This web site is a “family friendly” site. We welcome people of all ages to our forums. Because of this, keep posts “clean” and do not engage in sexual innuendo, excessively crude talk, violent or threatening talk, foul langauage, or personal attacks. Posts containing any of the above may be removed or edited without notification. Threads which degenerate into disruptive battles, “dirty” talk, or which in any other way violate a “family friendly” atmosphere may be removed.
We encourage enthusiastic and spirited discussion. Disagreements can make for good discussion. People are allowed to disagree and state opinions strongly. However, hostile posts, or a pattern of hostile posts, which disrupt the level of conversation on a thread may also be edited or removed, and action may be taken against offending posters.
If another poster violates TOS, it is better to ignore the post and/or notify a moderator. Debating with a hostile poster about their behavior only causes thread degeneration. Stick to the topic of the thread, rather than the personalities involved. Often “removing the audience” causes an offending poster to stop hostile tactics, as they no longer bring attention. Another person’s poor behavior is not an excuse to misbehave.
TOS details and explanations:
Foul Language: Foul language is not welcome here. Strong language will be removed, and a continued pattern of foul language may result in the poster being barred from the forums. Masked but recognizable foul or crude language, (such as replacing a letter with an * or changing a letter), is still considered a violation of Terms of Service.
Attack: “Flaming” or personal attacks are not permitted on this website. Disagreement is not the same as attack. We are people of varied opinions, and will naturally disagree at times. A certain amount of “thick skin” is necessary in any internet forum. Do not take a strong statement of opinion as an attack. But attacks on another poster (as opposed to their argument) violate these Terms of Service. A poster who engages in such personal attacks may be banned from the forums. Personal attack may be defined as any behavior designed to make a poster feel unwelcome on the forum. This would include, for example, racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual slurs, or scorn directed at another poster, or attempts to drive another poster off the message board. Threads with the purpost of criticising or insulting another poster will be removed.
Board Disruption: Board disruption can take a variety of forms. Continual disruption of a thread due to personal bickering, hostility, spam, etc, may result in the thread being locked, removed, or the posters involved being banned from the forum for a period of time.
Violence or threats: These are absolutely not tolerated. Even suggested violence in jest, against board members or any other real person, public or private, will be removed.
Inactive Email Addresses: Each user must have a working email address. If it is found that a user has registered under a false email address, we may cancel that user’s account without prior notice or warning. It is the user’s responsibility to maintain a current and active email address. Email addresses can be update by going to “My Info” in the community section.
Advertising and sales are only permitted in designated forums. No “spam”, please.
The staff will determine when a poster has violated TOS and what actions, if any, shall be taken.
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