can you help me find someone i met on holiday who is from france?!

i went to cuba from the 4th july to 18th july!! during my holiday i met this guy and he seemed really nice, but i dont no that much about him.
i know he has msn so im trying to find him so that i can keep in touch with him, i don tknow that much about him because he didnt speak much english. All i know is this;
….He went to cuba from 7th july to 21st July with his mum
….He lives in France, Paris i think becasue thats wher he was flying back to
….Hes 15 and his birthday is on the 7th September
….He doesnt like school but likes football
….He smokes
….I think his name is bobby or something like that
….Hes quite small wit brown hair that he spikes up and brown eyes

If you can help me in anyway please email me at
thank you so much xxxxxxxx

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