An Awating War…?

Many possibilities can create an upcoming war possibly. With France and Germany wanting to drop Tiananmen Square sanctions against selling weapons to China this could bring a new huge dilemma. For one why does China even need that much arms of destuction anyhow?

Another dispute is the oil trades with Iraq. Messing up Frances and Germany’s deals with Iraqi oil can cause more problems, possibly. Along with Russia in on the deal as well.

China, Russia, Germany, and France all dealing and collaborating with one another in different matters can cause more heat with the US. I’m pretty sure the US has to disagree with the selling of weapons to China. France, Germany, and Russia with the oil deals has already cause problems with them not going to war with Iraq.

With these four countries associating with one another and the US pissing them off, the US may have another thing coming.

**This all may sound ignorant and such but just thought it was interesting to me!!

Thank you, au revoir!!

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