Message from CRC

Well peep-holes, I’m off for a few days. Going to the good ole’ US of A. Will be back in about 10 days.

Should be pretty interesting to be there in such ‘tense’ times. I’ll tell you what I felt when I’m back. As usual, a good deal of my trip will take place in Redneckland. So, as my mom said, I hope we don’t get shot. She’s got little experience of the place, so she really meant that. I don’t.

But, if you ever see a poor guy in an orange jumpsuit weeping on a home video shown on Faux News, while some big bearded Presbyterians with shotguns are standing behind him chanting psalms and waving rebel flags, well that might just be me !

Just kidding. As usual

Take care folks, and please try to keep the loonies that occcasionally show up in here until I’m back ! And don’t you dare find the Chinese Baby while I’m away.


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