Looking for over 20 yrs penpal for story sharing

My name is Christophe, I am a French guy of 40 living in USA. I am looking for penpal to talk about anything in French, English or Italian (although my Italian is poor).
I am pretty open as to what you want to talk about but I like particularly to build a story with another person, by turn.
Not sure if you are interested but please let me know,

Je m’appelles Christophe, Francais de 40 vivant aux USA and et souhaiterai parler en Francais ou Anglais avec toi si tu es interressee.
Je suis consultant in informatique et vis an Georgie, j’aime parler de pas mal de chose, j’aime aussi ecrire des histoires et la continuer a tour de role, cela peut etre amusant.


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