineray, and we’re here to answer any question you may have about this tour.

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