History: Prehistory

80,000 B.C.
Homo Erectus
(400,000 B.C. Discovery of Fire)

80,000-30,000 B.C.

Homo Sapiens
Cro Magnon Man

4,000-2,500B.C. Neolithic Revolution

2,500-50 B.C.
Celtic Domination in Gaul

Where to see Prehistoric France?
Mostly in Brittanny and in the Southwest of France.

We recommend:
The French film:
The Quest for Fire

The first humans found in France, known as Homo Erectus, are believed to have lived around 950,000 B.C.
 Cave paintings
First form of French Art:
over 12,000 years old! 😉

They evolved slowly, through four glaciations, discovered fire in the process (around 400,000 B.C.) to become Homo Sapiens. One of them, Cro-Magnon man, found in Dordogne (South West of France) in 1868 used to live circa 25,000. His physionomy differed only slightly from ours.

At the end of the ice age, around 10,000 B.C., Neanderthal men evolved slowly towards the more

There are over 4,000 Dolmen
(prehistoric sepultures) in France

settled Neolithic civilizations (4,000-2,500 B.C.). People began to cultivate crops and settle herds, villages started to appear (many villages of today still occupy the same locations as those started then).

The Celts, emerging from Central Europe, settled in Germany and Gaul as early as 2500 B.C. They started to work with iron to make tools and weapons, and lived in well organized societies until 125 B.C., when the Roman Empire began its in the South of France.

2 Mil -200 BC
200 BC-481
481 AD-1453
Middle Ages
1453 – 1598
1598 – 1715
Grand Siecle
1715 – 1804
1804 – 1870
1870 – 1919
19th Century
1919 – 1957
20th Century

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