France is loosing it's soul

There was a time, long before my own, that France was thought of as a country of no prejudice. Black performers from the US could live in France and perform while being treated as equals. These people learned French culture and the lanuage. There were never that many foreign nationals, but today is a different story, the same thing is happening,on a smaller scale, as is happening in America. When people move to a new to take up residence they must conform with the customs, language, and become assimilated into the native land they have chosen to live in. A good example would be me, I can read a lot of French, I even can understand my Jacque Brel records. I just can’t seem to master the language. In other words I can’t speak French. If I were to move to France as a foreign national, I would learn the spoken language! Here in the US, every time I call any bussiness,office of any kind government, state or local, I am as To press "1" for English or something else for Spanish. Now I have nothing against our immigrants. I have always treated everyone as an equal, my French heritage, but I believe in an old saying"when in Rome, do as the Romans do". Canada ,of course has a different situation, here in America the Cajuns in the bayou, if any are left since Rita, speake language all of their own. France isn’t America, There’s no more room for all these people from across the globe. The different European countries have their own national cultures.. Each country must fight for their national identities to continue. Of course, I don’t mean bitterly fight, you know what I mean. I took fifteen hundred years for French culture to develop, in fifty years it will be know more.

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