Six Free Things To Do In Paris

Jardin Saint Vincent

Contrary to what some people may think, a visit to the City of Light need not break the bank, so to prove it, we’ve put together half a dozen great free things to do in Paris for the budget-conscious visitor.

Take a walk among the tropical plants in the Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale
In the northern part of the Bois de Vincennes, in the suburb of Nogent-sur-Marne, is a public park with a difference: in 1907, it was home to l’Éxposition Coloniale, where six villages – each representing one of France’s colonial territories (Sudan, Madagascar, Indochina, Congo, Morocco & Tunisia) – were recreated… complete with ‘natives’ shipped in from their homelands. Although the occupants of this global village are long gone, this very peaceful park remains, along with its exotic plants from the former French colonies, and ruined buildings. It’s an intriguing place to go for an afternoon stroll.

Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale, 45 bis Avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 75012

Be a culture vulture
On the first Sunday of each month (and Bastille Day), both the Louvre and Musée d’Orsay waive their admission fees, which means you can smile back at the Mona Lisa, admire Gaugin’s Tahitian Women, marvel at Van Gogh’s Starry Night, or even say hello to Whistler’s Mother.

In addition to free Sundays, visitors under the age of 18 always have free admission to the d’Orsay, and under 25s don’t have to pay to go to the Louvre on Friday nights between 6pm-9.45pm.

Musée du Louvre, 75058 
Musée d’Orsay, 1, rue de la Légion d’Honneur, 75007

Visit a secret garden in Montmartre
Until the mid-20th century, there used to be a public square next to the Montmartre vineyard in the 18th arrondissement; however, between the 1960s and ‘80s, it lay abandoned until a natural habitat was created to be home to flora and fauna alike. Since then, this walled naturally-evolving wild garden, with its pond, slopes, and winding paths, has been open to the public… but only at weekends, between the beginning of April and the end of October.

Jardin Saint Vincent, 17 rue Saint Vincent 75018 

Have a picnic near Père Lachaise
Just on the other side of the wall of the Père Lachaise cemetery (where, if you feel so inclined, you could see offerings of booze on Jim Morrison’s grave, and lipstick smudges on Oscar Wilde’s tombstone) is le Jardin Naturel, a quiet and tranquil wildflower-filled park that tourists almost never find. And by tourists, we’re including Parisians who don’t actually live in Montmartre. Why? Because the only way into the park is via a small side street just off rue Bagnolet.

Jardin Naturel, 120 rue de la Réunion 

Take in a fashion show
Each Monday and Friday at 3pm, you can see a free 25 minute fashion show in the Salon Opéra, on the 7th floor of Galeries Lafayette. Reservations are a must but can be made via email.

Garleries Lafayette, 40 Blvd Haussmann, 75009

Visit museums and galleries at night
Finally (for now!), if you are in Paris this weekend, then you should really check out Nuit Blanche, and all it has to offer. This annual event, held on the first weekend of October, is an all-night celebration of art and culture in all its forms; from sculpture to digital installations, from dance to performance art, from street art to more traditional forms. And much more.

Museums and galleries on both sides of the Seine are open from 7pm, and throughout the night, and visitors can experience candlelit walks, music, special exhibitions and events, as well of course, as being able to visit the permanent exhibits therein.

And should you get peckish, there are plenty of street carts, which, while admittedly not free, will nevertheless provide sustenance while on your nocturnal culture trail. Some cafés and restaurants will be open throughout night as well.

To find your way around, follow the blue line – la Grande Randonnée Artistique (GRA), ask one of the 80 guides around the city (easily spotted by their white Nuit Blanche jackets), download the free iPhone app, or visit the official website for the full program.

If you have any great tips for free things to do in Paris, don’t forget to let us know in the comments section below, or on our Facebook page.

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