The way I see it is that you have two very proud nations that are extremly nationalist. France is ,of course, a very old nation where it’s idenity has developed over a thousand years. After all the Holy Roman Empire began in the year one thousand ( I hope I spell the name right) Charmane was by the pope as the emperer. The US looks like an upstart to the europeans and I can see why, we really are the new kids on the block, and yet because we are so powerful We look like we trying to muscle our projects through the UN..I love my country too much to critize her to another country,but our presiden has a low opinion rating and still droping. Maybe someday soon we all can drop our false pride and come together on the things we do agree on. We have more in comm than differences. Oh, by the way, The Far right "Christian Right" does not make up the majority of the people in America. Theymake a lot of noise. During the elections here a coalition on ultra conservitive churches won that election for Bush.