The relationship between the US and France goes all the way back to the beginning of America. I think that the real problem is that France is too independent for most Americans to swallow. A lot of the problems started all the way back in the ’60 s ,France didn’t want our bases on their soil. If the French were conspiring with the USSR then the US would have something to worry about. Of course that wasn’t the case. America wanted to run the show and France wasn’t cooperating. Now all these years later France once again has shown her independence. It’s not like France wasn’t the only country who wanted to stay out of Iraq, a good number of our friends opted out of this conflict biggest problem was France was right, no one wants to be told "I told you so" now there are hurt feelings on both sides. I love my country that we’re there we must somehow install a democratic government. We need the help of our allies for this, but not in combat but in helping to make this country free from terrorism. What a mess!